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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Selected References on Research: RESEARCH NOTES
S. W. Lowman
AAPG Bulletin
... and scientific research has revealed many articles that are pertinent to our present problems. Two of these have been mimeographed and are ready for distribution...
Abstract: Discussion on the Popular Science Education Function of Geopark Museum and its Scientific Significance
Zhiguang Zhang, Yuan Zheng
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Discussion on the Popular Science Education Function of Geopark Museum and its Scientific Significance Zhiguang Zhang, Yuan Zheng...
The Geologic Time Scale, and the Logic behind it
Sriyanee De Silva
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... incorporating the more scientific deductive method. If we extend the method to be used to other fields in geoscience, we increase the 'logic potential...
Provenance of Johns Valley Boulders in Late Paleozoic Ouachita Facies, Southeastern Oklahoma and Southwestern Arkansas: REPLY
Gerald L. Shideler
AAPG Bulletin
..., J. C., 1967, Scientific method in analysis of sediments: New York, McGraw-Hill, 508 p. Hart, O. D., 1963, Geology of the eastern part of Winding...
Scientific-Technical Geophysical Conference
N. P. Dobrynina
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Scientific-Technical Geophysical Conference N. P. Dobrynina 1959 736 738 Vol. 3 (1959) No. 12B. (December) A scientific-technical geophysical...
Abstract: Something Rotten at the Core of Science?
David F. Horrobin
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and reliabil ity of scientific evidence. In its judgement in the case of Daubert versu s Merrell Dow, the Court attempted to set guidelines for US...
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in matters of method and would control supply of special apparatus. To consider as necessary the drawing up of a single plan of scientific research...
Aims of Scientific Research in Accordance with Theoretical Principles of Exploration for Oil and Gas Fields in View of the Decisions of the XXI Session of the KPSS and the June Plenium of the TsK KPSS
P. Ya. Antropol
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Aims of Scientific Research in Accordance with Theoretical Principles of Exploration for Oil and Gas Fields in View of the Decisions of the XXI...
Scientific Research in Understanding the Origin of Petroleum
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Prospectivity Analysis Using Value Engineering, by S. Fransiscus and M. R. Nellia; #91007 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Memorial: Dabney E. Petty (1891-1963)
Edgar W. Owen
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... scientific education was acquired at Georgia Institute of Technology and the geology department of the University of Texas. He worked as field...
Abstract: Supporting the Training of Physics Informed Neural Networks for Seismic Inversion Using Provenance;
Renan Souza, Andres Codas, Alberto Nogueira Junior, Joao Almeida, Miguel Quiñones, Leonardo Azevedo, Raphael Thiago, Elton Soares, Marcelo Costalonga Cardoso, Leonardo Martins
Search and Discovery.com
... collaborative work between geoscientists and numerical method engineers. They attempt to simplify the physics modeling aiming at efficient forecasting...
Abstract: XRF Core Scanning – A Time-efficient Tool for Non-destructive, High-resolution Element-geochemical Analyses of Drill Cores, by Matthias Forwick; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Progress In Microscopy For Users In Organic Petrography
H. Behl
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
...: info@microscope-spectroscopy.com ABSTRACT Vitrinite reflectance is the standard analytical method to differentiate macerals in organic petrography. Based...
Abstract: Toward a Method and Theory for Restoring Coastal Louisiana
Sherwood M. Gagliano
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Toward a Method and Theory for Restoring Coastal Louisiana Sherwood M. Gagliano 1997 Vol. 47 (1997), A century-long transgression...
Spline Fit Subsidence Evaluation for Denudation Studies of Basin Analysis, by Q. Guo and F. Chen; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Geochemical Exploration for Hydrocarbons--No New Tricks, but an Old Dog: ABSTRACT
William Duchscherer, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... for petroleum has evolved into a highly sophisticated technology where today practically every scientific discipline known is being employed with many...
Tectosat Study of Northwest European Margin from Satellite Imagery and Structural Data: ABSTRACT
W. Kampschuur
AAPG Bulletin
... and other remote-sensing images reveal unique information about the brittle fracture pattern of the lithosphere, but a scientific method of working...
Abstracts: Three-dimensional Stress Orientations Determined by Anelastic Strain Recovery Measurements and their Comperison with Borehole Breakouts; #90173 (2015)
Weiren Lin
Search and Discovery.com
...-dimensional stress orientation, anelastic strain recovery (ASR) measurements were carried out by using drill core samples taken from a scientific ocean deep...
Content of Combined Water in the Productive Sandstones of Stratum III of the Yareg Field
G. N. Pokrovskaya, Yu. Ya. Kalabin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... scientific research institutes. Up until now, however, this method has not been compared with the direct method of determining the combined water...
Abstract: Satellite Measurements and Global Datasets in the Arctic: The Benefits of the ASEP Method, by Susann Wienecke, Christine Fichler, Erik Lundin, Christopher Stadtler, and Christian Gram; #90130 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Comments on the Wegener Hypothesis
Edward W. Berry
AAPG Special Volumes
... because (1) the method of presentation is not scientific, (2) the facts of geophysics do not support it, (3) it fails in explanation of geological climates...
Place of Tectonic Concepts in Geological Thinking
Orlo E. Childs
AAPG Special Volumes
... includes a strong emphasis on the method of deriving knowledge, and it is this method which is common to all sciences. The scientific method can...
The Petroleum System Paradigm and the Biogenic Origin of Oil and Gas, by Wallace G. Dow
Search and Discovery.com
The Petroleum System Paradigm and the Biogenic Origin of Oil and Gas, by Wallace G. Dow; #90043 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com