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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Regional Characterization of Caprock Seals Associated with Flowback Disposal Injection and Hydraulic Fracturing Barriers
Felipe A. Lozano, Nelly P. Rubio, María F. Segovia, Jose M. Marentes, Henry G. Suarez, Nelbett K. Marfisi, Ana M. López
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... assessment of the different elements and factors involved in these types of projects. One of the critical elements in the unconventional reservoir development...
Abstract: Fault Seal Analysis of Okan and Meren Fields, Nigeria, by R. A. Eisenberg, R. J. Brenneman, and A. A. Adeogba; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Can a seal fail
David Rajmon
GEO ExPro Magazine
... A SEAL IS a rock that has a higher capillary entry pressure relative to other adjacent rocks. The higher the contrast, the greater the hydrocarbon column...
Shale Facies and Seal Variability in Deep Marine Depositional Systems
William C. Dawson, William R. Almon
Special Publications of SEPM
... both excellent sealing potential and source rock potential (Grunau, 1987; Liro et al., 1994). GOM deep-water shales having exceptional seal capacity...
The Uncertainty in Assessing Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir, #42525 (2020).
Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Muhamad Natsir, Ricky Adi Wibowo,
Search and Discovery.com
... method can be used to determine the fault seal capacity in the Kais Limestone reservoir. Drilling results show that the hydrocarbons only accumulate...
Observations on the Sealing Properties of Faults in Sumatra
Teofilo Villarroel
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... against a reservoir is a major factor for the capacity of the fault to cross-seal at that reservoir level. However, several examples presented...
Seal failure assessment of a major gas field via integration of seal properties and leakage phenomena
M. Foschi, and J. A. Cartwright
AAPG Bulletin
... the trap capacity of 110 m (360 ft). Comparing the two types of seal capacity, and notwithstanding the uncertainties, it thus seems much more likely...
Evaluating Seal Capacity of Caprocks and Intraformational Barriers for the Geosequestration of CO2
R. F. Daniel, J. G. Kaldi
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... barriers requires an understanding of the seal capacity of the cap rock or barrier. Seal capacity is the capillary pressure (or column height) at which...
Abstract: Seal Character and Sequence Stratigraphy of Marine Shales in Gulf Coast-Style Basins, by W. C. Dawson and W. R. Almon; #90924 (1999).
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Abstract: Segmentation of Normal Faults in the Dip Direction and its Significance in Fault Seal Analyses, by Amgad I. Younes and Atilla Aydin; #90914(2000)
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Problems in Conducting Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir
Benyamin Sapiie, Indra Gunawan, Adhipa Herlambang, Maisi Rismawaty, Arif Rifiyanto, Sigit Rahardjo, Ari Samudra, Perdana Rukmana Putra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of low to zero v-shale values in the rock sequences. INTRODUCTION One of the most important topics of fault controlled hydrocarbon traps is seal and leak...
Types of Non-Anticlinal Oil and Gas Traps and Sediment Deposition
V. I. Eremenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...Types of Non-Anticlinal Oil and Gas Traps and Sediment Deposition V. I. Eremenko 1991 43 45 Vol. 25 (1991) No. 1/2. (January/February) (in Tektonika...
The Top Seal Capacity of Regional Telisa Shale and Intraformational Seals in Central Sumatra Basin
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Integrated Fault Seal Analysis and Risk Assessment: Okan and Meren Fields, Nigeria, by Richard A. Eisenberg, Robert J. Brenneman, and Adepoju A. Adeogba; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Column Height Analysis from the Gulf of Mexico Basin: An Integration of Quantitative Seal Analyses and Basin Evolution; #90061 (2006)
Matthew D. Johnson, Gavin Lewis, Rob Knipe, Michael Hertle, Stan Teerman, Michael Welch, Diana Condliffe, and Graham Phillips
Search and Discovery.com
... and temperature histories for the seal rock. Quantitative shale data and compaction trends were then integrated to define predictive seal capacity...
Abstract: Seal Capacity in Lower and Upper Cretaceous Shales, Denver Basin, Colorado, by K. K. Edwards, W. R. Almon, W. C. Dawson, D. K. McCarty, and F. G. Ethridge; #90919 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Prediction of Sealing Capacity of Jurassic Carbonates by Integrating Petrography, Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure Data and Well-logs: Implications for Exploring Stratigraphic Traps, Eastern Saudi Arabia; #90251 (2016)
Wenbin Tan, David Z. Tang, Philippe Rabiller
Search and Discovery.com
... and stratigraphic traps. This paper focuses on assessing seal capacity by integrating petrography, core-measured mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) data...
Theoretical Considerations of Sealing and Non-Sealing Faults
Derrell A. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
... capillary properties. Theoretical studies show that the fault seal in preferentially water-wet rock is related to the displacement pressure...
Hydrocarbon Traps: Chapter 13: Part III. Processes
Kevin T. Biddle, Charles C. Wielchowsky
AAPG Special Volumes
... include a reservoir rock in which to store hydrocarbons, and a seal or set of seals that impede or stop migration out of the reservoir. Although...
CO2 Storage Capacity Below Structural Spill Point in the Utsira Formation, #80091 (2010)
Christian Hermanrud, Hege Nordgård Bolås, Hilde Hansen, Ola Eiken, Jon Lippard, Gunn M. Grimsmo Teige
Search and Discovery.com
... (che@statoilhydro.com) Statoilhydro, Trondheim, Norway 2 Abstract The CO2 storage capacity in saline aquifers is highly dependent on the different...
Evaluating Seal Capacity of Cap Rocks and Intraformational Barriers for CO2 Containment
Richard F. Daniel, John G. Kaldi
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Characterization of regional seals and intraformational barriers requires an understanding of the seal capacity of the cap rock or barrier. Seal capacity...
Abnormal Formation Pressure
John S. Bradley
AAPG Bulletin
... Fig. 2. Temperature gradients from wells for various rock types. End_Page 959------------------------------ within the seal, osmosis produces...
Shale Variability in Deep-Marine Depositional Systems: Implications for Seal Character - Subsurface and Outcrop Examples
William C. Dawson, William R. Almon, Kelly Dempster, and Sally J. Sutton
Search and Discovery.com
... sealing capacity. Bioturbation generally degrades sealing capacity. Sandy injectites can compromise seal effectiveness. Silt-poor well-laminated...