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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 13,065 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Abstract: Stochastic Evaluation of Fluvial to Marginal Marine Sealing Facies, by S.A. Barboza, R. Alway, T. Akpulat, W.L. Esch, and P. Hicks, Jr.; #90066 (2007)
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ABSTRACT Passive Microseismics: A Valuable Technique For Monitoring CO2 Injections, #90103 (2010)
Jill Daugherty, Ted Urbancic
Search and Discovery.com
... CONFERENCE “Geological Carbon Sequestration: Prediction and Verification” August 16-19, 2009 – Vancouver, BC, Canada Passive Microseismics: A Valuable...
Determining the Effect Mechanical Rock Properties Have on Variability in Fracture Gradients
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Role of Geology Operation Facing the Subsurface Uncertainties, in Mitigation, While Drilling and Logging in The Mahakam Delta; #42561 (2020)
Rio Sitorus, Roy Lesmana, Wahyu Pramono, Rian Ikhsan, Gustiadi Rosa
Search and Discovery.com
... elasticity Optimize pressure acquisition in thin reservoir Less rig time used with less attempt Reduce possibility of tool stuck Reduce packer seal failure...
AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 11: Structural Trap and Fault-seal Analysis, Offshore Myanmar: A Case Study
Davies, R. K., L. An, D. A. Medwedeff, D. Yarwood
AAPG Special Volumes
... history of the Andaman Sea: Tectonophysics, v. 57, p. 3551.Freeman, B., G. Yielding, D. T. Needham, and M. E. Badley, 1998, Fault seal prediction...
Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction
David L. Connolly, Friso Brouwer, and David Walraven
GCAGS Transactions
...Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction David L...
ABSTRACT: Seal Capacity and Sequence Architecture of Major Seals in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, NW Shelf Australia, by Tom Kivior, John G. Kaldi, and Simon Lang; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Fluid Flow in Brittle and Ductile Seals: Geomechanical Aspects of Dilatant Fracturing and Fracture Resealing in Top Seals and Low Permeability Reservoirs, with Examples from the Middle East; #90251 (2016)
Janos L. Urai
Search and Discovery.com
... of seal failure. Conditions for the transition from extension or shear fractures can be approximated using a modified Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion...
Economic Evaluation of Prospects with a Top Seal Risk
David C. Lowry
AAPG Special Volumes
... them. Published advice on estimating reward and risk can be very misleading when applied to a prospect with a risk of membrane seal failure...
Reservoir vs. Seal Pressure Gradients: Calculations and Pitfalls; #41298 (2014)
Selim Simon Shaker
Search and Discovery.com
... and Figure 5) reflects seal breach due to a structural failure (fault, salt interface, unconformity .etc). On the other hand, the alignment of pressure...
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Seals: A Seismic Perspective, by L. Liro, T. Smith, D. Quintanilla, P. Colton, and P. Anderson; #90906(2001)
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ABSTRACT: Capillary mechanics, thermodynamics and seal leakage potential; #90017 (2003)
Michael Benedict Clennell
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... that define the seal capacity. It is common to separate risk of seal failure into capillary and mechanical elements. However, an analysis of the reservoir...
The Effect of Pressure Cycling on the Development of Micro-Annulus in Cement Sheath
Yuxing Wu, Harsh Patel, Saeed Salehi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of Committee On Mechanical Properties of Concrete. Bustgaard, M. and Nesheim, M.H., 2016. Model for Prediction of Cement Sheath Failure. M.S. thesis. Norwegian...
ABSTRACT: Containment of CO
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Top Seal Evaluation of Miocene Deep-Water Reservoirs, Southern Gulf of Mexico
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Seals: The Role of Geomechanics
Gary D. Couples
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 3841.Couples, G. D., 1999, A hydro-geomechanical view of seal formation and failure in overpressured basins: Oil and Gas Science and Technology, v. 54, p...
ABSTRACT: Structural Uncertainty and Scenario Modeling for Fault Seal Analysis; #90061 (2006)
Rob Knipe, Steve Freeman, Simon Harris, Russell Davies, and Quentin Fisher
Search and Discovery.com
... with evaluating seal prediction. The process is based on utilizing 3-D reservoir simulation grids and uses an extensive database and knowledge base...
Abstract: Integrated Trap and Seal Evaluation of Complex Reservoir Systems; #90063 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
Significance of Fault Seal from Exploration to Field Development – Geomechanical Perspective
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Abstract: Pressure and Seal Prediction and Detection in Highly Overpressured Basins to Determine Prospectivity, by Philip D. Heppard and Martin L. Albertin; #90039 (2005)
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ABSTRACT: Fault Seal Prediction and Uncertainty Estimation of a Water Wet Fault, by Chun Hock, Tan; Schulte, Lothar; #90155 (2012)
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Fault-seal Analysis Applied to the Erawan Gas-condensate Field in the Gulf of Thailand
Tokio Kachi, Hideki Yamada, Kiyoshi Yasuhara, Masamichi Fujimoto, Shutaro Hasegawa, Shoji Iwanaga, Rasoul Sorkhabi
AAPG Special Volumes
... of these faults was assessed using sand-shale juxtaposition diagrams, shale smear parameters, and fault-seal failure probability (FSFP) (based on in-situ...
Exploring for Deep Gas in the Gulf of Mexico Shelf and Deepwater Using Gas Chimney Processing
David Connolly, Fred Aminzadeh
GCAGS Transactions
... evaluation of charge and seal effectiveness and hydrocarbon phase prediction. End_Page 139------------------------ Figure 4. Seafloor dip azimuth maps...
Evaluation of a Distinct Sub-Play for Enhanced Exploration in an Emerging Petroleum Province, Bannu-Kohat Sub-Basin, Pakistan, #10391 (2012)
Ahmad Nadeem, Moin Raza Khan
Search and Discovery.com
... – Exploration Drilling Results Slide 14 Lessons Learned Reservoir – Seal pair perspective had been missing. Failure of shallow reservoir and/or entrapment...
Abstract: Integrated Workflows for Pre-Drill Pore Pressure Prediction
Jack Taylor
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Integrated Workflows for Pre-Drill Pore Pressure Prediction Jack Taylor 2006 797 798 Vol. 56 (2006) Accurate prediction of pre-drill pore...