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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 11,006 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy
Natalie Whitcomb
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: The Rain Garden Project: Place-Based Education, Service Learning, and Scientific Literacy Natalie Whitcomb 2014 741 Vol. 64 (2014) Hands...
Island of Freedom: ABSTRACT
Thomas A. Baldwin
AAPG Bulletin
...Island of Freedom: ABSTRACT Thomas A. Baldwin 1965 1756 1756 49 10. (October) A dilemma faces geologists in the scientific societies. How can we cope...
Abstract: Scientific Drilling Results in the Basins of the Asian Pacific, by P. Rabinowitz, T. Francis, J. Allan, J. Firth, T. Janecek, and L. Stokking; #91015 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Presidents, Precedents, Provocation, and Prerogative--Are Geologists Scientists?: ABSTRACT
S. A. Wengerd
AAPG Bulletin
...) It is the prerogative, in fact the duty, of a president of a scientific society to break precedents, at the certain risk of provocation of society members. Utilization...
A Rapid Technique to Make Polished Thin Sections of Sedimentary Organic Matter Concentrates: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Stephen Hillier, John Marshall
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Rapid Technique to Make Polished Thin Sections of Sedimentary Organic Matter Concentrates: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER Stephen Hillier, John Marshall...
Scientific Maturation and Production Modernization; Notes on the Italian Oil Industry on the XIXth Century
Francesco Gerali
Petroleum History Institute
...Scientific Maturation and Production Modernization; Notes on the Italian Oil Industry on the XIXth Century Francesco Gerali Copyright © 2013...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Occupational health hazard index for mining plants based on petrographic analysis of coal
Iwona Jelonek, Piotr Sosnowski
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
..., but energy and metallurgy. It is a fast and reliable method of determining the rank of coal or the coking properties of coal. Based on petrographic...
Prophylactic Separation of Heavy Minerals
Harvey Blatt, V. Max Brown
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Prophylactic Separation of Heavy Minerals Harvey Blatt, V. Max Brown 1974 Vol. 44 No. 1. (March), A method is proposed for separation of heavy...
Abstract: Dinoflagellate impact in Petroleum Geology
Edwige Masure
Search and Discovery.com
... processing method and improved microscopic equipment at the same time have facilitated research on the detailed structures of polynomorphs. Research...
Evaluation of Two Methods for Determining Soil Gas Permeabilities from Pneumatic Tests
Xun-Hong Chen
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... permeability (kz and kr) from pneumatic test data. Both the first method, the Newton-Raphson procedure, and the second, the sensitivity analysis method...
Enhancing reservoir simulation workflows by coupling a GPU-accelerated full-physics simulator with a Fourier neural operator-based surrogate model
Karthik Mukundakrishnan, Klaus Wiegand, Vidyasagar Ananthan, Daniel Kahn, Dmitriy Tischekin, Marcos Kajita, Clement Etienam
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... To address these challenges efficiently, this talk introduces a promising approach that leverages recent breakthroughs in scientific machine learning...
Development of Geophysical Methods of Prospecting for Oil and Gas Fields in the USSR and Objectives for Increased Efficiency in 1966-70
M. K. Polshkov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... front method, improvement of the method of regulated directional reception, and use of magnetic tape recorders and equipment for automatic data...
Advanced characterization of high-angle reflections and analysis of fracture connectivity in metamorphic buried hill reservoirs
Haojie Liu, Zhimeng Gu, He Xu, Yi Han
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., confirming the effectiveness of this method in optimizing well placement and enhancing productivity. Introduction Angle reflection features...
Enhancing the Process of Knowledge Discovery from Integrated Geophysical Databases Using Geo-Ontologies
Shastri L. Nimmagadda, Heinz Dreher, Andi Noventiyanto, Aswin Mostafa, Giuseppe Fiume
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... cannot discern data patterns and unlock the latent geological knowledge. Use of a single geophysical method of exploration and field development...
Memorial: John C. Maher (1914-1980)
Robert J. Lantz, Michel T. Halbouty, Albert E. Roberts
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... in the early 1950s. Other basin studies followed. His method of stratigraphic analysis utilizing composite interpretive logs became a standard...
Anisotropic Velocity Model of a Fractured Formation using a High Resolution VSP Survey and Forward Modeling
Search and Discovery.com
... resolution seismic survey using the 2.5 km deep ICDP (International Continental Scientific Drilling Program) borehole in Outokumpu, Finland...
Abstract: The Geological Foundation of the Turner Valley Oil and Gas Field Provided by Dr. John Allan; #90224 (2015)
Willem Langenberg
Search and Discovery.com
... as a Professor of the University of Alberta, John Allan was a founding member of the Scientific and Industrial Research Council of Alberta in 1921. He...
Notes on the History of Geophysical Methods
F. Gassmann, Max Weber
CSPG Bulletin
...Notes on the History of Geophysical Methods F. Gassmann, Max Weber 1956 214 215 Vol. 4 (1956) No. 9. (October) GRAVIMETRIC METHOD Before...
A Rapid, Inexpensive Determination of the Clay-Size Fraction of Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER
Michael C. Mackiewicz, David Freeman, Doug Pierson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...A Rapid, Inexpensive Determination of the Clay-Size Fraction of Sediments: RESEARCH METHOD PAPER Michael C. Mackiewicz, David Freeman, Doug Pierson...
The Need of a Petroleum Institute in the Development of the Petroleum Industry in Indonesia
Omar Hassan Assaari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... company) has invited oil contractors to work in Indonesia. Tremendous approaches to modern technology, scientific application as well as research...
Future of the Geologist in the Petroleum Industry
H. B. Fuqua
AAPG Bulletin
... consideration by the Association. 8. Scientific determination and recommendations about the method End_Page 520...
Estuarine Facies Models: Conceptual Basis and Stratigraphic Implications: REPLY
Robert W. Dalrymple , Brian A. Zaitlin , Ron Boyd
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... 265-275. JEVONS, W.S., 1879, The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method, 3rd ed.: London, The Macmillan Company, 786 p. MCCABE...
Ultrasound Tomography Optimalization by Using Robotic Application
Albertus Ariel Rahadi, Tedy Setiawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for scientific research. One of them is ultrasound tomography. Some ultrasound tomography applications can be used to research shale gas anisotropy, shear wave...
Abstract: Keynote Address Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies
Robert L. Kidd
GCAGS Transactions
... was our principal method, a few hours of college work in general and historical geology, rocks and rock minerals, structural geology and paleontology...
Securing an Increase of Commercial Oil and Gas Reserves in Azerbaydzhan SSR
B. K. Baba-Zade
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
..., the tracing of regional faults, investigation of zones of pinchout of beds, etc. Solution of these new, complex problems is a task of the scientific...