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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: A Review of Fault Seal Calibration Methods, by Graham Yielding, Alan Roberts, Pete Bretan, Brett Freeman, Dave Quinn, and Michiel van Noorden; #90082 (2008)
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Considering Lithological Variability in Top Seal Analysis
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New Ideas on the Petroleum Potential of the Southern Georgina Basin
Greg Ambrose
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Greg Ambrose- Northern Territory Geological Survey INTRODUCTION This paper addresses salient aspects of the geology and hydrocarbon potential...
Abstract: Top Seal Character and Sequence Stratigraphy of Selected Marine Shales in Gulf Coast Style Basins
William C. Dawson and William R. Almon
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... (MICP), which are used to calculate hydrocarbon column heights. The largest interconnected pore throats control seal capacity. Pore throat size...
Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor Sea and Central North Sea Basins
Richard R. Hillis
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor Sea and Central North Sea Basins Richard R. Hillis Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor...
Swanson's 30-40-30 rule
A. Hurst, G. C. Brown, R. I. Swanson
AAPG Bulletin
... with a prospect is a key part of risk taking in hydrocarbon exploration. The challenge of presenting a range of geologically possible models for a range...
Abstract: The Evolution of Exploration in the Ghadames Basin, Grand Erg Oriental, Algeria, by Micheal D. Cochran and Lee E. Petersen; #90914(2000)
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Risk and Uncertainty Analysis in Known Hydrocarbon Systems: A Fit-for-Purpose Approach, by W.C. Riese, W.A. Hill, T. Koleszar, R.M. MacDonald, G. McMaster, R. Rudser, H.M. Sebastian, and L. Tomberlin; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Column Height Analysis from the Gulf of Mexico Basin: An Integration of Quantitative Seal Analyses and Basin Evolution; #90061 (2006)
Matthew D. Johnson, Gavin Lewis, Rob Knipe, Michael Hertle, Stan Teerman, Michael Welch, Diana Condliffe, and Graham Phillips
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Column Height Analysis from the Gulf of Mexico Basin: An Integration of Quantitative Seal Analyses and Basin Evolution; #90061...
Using Buoyancy Pressure Profiles to Assess Uncertainty in Fault Seal Calibration
Peter Bretan, Graham Yielding
AAPG Special Volumes
... by the hydrocarbon column is equal to the minimum capillary entry pressure of the fault zone. If the seal is intact, the predicted fault zone capillary entry...
Abstract: Faults as Hydrocarbon Phase Filters and Dynamic Seals, by Øyvind Sylta; #90066 (2007)
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Genetic Classification of Petroleum Systems (1)
AAPG Bulletin
..., structure, reservoir, seal) lose relevance. Charge has been defined as the "hydrocarbon volumes available for entrapment" (Sluijk and Nederlof, 1984...
Estimation of Potential Gas Resources--Methodology of the Potential Gas Committee
Harry C. Kent, J. C. Herrington
AAPG Special Volumes
... volume and yield adjustments and reasonable estimates for tap and accumulation discounts. The probabilities of the existence of traps...
Assessing Oil and Gas Plays in Facies-Cycle Wedges: ABSTRACT
David A. White
AAPG Bulletin
... and their fine oil-source and seal facies. Different wedge positions thus typically have different hydrocarbon potentials; within each position, however...
Abstract: A Petroleum System in Search of a Reservoir; the Palmyrid Region, Syria, by D. C. Blanchard, H. Dembicki, Jr., and W. G. Dow; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum Potential of the Florida-Cuba-Bahamas Collision Zone
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Abstract: Deepwater Nigeria OPL-213: An Exploration Risk Reduction Approach Using Integrated Geoscience Technologies
R. K. Saver, David L. Connolly, Arnaud G. Pichon, and Raymond J. Fontenot
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., hydrocarbon phase and volumes, and lateral seal. An integrated, inter-disciplinary technology process was developed to focus on these critical elements...
Chance of Success and Its Use in Petroleum Exploration: Chapter 7: Part II. Nature of the Business
Peter R. Rose
AAPG Special Volumes
... to the multiple objective prospect) most often include the structural aspect and the hydrocarbon charge aspect. The reservoir and trap/seal aspects tend...
Testing Hydrocarbon Saturation Models For Use in Original Oil-in-Place Estimation: South Dome of Oregon Basin Field, Park County, Wyoming: Chapter 9
Michael J. Heymans, Douglas A. Steed, David E. Hamilton, Barbara A. Pavlov
AAPG Special Volumes
... can significantly impact the HPT model and resulting hydrocarbon volume estimates. Improvement in these estimates can be realized if correlations...
Prospect Evaluation Based on Geological Modeling
R.J. Murris
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... ON GEOLOGICAL MODELING R J . Murris Shell International Petroleum MIJ, The Hague, Netherlands ABSTRACT The aim of hydrocarbon prospect evaluation...
Exploring for unswept gas: Integrating reservoir models, production data, and fault seal analysis in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
David Kulikowski, and Alexander G. Robson
AAPG Bulletin
...Exploring for unswept gas: Integrating reservoir models, production data, and fault seal analysis in the Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia David...
Abstract: Regional Approach to Solve Structural Complexity and Cataclastic Fault Seal, Southern North Sea, by Herald Ligtenberg; #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Shale Facies Variability and Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Top Seal Prediction in Deepwater Depositional Systems
William C. Dawson, William R. Almon
GCAGS Transactions
.... Seal Analysis Shales are effective top seals for hydrocarbon accumulations because they have inherently low permeability, relatively high entry pressures...
Abstract: Risking Fault Seals in the Gulf of Mexico: A Joint Industry Study
Grant Skerlec
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... seal behavior is predictable rather than random and that faults are more important than is commonly thought in controlling hydrocarbon accumulations...
Oil and Gas Play Maps in Exploration and Assessment: GEOLOGIC NOTE
David A. White
AAPG Bulletin
... pinch-outs. Where feasible, indicating the time of closure development relative to the assessed time of hydrocarbon migration is important. Seal (Table 1...