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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Use of vis-NIR Spectroscopy in Clay Mineral Identification in Shale; #90224 (2015)
Somayeh Hosseininejad, Per Kent Pedersen, Ronald James Spencer, and Festus Michael Uwuilekhue
Search and Discovery.com
... the increasing importance of clay mineralogy in scientific geological research and petroleum industry, they have proven difficult to characterize...
The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy
Search and Discovery.com
Joint inversion of multi-height gravity and vertical gradient via physics-informed neural network
Yinshuo Li, Wenkai Lu, Cao Song
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... Gravity inversion is a widely used method for inversing subsurface structures, which is cheap and environmentally friendly. The common gravity inversion...
The Effect of Grain Size on Detrital Modes: A Test of the Gazzi-Dickinson Point-Counting Method: DISCUSSION
John Decker, Kenneth P. Helmold
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...." Standardization is an important goal in all scientific procedures, and point-count analysis is no exception. The Gazzi-Dickinson method, however...
A Digitizer for Field Measurements of Microtopography and Sediments Texture: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Maxim Shoshany
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Digitizer for Field Measurements of Microtopography and Sediments Texture: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER Maxim Shoshany 1989 Vol. 59 No. 4. (July), BURKE...
Foraminiferal Ecology and Paleoecology
Jere H. Lipps
Special Publications of SEPM
... were similar also. The method is used widely in scientific studies and in industrial applications. The result is based on the single hypothesis...
Abstract: A New Method to Determine the Source-Reservoir Association of Tight Oil in Jiuquan Basin, NW China, by Baiying Li, Zhenxue Jiang, Zhuo Li, Qun Luo, and Hexin Huang; #90180 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Future (IODP-tpe) Scientific Drilling in the Arctic Ocean: An Overview on Key Objectives and Key Areas, by Ruediger Stein; #90130 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Classification of Prognostic Reserves of Oil and Gas and Methods of Calculating Them
N. I. Buyalov, V. G. Vasil’yev, N. A. Kalinin, S. N. Simakov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of industry is now based largely on the scientific estimates of the prognostic reserves of oil and gas. Therefore, the classification and calculation...
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Information 1958 399 401 Vol. 2 (1958) No. 4B. (April) From December 10 to 13, 1957, in Kiev there was a scientific-technical conference...
Relation of Geophysics to Salt-Dome Structures: DISCUSSION
AAPG Bulletin
...): The magnetometer picture (Fig. 7) is given more for its scientific interest than for its practical value. The vertical intensity shows a 5-gamma closure...
Intensifying Oil and Gas Exploration in Siberia
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... and the Arctic, the method of exploration-prospecting and the necessary organization have been established. The possibilities of the presence of very...
Why Most Models Fail: The Importance of Blind Validation
Kerstan Wallace, Chad Gourgues, Carl Bernet, Angela Dang Atkinson, Timothy Yotter
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in an understanding. Validation is a critical piece of the scientific method. Reproducibility has been defined by the National Science Foundation...
Some Unsolved Problems in the Development of Oil Fields
A. G. Gabrielyan, I. N. Sinyagovskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... unsolved problems with respect to efficient working of oil and gas fields largely because the scientific research organizations have not given them...
Origin of Oil: Abstract
A. L. Kidwell, Parke A. Dickey
Tulsa Geological Society
... indisputable answers as to how it was formed. The history of scientific inquiry on the origin of oil began with a period of limited observation...
Abstract: Quantifying Multiple Working Hypotheses Geology and Competitive Offshore Lease Bidding
R. W. Boebel
GCAGS Transactions
...), The establishment and application of multiple working hypotheses has been basic to the scientific method and is a standard preliminary to interpretive petroleum...
ABSTRACT: Comparison Of Glacial Geomorphic Features In Antarctic Peninsula Fjords Based On Multibeam Swath Bathymetry Data
Y. Muñoz, J. S. Wellner, K. A. Mead, and L. A. Hardin
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... consisting of 120 beams of 12 kHz data. The data were edited for anomalous readings by the scientific party of each cruise while onboard; later the data...
Abstract: Palynological Study of Outcrop Samples from Layang-Layang Formation, Bandar Tenggara, Johor
Ahmad Munif Koraini, Azmi Mohd Yakzan, Uyop Said
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... SAlD2 lPETRONAS Research and Scientific Services Sdn. Bhd., Ulu Klang, 54200 Kuala Lumpur 2Department of Geology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600...
Abstract: An X-ray diffraction and structural refinement study of radiation-damaged zircons from Bancroft, Ontario
Michael J. Power
Atlantic Geology
... happens to zircon in the CA-TIMS (chemical abrasion - thermal ionization mass spectrometry) method for treating single zircon crystals before U-Pb TIMS...
The Obligation of Petroleum Technologists: ABSTRACT
H. H. Kaveler
AAPG Bulletin
... of living. Modern petroleum production technology is relatively new, although it is founded on long established scientific principles. The new production...
Origin of Oil: ABSTRACT
A. L. Kidwell, Parke A. Dickey
AAPG Bulletin
... indisputable answers as to how it was formed. The history of scientific inquiry on the origin of oil began with a period of limited observation...
About the Editors
AAPG Special Volumes
..., where she developed a K-Ar isotope method of age dating of rocks. She then found an opportunity to work on RNA synthesis with the Nobel Laureate...
Strategic Exploration in Basin Analysis Applications: Quantitative Measures of Probable Uncertainty and Risk, by S. Cao, A. E. Abbott, and I. Lerche; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com