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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 888 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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An Analytic Approach to Geologic Interpretation and Petrophysical Modeling of the Bakken/Three Forks Plays

Michael Roth, Murray Roth

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., “seed points” are provided for highconfidence geologic interfaces, which are then tracked to other well logs on the basis of correlation quality. Key...


Geomodeling Unconventional Plays: Improved Selection of Uncertainty Cases

Matthew L. Belobraydic, Peter Kaufman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... uncertainty is distributed normally with a standard deviation of 0.06, truncated to ± 0.12 (2 SD). Two thousand cases were created by varying seed numbers...


Fine-scale variations in distributary mouth-bar morphology in the Middle Triassic Caley Member of the Bedout Sub-basin, Western Australia

A. M. Allgöwer, J. S. Lignum

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... are Falcisporites australis (pollen of a Pteridosperm/seed fern), Aratrisporites coryliseminis, Echitriletes spp. (micro- and macrospores of Pleuromeia lycopsids...


Analysis of intraplate earthquake dynamics on the North West Shelf, Australia: new strike-slip focal mechanisms

V. Holloway, M. Keep

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... use for further analysis. The Standard for the Exchange of Earthquake Data (SEED) is a data format intended primarily for the archival and exchange...


Study of the Dispersing Agents

George Tchillingarian

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... extract Gallic acid Mimosa extract Pecan extract ("Kandu") Coffee Urundy extract Group IV Starch Quince seed Locust bean seed Iranian and Indian gums...


Extended Abstract: Organic-rich Woodford Shale Deposits and the Spread of Vascular Plants During the Late Devonian

Carlos Molinares-Blanco

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and second, the development of seed habit (Figure 1). Primitive plants include Lycopods, Cladoxylaleans and Progymnosperm trees and other plants related...


Indiana Paper Coal: Composition and Deposition

Richard C. Neavel, G. K. Guennel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of arborescent lycopods, the cuticles of the Indiana paper coal resemble Sphenopteris bradfordii Arnold, the foliage of a seed fern. Exinite (cuticles and spore...


Revealing the Uncertainty of Globigerina Limestone Reservoir: Case Study from MBH Field

Rafi Fakhri, Okky Yuditya, Erick Prim Putra, Indra Sumantri, Kian Han

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Gaussian simulation. This condition should be accommodated by conducting multiple realizations by changing the seed number. Using seed as one...


Abstract: Hydraulic Fracturing as a Global Cascade in Networked Systems; #90187 (2014)

David Cho and Gary F. Margrave

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... fraction, defined on the unit interval, is achieved, it adopts state 1, else it remains in state 0. To initiate the system, a set of seed nodes...


Abstract: Stochastic Modeling of Inclined Heterolithic Stratification With the Bank Retreat Model; #90213 (2015)

Michael J. Pyrcz and Clayton V. Deutsch

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... and vertical trends. The algorithm proceeds in the following order (1) seed a channel, (2) discretized the channel with control nodes, (3) calculate...


Shale Diagenesis and Permeability: Examples from the Barnett Shale and the Marcellus Formation; #50372 (2011)

Christopher M. Prince, Deborah D. Steele, Rafael Zelaya, Charles A. Devier

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... at the results obtained using the Modal T2 time. Using MICP data to seed the regression, we can derive the parameters for each rock type and obtain...


Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a Real Option for CCS - How do we get there?, #80195 (2011)

Steven M. Carpenter

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... for maintaining the standard. As a first step prior to the November kick-off meeting in Calgary, the committee members reviewed existing “seed...


Reducing the Uncertainty of Static Reservoir Model in a Carbonate Platform, through the Implementation of an Integrated Workflow: Case A-Field, Abu Dhabi, UAE, #20370 (2016).

Kevin M. Torres, Noor F. Al Hashmi, Ismail A. Al Hosani, Ali S. Al Rawahi, Humberto Parra

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... Sensitivity by variable (Uncertain, SEED) The variable-based sensitivity of the given model is determined by successively selecting one variable...


Modes of Extension and Oceanization at Magma-Poor Margins: An Example from the Brazilian/African Margins, #30435 (2015). Part1

Marta Perez-Gussinye, Mario Araujo, Marco Romeiro, Miguel Andres Martinez, Jason Phipps Morgan, Elena Ros

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.... Viscous and brittle strain softening Initial weak seed: temperature higher by 100C close to Moho. Effect of crustal thickness on margin width...


Taphonomical Implications of the Ladinian Megaflora and Palynoflora of Thale (Germany)

Evelyn Kustatscher, Carmen Heunisch, Johanna H. A. Van Konijnenbrug-Van Cittert


... of the groundwater, they may have inhabited lowland forests. Additionally, it is possible that the bisaccate pollen of Thale could pertain to the seed ferns...


Feasibility of CO2 Storage in Depleted Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Capacity, Microscale Mechanism, Injectivity, Fault Stability, and Monitoring

Sheng Peng, Leopoldo Ruiz Maraggi, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Katy Yut, Timothy P. McMahon, Mahdi Haddad

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... (TORA) program at the Bureau of Economic Geology for the initial financial seed to start the development of this work. Publication authorized...


Inorganic Calcite Morphology: Roles of Fluid Chemistry and Fluid Flow

Luis A. Gonzalez, Scott J. Carpenter, Kyger C Lohmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Values listed as 0.0 are below practical detection limits for approximately 0.01 to 0.05 ppm End_Page 385------------------------ TEMPORAL CONTROLS...


Early Development of Drilling Practices in Kanawha County, West Virginia

J.E. Billingsley

Appalachian Geological Society

.... The wool and twine packer of Ruffner was succeeded by the seed bag. This process was known as "bagging the well." It may be well to quote Dr. Hale...


Pre-Cretaceous Faults in the Ust-Yenisei Region

L. D. Miroshnikov Л. Д. Мирошников

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... sibirica B. - M., B. rotundata B. - M., and others, determined by E. E. Beker-Migdisova), pelecypods, fruit and seed of plants, and also fragments...


Note on Lepisosteus Cuneatus, A Gar from Lake Uinta

Richard D. Dayvault

Grand Junction Geological Society

..., and one stem with attached oval-shaped leaf or seed pod was also found (MWC2686). Location 2. Parachute Creek near Parachute, Colorado This site...


An Introduction to the Flora and Vegetation of the Western San Joaquin Valley

Ernest C. Twisselmann

Pacific Section of AAPG

... is unknown, even that long ago Kettleman Hills had oil workers who travelled to the Near East and may have carried the seed home in their gear. Botanists...


Making the Impossible, Possible!

Jonathan Henderson

GEO ExPro Magazine

... and which makes the multiple seed points are picked to adapt the region to be grown. Geological Expression workflow so efficient? It is increasingly...


Forest Insect Control on Utah’s North Slopes

William H. Klein

Utah Geological Association

... a prolific seed producer, quickly reinvaded the burned areas and resulted in the almost pure, even-age stands that exist today. Man, however, in his zeal...


ABSTRACT: Comparison of the Petrography, Palynology, and Paleobotany of the Little Fire Greek Coal Bed, Southwestern Virginia

Brenda S. Pierce, Cortland F. Eble, Ronald W. Stanton

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... of a diverse paleoflora, including lycopsid trees, smalllycopsids, tree ferns, small ferns, pteridosperms (seed ferns), and rare c a l a m t e...




Montana Geological Society

... being reclaimed and the application of seed and fertilizer according to specifications recommended by the State Land Department...


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