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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Research Committee Program: RESEARCH NOTES

S. W. Lowman

AAPG Bulletin

..., as used in this program, includes "scientific research," "background research," and "industrial research and development," as defined in "Report...


Study of the Effect of the Production System on Recovery Factor of Strata

A. M. Akhmedov, M. Z. Chernomordikov, B. A. Shapiro

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... et al., 1948, Scientific basis for working oil fields: Gostoptekhizdat. 3. Krylov, A. P. et al., 1962, Planning the working of oil fields: ibid. 4...


The Multi-Information Stack Method for the Prediction of the Hydrocarbon Distribution in China

Zhao Xudong

Circum Pacific Council Publications



Estimation of the Capacity and Recovery Factor of Fractured Reservoirs of Upper Cretaceous age of the South Part of the Eastern Cis-Caucasus

V. M. Vasil’yev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... Approximate method of estimating the coefficient of fracturing, in VNI scientific technical collection on oil production, no. 20. 6. Nechay, A. M., 1960...


Memorial: Arthur Keith (1864-1944)

Allyn C. Swinnerton

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... Nathaniel Southgate Shaler in Lawrence Scientific School. His scientific career may. be said to have commenced at that time, for in the following year he...


Evolution of Geologic Thought in Prospecting for Oil and Natural Gas

Paul H. Price

Tulsa Geological Society

... were attempting to find a method for determining the best locations for prospecting and some means of predicting the results of drilling. H. D. Rogers...


Geologic Formations and Structure of Colorado Springs Area, Colorado

L. Trwobridge Grose

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... Cambnan Sawatch sandstone. An age of years one billion years for the Pikes Peak granite was obtained by the lead-uranium method from samarskite occurnng f...


Status of the Theory and Practice of Working Oil Fields

S. T. Ovnatanov, K. A. Karapetov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the proponents of the first point of view is M. F. Mirchink and several other works of scientific research institutes; those of the second group include workers...


Abstract: Scientific Exploration of the Western Margins of the Pacific Basin by the Ocean Drilling Program (Poster 5)

T. Janecek, J. Allan, J. Firth, A. Fisher, A. Palmer, L. Stokking, T. Francis, P. Rabinowitz

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Scientific Exploration of the Western Margins of the Pacific Basin by the Ocean Drilling Program (Poster 5) T. Janecek, J. Allan, J. Firth...


Abstract: Scientific Drilling in the Mediterranean Sea : Where and Why?; #90273 (2017)

Marina Rabineau, Angelo Camerlenghi, the GOLD and DREAM scientific teams

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...Abstract: Scientific Drilling in the Mediterranean Sea : Where and Why?; #90273 (2017) Marina Rabineau, Angelo Camerlenghi, the GOLD and DREAM...


Porosity Measurement of Shale Core Plugs without Chemical Cleaning

Jin-Hong Chen, Stacey Althaus, Mohammed Boudjatit

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... measurements. A method is developed and tested to measure porosity using core plugs without cleaning the samples. The method combines nuclear magnetic...


In-Situ Combustion Challenges and Opportunities in Talangakar Formation: Enhancing Production to The Optimum Value

Safira Rizkia Muthasyabiha, Arief Budiman Ustiawan, Ali Akbar Velayati Salim, Riana Hidayatunnisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... production that is still lagging behind in the reservoir, secondary production stages need to be carried out. One method is Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR...


Evaluation of Geophysical Techniques in the Determination of a Salt Contaminated Environment, #80535 (2016).

Walter Reed, Michael Foust, Heather L. Lehto, James W. Ward, Jason Payne

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... environment, it is more efficient to use a method that is less burdensome and time consuming to take fast and accurate data for geophysical modeling...


The Eotvos Torsion Balance: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Adam Wroblewski

AAPG Bulletin

.... A meager bibliography of the Eotvos method shows eleven Hungarian, German, and French papers published in transactions of scientific societies...


Memorial: William Duchscherer, Jr. (1925-1989)

Martin J. Davidson

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

... Surveys, Inc., in 1975 f r o m its original owners were the specifics of the method made available to the scientific community. Bill called the method...


To Increase the Quality of Initial Technical Geological Data

A. L. Kozlov А. Л. Козлов, E. S. Sosnina Е. С. Соснина

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... A., 1957, Question of the method of detailed production prospecting of oil deposits: Sovetskaia Geologiia, sb. 57. 3. Kozlov, A. L. and Minskii, E...


The Geologist in Uniform: World War II

David M. Delo

AAPG Bulletin

... served in the Armed Forces during World War II has been made cooperatively by a number of the major scientific societies and the Armed Services...


Least-squares non-stationary triangle smoothing

Reem F. Alomar, Sergey Fomel

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...* and Sergey Fomel, The University of Texas at Austin SUMMARY We propose a fast and accurate method to estimate the radius of non-stationary triangle smoothing...


Reflection Seismograph Prospecting, How It Started

William Schriever

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and natural gas required scientific methods of exploration. Up until the early nineteen twenties all scientific explorations were made by geologists who...


Research and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists

K. C. Heald

AAPG Bulletin

... to manifest a growing desire to be acquainted with current scientific studies that may help us solve some of the many geological, chemical, and physical...


Contributions of the 1838-1842 U.S. Exploring Expedition

Barbara H. Keating

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., 96822 ABSTRACT The years 1988-1992 mark the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Exploring Expedition, one of the first scientific missions undertaken...


Geology and Oil Exploration - The Studies of Giovanni Capellini in Romania

Francesco Gerali

Petroleum History Institute

.... Giovanni Capellini, even with his short experience in petroleum geology, serves as an example of how the application of scientific method to economically...


Abstract: Are we managing the environment yet? The managers dilemma and the first whiff of a solution

Lee Doran

Atlantic Geology

... models to see if solutions to the Dilemma might be beginning to emerge. The latest scientific response to environments in crisis is ecosystem...


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