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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,729 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Late Mississippian Carbonate/Clastic Reservoirs, Appalachian and Eastern Illinois Basins: Response to 4th Order Eustasy, by A. Al-Tawil, L. B. Smith, and J. F. Read; #90986 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Controls on Lower Cretaceous Sequences, Texas Gulf Coast and Arabian Gulf; #90007 (2002)
Robert W. Scott
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... Stratigraphy Associates, Cleveland, OK Controls on Lower Cretaceous Sequences, Texas Gulf Coast and Arabian Gulf Cretaceous carbonate platform...
Analysis of Cretaceous Bedding Cycles in an Onshore-Offshore Transect of the Western Interior Basin, by B. B. Sageman; #90986 (1994).
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Abstract: Sequence Analysis of Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Reef and Ramp Carbonates, Canning Basin, Australia, by J. M. Kennard, P. N. Southgate, M. J. Jackson, P. E. O'Brien, and M. J. Sexton; #91012 (1992).
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Stratigraphic Cyclicity in Mixed Sandstone-Carbonate Platform Strata of the Upper Permian (Guadalupian) Grayburg Formation, Northwest Shelf, Permian Basin: Part II
C.J. Modica, S.L. Dorobek
West Texas Geological Society
... at Maljamar field. Lithofacies stacking patterns and estimated durations for individual Grayburg cycles suggest that relative sea-level fluctuations...
Computer Simulation of the Yates Formation (Permian, Delaware Basin) - Sequence Stratigraphy and Shelf-to-Basin Correlation Implications
James M. Borer, Paul M. Harris
West Texas Geological Society
... cycles) that drives relative sea level, carbonate versus clastic deposition, and aggradation versus progradation. The hierarchical, high-frequency...
A Proposed Integrated Multi-Signature Model for Peritidal Cycles in Carbonates
Guy H. Spence, Maurice E. Tucker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of an underlying 3rd-order relative sea-level cycle. Although during specific phases of a 3rd-order relative sea-level cycle meter-scale peritidal cycles may...
Abstract: Sequence Evolution and Sequence Extinction; Species Level Recognition of Individual Sequences and Parasequence Sets, Lower Permian, West Texas, by Charles A. Ross and June R. P. Ross; #90914(2000)
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Abstract: Quantitative Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation of Carbonate Reef Geomorphology and Reservoir Quality; #90250 (2016)
John Pigott
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... autocyclic controls, as the cycles correspond to the Leonardian global sea level curve. Within these sequences, parasequence set buildups (identified...
ABSTRACT: Development of Cyclic and Noncyclic Sequences in Appalachian Carbonates, by J. F. Read; #91043 (2011)
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Abstract: Chaos in El Paso?, by R. K. Goldhammer and DJ Lehrmann; #90937 (1998)
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Abstract: Chaos in El Paso?, by R. Goldhammer and D.Lehrmann; #90928 (1999).
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Field and Modelling Studies of Cambrian Carbonate Cycles, Virginia Appalachians
William F. Koerschner III, J. F. Read
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) and Grotzinger (1986) to model carbonate cycles using a simple sea-level curve of fixed amplitude. In the present 1-D and 2-D programs, we can generate simple...
Abstract: Eustasy Recording Potential of from Isolated Devonian to Pennsylvanian Carbonate Platform in a Foreland Basin Setting (Tengiz, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan), by Jeroen Kenter and Mitch (Paul) Harris; #90078 (2008)
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ABSTRACT: Cyclostratigraphy of Rupelian Clays, Belgium, by N. Vandenberghe; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic Architecture of an Icehouse, Epeiric Platform: Climatic and Eustatic Influences in the Pennsylvanian-Permian Succession of the Midcontinent; #90007 (2002)
Thomas D. Olszewski
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... a hierarchy of high-frequency, high-amplitude stratigraphic cycles reflecting changes in both sea level and climate. Based on detailed outcrop and core...
ABSTRACT: Chemostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Chalk Sequences in Norwegian-Danish Basin and North Sea Central Trough, by Niels Oluf Jorgensen; #91038 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Identification of Milankovitch Signals in Middle Triassic Platform Carbonate Cycles Using a Super-Resolution Spectral Technique, by L. Hinnov and R. K. Goldhammer; #91030 (2010)
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Leonardian Carbonate Platform Sequences, Sierra Diablo, West Texas: Composite Relative Sea Level Control on Sequence Attributes, by W. M. Fitchen; #90986 (1994).
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Carbonate Reservoirs Formed Under Moderate amplitude, 4th/5th Order Sea level Fluctuations
J.F. Read
Special Publications of SEPM
... (SEPM) Milankovitch Sea-Level Changes, Cycles, and Reservoirs on Carbonate Platforms in Greenhouse and Icehouse Worlds (SC35), 1995 (IIAVIER 5...
Abstract: Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture and Cycle Stacking Patterns of Platform Carbonates--An Evaluation of Autocyclic, Deterministic, and Stochastic Controls, by Robert K. Goldhammer; #90985 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: The Roles of Tectonics and Climate Change on The Carbonate Facies Architecture Development of an Active Foreland Ramp Margin: Evidence from The Madison Group, Southwest Montana; #90007 (2002)
Matthew Buoniconti, Gregor Eberli, Langhorne B. Smith
Search and Discovery.com
..., the Madison carbonate ramp’s depositional styles were markedly altered. In the Meramecian, tectonically induced relative sea level fall caused exposure...