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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Overpressure and Seal Integrity Evaluation on Oligocene-Miocene Carbonates Reservoir in the Madura Strait Area of East Java Basin-Indonesia; #11140 (2018)

Iko Sagala, Syaeful Amin, Yanyan Triyana

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.... As retention capacity is getting smaller, the risk of having mechanical failure of the top-seal increases, allowing hydrocarbons to escape...


Abstract: Application of a Naive Bayesian Model in Predicting Fault Seal;

Wang Qiaochu, Chen Dongxia, Wang Yu, Wang Fuwei

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... a prediction for the fault seal by selecting the main controlling factors and providing a predicting model by machine learning process, which...


Using Simple Loading Models to Predicted Crestal Pore Pressures in Miocene Carbonate Exploration Targets, Luconia, Sarawak

Jakob Heller, Don Basuki, Matthew Choo, Stephen O ‘Connor, Richard Swarbrick

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in basins such as North Lombok and Central Luconia, Sarawak. One of the key risks associated with these traps is that of mechanical seal failure, whereby...


A User's Description of Machinery Failure Caused by Electromagnetism

John C. Tankersley

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... experienced a seal system failure on one of its three injection compressor trains. New seals and rotor were installed in one compressor barrel and the train...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 8:  Integration of Capillary Top-Seal Leakage with Map-Based Fluid-Flow Modeling

Michael, G. E., P. D’Onfro, and F. Eilertsen

AAPG Special Volumes

...-based fluid-flow modeling (pseudo-3-D), vertical leakage occurs through hydraulic fractures or by capillary top-seal failure related to capillary...


AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 4: Delineation of a Pressure Fault Seal From Shale Resistivities

James C. Niemann and Mark R. Krolow

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG Memoir 67: Seals, Traps, and the Petroleum System. Chapter 4: Delineation of a Pressure Fault Seal From Shale Resistivities James C. Niemann...


Geologically Based Pore Pressure Modeling: Reconciling Pressure vs. Depth Plots with Mud Weight Equivalent vs. Depth Plots

S. Shaker

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... hand the P-D shows a weak regression between the middle and lower compartments, either due to the presence of the water leg or seal failure. PPG MWE...


A practical guide to the use of success versus failure statistics in the estimation of prospect risk

Frank J. Peel, and John R. V. Brooks

AAPG Bulletin

...A practical guide to the use of success versus failure statistics in the estimation of prospect risk Frank J. Peel, and John R. V. Brooks 2016 137...


Prediction of Lateral Seal Capacity from Core Data: ABSTRACT

Tim T. Schowalter

AAPG Bulletin

...Prediction of Lateral Seal Capacity from Core Data: ABSTRACT Tim T. Schowalter 1981 988 988 65 5. (May) Mystery Reef field produces oil from a porous...


Worldwide Review of Seals for Major Accumulations of Natural Gas: ABSTRACT

H. R. Grunau

AAPG Bulletin

... multidisciplinary research still needs to be done to quantify knowledge of seal prediction for giant gas fields. End_of_Article - Last_Page 933...


Structural Containment in the Port Campbell Embayment and on the Mussel Platform, Otway Basin, Victoria

Laurent Langhi, Ernest Swierczek, Julian Strand, Louise Goldie Divko, David Whittam, Andrew Ross

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... seal capacity for dry wells previously attributed to crossfault seal failure on the Mussel Platform does not confirm that this process alone...


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