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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Role and Importance of Geophysics in Oil and Gas Exploration in Siberia
A. I. Bogdanov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... by the telluric current method was carried out, as well as seismic sounding and river seismic surveying (reflection, and to a lesser extent refraction). River...
The petrophysical and petrographical properties of hyaloclastite deposits: Implications for petroleum exploration
Tim J. Watton, Kirstie A. Wright, Dougal A. Jerram, Richard J. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
..., or permeability pathways. The Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project phase II in 2001 obtained a 3 km-(2-mi)-long core of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks...
Outlook for Research in Exploration: RESEARCH NOTES
Roy R. Morse
AAPG Bulletin
... of the multiple attack with methods already at hand. We have not always used the scientific approach, the method of "multiple hypotheses...
The National Research Council and Oil Geology
K. C. Heald
AAPG Bulletin
... Research Council, published in 1923, "The National Research Council is a co-operative organization of the scientific men of America. Its members...
Organization of Committee on Geological Personnel: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
AAPG Bulletin
... of utilizing the scientific and technical resources of the country for dealing with (research) projects." The Nation has no greater resources...
Science and Policy in the U.S. Congress
Search and Discovery.com
Memorial: Leo Horvitz (1909-1986)
Martin J. Davidson
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... techniques are being determined not by the scientific demands of the method but by the prices the market will bear, which unfortunately is very low...
Petroleum Systems Modeling on the Move: Scientific Concepts, Numerical Models and Exploration Practices
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Morrow Internet Project: A Public-domain, Map-linked Internet Database for the Delaware Basin Morrow Play
Adam Rewis, Brian S. Brister
West Texas Geological Society
... to a computer. The New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources has adopted “world wide web” publishing as a preferred optional method of making available...
Method of Estimating Reserves of Natural Gas and Oil
I. I. Malyshev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Method of Estimating Reserves of Natural Gas and Oil I. I. Malyshev 1961 441 442 Vol. 5 (1961) No. 8. (August) A paper entitled “Method of estimating...
Plotting Equation for Gaussian Percentiles and a Spreadsheet Program for Generating Probability Plots: REPLY
James H. Balsillie, Joseph F. Donoghue, Kenji M. Butler, Jennifer L. Koch
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... a method for determining Gaussian plotting positions in a linear coordinate system solves, however, only part of the problem. Once done, the remaining...
Abstract: A Laboratory Procedure of Measuring Ultrasonic Properties of CO2 Saturated Fluids; #90224 (2015)
Arif Rabbani, Douglas R. Schmitt, and Randolf Kofman
Search and Discovery.com
... version of the traditional double reflectors pulse echo method is built to make the measurements of speed of sound in fluids affected by temperature...
Coupling Stratigraphic and Petroleum Systems Modeling: Implications For Hydrocarbon Exploration; #120121 (2013)
Luiz Felipe Carvalho Coutinho, Jose Eduardo Faccion, Guilherme Ceschiatti B. Moreira, Pedro de A. M. das Neves Miranda, Jose Alberto de Araujo, Marco Antonio Schreiner Moraes, Stefane Rodrigues Xavier Lopes, Alexandre Antonio de Oliveira Lopes, and Wagner Nahas Ribeiro
Search and Discovery.com
... parameters such as porosity, pore pressure, temperature and maturation of source rocks. The method is based on the mass conservation of components, and solves...
Exploration Soil Gas Methods that Reduce Site Characterization Costs
Arthur J. Pyron
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... valid scientific data at a fraction of the cost of traditional investigations. Theory The PSG investigation method is effective because the collector...
Written Communication--A Substitute for Good Dialog
Melba W. Murray
AAPG Bulletin
...Written Communication--A Substitute for Good Dialog Melba W. Murray 1968 2092 2097 52 11. (November) What?: This paper suggests a simple method...
The intersection grid technique for quantifying the extent of bioturbation on bedding planes
Katherine N. Marenco, David J. Bottjer
... grid method, a quantitative presence/absencebased technique for accurately and efficiently estimating the percentage bioturbation on bedding-plane...
Geophysical Surveys as Aids to the Geologist: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. H. Cunningham Craig
AAPG Bulletin
... method we may be sure that interesting and possibly very important results will be obtained. The scientific geologist certainly cannot afford...
Abstract: Time-Reversal Extrapolation for Microseismic Event Localization; #90224 (2015)
Zhenhua Li and Mirko van der Baan
Search and Discovery.com
... for microseismic event localization. Traveltime based methods require P- and S- wave first arrival picking before further processing. This type of method does...
Scientific Manpower and National Safety
B. F. Hake
AAPG Bulletin
...Scientific Manpower and National Safety B. F. Hake 1956 1473 1484 40 7. (July) During the last 15 years the Soviet Union has extended her domination...
Abstract: Vitrinite Reflectance Analysis: Minimising the Errors (Paper 20)
Wan Hasiah Abdullah, Peter Abolins
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... 2PETRONAS Research and Scientific Services Sdn Bhd Lot 3288 & 3289, off Jalan Ayer Itam, Kawasan Institusi Bangi, 43000 Kajang, Selangor Darul Ehsan...
Fast self-supervised learning for reconstruction of 3D seismic data
Yinshuo Li, Wenkai Lu, We Cao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... issues, we propose a fast self-supervised learning method for reconstructing 3D seismic data. The proposed method learns the observed seismic data directly...
E. Gas Production Rates: Proved and Probable Reserves, Production Rates, and Availability of Natural Gas
J. Milton Wege, R. M. Falconer, Ernest Gimblet, James Simmons, Louis Arrington, W. H. Hopkins, Ralph E. Davis
AAPG Special Volumes
...., 1955, The isochronal performance method of determining the flow characteristics of gas wells: AIME Petroleum Trans., v. 204, p. 137. Davis, R. E...
On Illogical Interpretation of Geological Structures in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province: Reply
Donald S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., p. 124–126. McClelland, C. V., 2009, The nature of science and the scientific method: GSA, geosocieties.com (search author). Popper, K, 2004...