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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Pre-Drill Prediction of Hydrocarbon Charge: Microseepage-Based Prediction of Charge and Post-Survey Drilling Results, by Schumacher, Dietmar; #90135 (2011)
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Abstract: Causes of Seal Failure and Breached Reservoirs, by Selim Simon Shaker; #90205 (2014)
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Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Regional Reconnaissance: Deep Gas Interval, Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Abstract
H. Truman Holcombe
GCAGS Transactions
... gradient (one PPG or less) indicates close proximity to hard pressure (seal failure) where exploration drilling may be impossible or un-economic. Accurate...
Abstract: Understanding the Pressure Regimes Along the West Africa Margin and Their Implications for Prospectivty; #90255 (2017)
Steve O'Connor
Search and Discovery.com
... are more likely, creating HP/HT conditions. Thus, in order to produce models for pore pressure and so be able to de-risk our prospects for seal failure...
Abstract: Pressure Compartments from Effective Stress Profiles - Hydrocarbon Trap Implications for the Shelf and Deepwater GOM, by Rudi Wilhelm and Craig Limbaugh; #90914(2000)
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Seismic Carbonate Reservoir Prediction and Drilling Results, Offshore Nicaragua, Caribbean Sea
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Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor Sea and Central North Sea Basins
Richard R. Hillis
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor Sea and Central North Sea Basins Richard R. Hillis Mechanisms of Dynamic Seal Failure in the Timor...
ABSTRACT: Sequence Stratigraphy and Seal Quality Prediction in Block B, Natuna Sea: The Relationship Between Top Seal Quality, Lithofacies, and Depositional Environments, by John R. Suter and Peter D'Onfro; #90913(2000).
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Improving Hydrocarbon Column Height Estimates: Results From a Global Synthesis
Search and Discovery.com
Is It Trap? Is It Seal? A Move Towards Consistent Risking of Stratigraphic Traps, Mark A. Sykes, J. Steve Davis, Christopher J. Vandewater, #42492 (2020).
Samuel J. Plitzuweit, S. Lance Jackson,
Search and Discovery.com
...’ ion f t e o sec Lin osscr TRAP CLOSURE - SUCCESS Spill point B’ (Figures 16-25) TRAP CLOSURE - FAILURE The Trap Seal geologic risk element...
An integrated, quantitative approach to assessing fault-seal risk
Richard M. Jones, Richard R. Hillis
AAPG Bulletin
... cataclasites: application to fault seal prediction: AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, no. 8, p. 1383–1405.Ferrill, D. A., J. Winterle, G. Wittmeyer, D. Sims...
ABSTRACT Assesing Geomechanical Effects of CO2 Injection, #90103 (2010)
B. Orlic
Search and Discovery.com
...: Prediction and Verification” August 16-19, 2009 – Vancouver, BC, Canada Assessing Geomechanical Effects of CO2 Injection B. Orlic TNO – Geological...
ABSTRACT: Developing Pressure Histories Though Basin Modeling; #90007 (2002)
Richard E. Swarbrick
Search and Discovery.com
... at Jurassic reservoir level due to fault seal failure within the last 2 My. Pressures are validated using petroleum-filled fluid inclusions, applying...
Application of Bayesian Networks for Estimating Risk in Shale Operations
Pedram Fanailoo, Jeffrey Clemens
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., in this case the failure of the seal on a production packer [2]. A failure in the casing/cement can be due to either overpressure conditions within...
Abstract: Evaluating Seal Integrity Using Dynamic Poissons Ratio and Youngs Modulus;
Zakiyah Alkhadrawi, Maitham Alabbad
Search and Discovery.com
... to define brittle and ductile intervals within the potential seal section. Moreover, correlating calculated wellbore curves enabled the prediction...
Abstract: Pore Pressure Prediction as a Prospecting Tool, Input to Risk, Volumes and Field Development (Geology Paper 15)
John Paul Brown, Suriani Sulaiman Mustahim
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...) can be used to identify a state of catastrophic seal failure where up dip pore pressure transfer from adjacent synclines has pushed water pressure...
Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Regional Reconnaissance: Deep Gas Interval, Gulf of Mexico Shelf
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Modern Examples of Mass-Transport Complexes Debrite and Turbidite Associations: Geometry Stratigraphic Relationships and Implications for Hydrocarbon Trap Development, #90104 (2010)
Gamberi Fabiano; Rovere Marzia; Marani Michael
Search and Discovery.com
... in the Tyrrhenian Sea. They are the result of the failure of slope and channel‐levee complex deposits. The eastern, Villafranca MTC occurred through...
ABSTRACT: Fault-seal Prediction in the Gulf of Mexico: Empirical Data
Stephen J. Naruk, Shell Exploration and Production Technology Co.
AAPG Special Volumes
...ABSTRACT: Fault-seal Prediction in the Gulf of Mexico: Empirical Data Stephen J. Naruk, Shell Exploration and Production Technology Co. 2000...
ABSTRACT: Pre-Drill Prediction of Hydrocarbon Charge: Microseepage-Based Prediction of Charge and Post-Survey Drilling Results, by Schumacher, Dietmar; #90155 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Analog-based Seal Classification and its Potential Application in Prospect Evaluation; #90251 (2016)
Shengyu Wu, Shaoqing Sun, José I. Guzmán
Search and Discovery.com
... by top seal failure, and the most common cause of failure is by tectonic (fault) breaching. Capillary leakage is more common in fields with large...
Geomechanical, microstructural, and petrophysical evolution in experimentally reactivated cataclasites: Applications to fault seal prediction: Reply
David N. Dewhurst, Richard M. Jones
AAPG Bulletin
.... Schuster, 2000, Trap integrity in the Laminaria High-Nancar Trough region, Timor Sea: Prediction of fault seal failure: Australian Petroleum Production...
The Uncertainty in Assessing Fault Seal Analysis in Carbonate Reservoir
Search and Discovery.com
Probabilistic risk and resource evaluation of CCS assets using PVT, fluid and seal properties
Martin Neumaier, Ben Kurtenbach
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... resource ranges. It explicitly includes the likelihood of failure due to fracturing, leakage through the top or fault seal, or structural spill based...
ABSTRACT: Hydraulic Top Seal Failure - The Relationship Between High Pore Pressure and Hydrocarbon Preservation in Highly Overpressured Regions; #90115 (2010)
Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, and Richard Lahann
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Hydraulic Top Seal Failure - The Relationship Between High Pore Pressure and Hydrocarbon Preservation in Highly Overpressured Regions...