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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Abstract: Shale Facies and Seal Variability in Deep Marine Depositional Systems

William R. Almon, William C. Dawson, and Kelly Dempster

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... character, whereas bioturbation generally degrades overall seal behavior. Because of variations in fabric and texture, these shale types have different...


Abstract: Possible Oil Accumulation with Convex-Shaped OWC under Abnormally High Pressure Condition; Example from Offshore Sabah, Malaysia

Kazuo Nakayama

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... thicknesses of seal rock), or if the intervening seals have high sealing capacity, they operate independently (independent mode), where lower traps...


Abstract: Predicting Sealing Capacity of Jurassic Carbonates, Eastern Saudi Arabia: Implications for Exploring Stratigraphic Traps; #90317 (2018)

David Z. Tang, Rajai Hubail, Wenbin Tan, Philippe Rabiller

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... versus core-derived rock types. The optimized model was used to predict electrofacies of varying reservoir quality and seal capacity for all...


Evaluating Seals for Hydrocarbon Accumulations

Marlan W. Downey

AAPG Bulletin

...), can provide an important starting point for assessment of seal capacity. Unfortunately, such "micro" data taken from a rock sample have limited use...


Shale Facies Variability and Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Top Seal Prediction in Deepwater Depositional Systems

William C. Dawson, William R. Almon

GCAGS Transactions

... the average value for this basin. Shale Types and Seal Capacity Tertiary shales from deep-water GOM wells are classified here into six distinctive...


ABSTRACT Modification of Seal Capacity by Carbonate Diagenesis at Peace River, Alberta, Canada - A Seal Quality Evaluation for Acid Gas Injection, #90104 (2010)

Seyedolali Abbas; Dombrowski Anna; Crouch Syrie

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... characteristics of Seal Types 3 or 4 (moderate to poor), diagenesis enhanced its seal capacity to Type 6  (excellent), with capillary entry pressures at 10...


Abstract: Accessing the BP Petroleum Prediction Toolkit via Petrel … An Efficient Deployment of In-House Subsurface Tools; #90310 (2017)

Herbert Volk, Christopher J. Veale, Mark J. Osborne

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... conditions (Phase calculator) 3. Perform simple and more sophisticated estimation of seal capacity, dependent on e.g. fluid types, temperature and cap rock...


AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 6: Evaluating Seal Potential: Example from the Talang Akar Formation, Offshore Northwest Java, Indonesia

J.G. Kaldi and C.D. Atkinson

AAPG Special Volumes

...) seal capacity (the calculated amount of hydrocarbon column height a lithology can support); (2) seal geometry (the structural position, thickness...


Assessing Oil and Gas Plays in Facies-Cycle Wedges: ABSTRACT

David A. White

AAPG Bulletin

..., and back to nonmarine. Different types of potential coarse reservoir formations (plays) are identified by their distinctive vertical facies successions...


AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 1: Comparison of Seal Capacity Determinations: Conventional Cores vs. Cuttings

Robert M. Sneider, John S. Sneider, George W. Bolger, and John W. Neasham

AAPG Special Volumes

...) are of simulated cuttings from rock adjacent to the vertical plug.     End page 8 ----------------   Figure 9. SEM photomicrograph of seal types "A," "B," "C...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 8:  Integration of Capillary Top-Seal Leakage with Map-Based Fluid-Flow Modeling

Michael, G. E., P. D’Onfro, and F. Eilertsen

AAPG Special Volumes

... shale as containing less than 50% clay minerals. The data comprise three types of samples. The first type, labeled SRC, is from a seal-rock database...


The Most Important Factors in Charge Risking and Best Practices, #42015 (2017).

Zhiyong He

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... with most uncertainty. Amongst the factors, the structure geometry and relief is usually better known and can be mapped, while seal capacity...


Top Seal Character and Sequence Stratigraphy of Selected Marine Shales in Gulf Coast Style Basins

William C. Dawson and William R. Almon

GCAGS Transactions

... samples are used herein as end-member examples for documenting seal character and comparing the top seal capacity of shales from different systems tracts...


The competition of oil and gas for trap space and seal capacity

Martin Neumaier, Jan de Jager, Ben Kurtenbach

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...The competition of oil and gas for trap space and seal capacity Martin Neumaier, Jan de Jager, Ben Kurtenbach The Competition of Oil and Gas for Trap...


Sealing - What Are We Risking?; #41824 (2016)

Mark Hollanders, Steven Bloemendaal

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... of the fundamental activities in Hydrocarbon Exploration, with companies adopting very similar, but often slightly different risking schemes. Seal Risk...


Top Seal Potential of Tertiary Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico Shales

Dawson, William C. and Almon, William R.

GCAGS Transactions

... occurrence. The observed variations in seal character and seal capacity are attributable to systematic differences in shale texture and fabric...


Abstract: Sealing and Nonsealing Faults

Derrell A. Smith

GCAGS Transactions

... capillary properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure of the media...


Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults: ABSTRACT

Derrell A. Smith

AAPG Bulletin

... properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure of the media...


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