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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 888 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Shear-Derived Mixing in Dense Granular Flows

Peter J. Rowley, Peter Kokelaar, Martin Menzies, Dave Waltham

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... instability wavelength) provides a seed to enhance the development of the proximal instability, so a more fully developed rotational feature is observed...


Muddy-Dakota Field Trip

William H. Curry, III

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... mudstone contains leaf fragments, and in some areas contains insect remains and rare dried seed pods that resemble “flowers”. It weathers light gray...


Landscapes of the North Slopes of the Uinta Mountains

R. E. Marsell

Utah Geological Association

... where evidently it had suddenly formed, condensed from the rising moist air induced by the heat of midday. The tiny seed cloud rapidly expanded...


A Brief History of the Kansas Oil and Gas Industry

Lawrence H. Skelton

Petroleum History Institute

... in the rock. This well we piped, cutting off with a seed-bag the water and oil entering the tube from all points above two or three feet from the extreme...


Seneca Oil and Devil's Tar: Salt Drillers, Medicine Men, and the Pioneer Oil Industry of South-Central KEntucky

William D. McCarthy

Petroleum History Institute

... and wrapping them in twine, then packing the lower ends with old rags or seed bags for a watertight seal.20 Probably thousands of salt wells and water wells...


Early freshwater diatoms from the Upper Cretaceous Battle Formation in western Canada

Peter A. Siver, Maria Velez, Monica Cliveti, Pier Binda


... most likely provided the seed source for early invasion of freshwater environments in the Late Cretaceous. Still, given the closeness in age...


Two- and Three-Dimensional Analysis of Structural Trends in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA

Enrique Novoa

Pacific Section of AAPG

... the least square minimization of gaps and overlaps is reached. Triangles are packed sequentially starting from an initial “seed” defining the stationary...


Plant Microfossils and Geology an Introduction

Aureal T. Cross

Special Publications of SEPM

... the same as they do today Among these thc dominant plants of tree size were the carliest seed plants primitive gymno of the cordaitalean group coni plants...


High Quality Volcaniclastic Sandstone Reservoirs in East Java, Indonesia

Peter Willumsen, David M. Schiller

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... encountered within or in proximity to bioclast-rich or calcareous beds acting as seed crystals, particularly in association with shell rich lags...


Faktor Manusia dan Kegagalan Cerun di Malaysia (IN MALAY), Human Factors and Slope Failures in Malaysia

Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... 6.1-6.6, SEED-Net Field-wise Seminar on Ting, W. H. 1994. Factors affecting stability of "Enhancement of Strategic Plan Towards hill site structures...


Secondary Porosity in Sandstones of the Lower Wilcox (Eocene), Karnes County, Texas

George D. Stanton

GCAGS Transactions

... as the "seed crystals" necessary to start the precipitation of the poikiliotopic pore-filling calcite. Formation of Secondary Porosity By Dissolution...


Late Quaternary Geomorphic Evolution of the Colorado River, Inner Texas Coastal Plain

R. Michael Looney , Victor R. Baker

GCAGS Transactions

... the Fayette Prairie. These are buffalo grass (Bulbilis dactyloides) curly mesquite (Hilaria belangeri), bluestems (Andropogan spp.), drop-seed (Sprobolis...


Submarine Mass-Transport Deposits in the Semantan Formation (Middle-Upper Triassic), Central Peninsular Malaysia

Mazlan Madon

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... intervals to deteriorate with time. At the time of writing (November 2008), the entire North Face has been sprayed with grass seed and lime slurry to prevent...


Dynamic Micro-CT Imaging of Diffusion in Unconventionals

Andrew Fogden, Terri Olson, Michael Turner, Jill Middleton

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... along the center of wider fractures). These were then used to seed a converging active contours algorithm to identify all voxels containing 0 or 100...


Beyond the Deltas: Late Triassic Isolated Carbonate Build-ups on the Exmouth Plateau, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia

S. L. Grain, W. M. Peace, E. C. D. Hooper, E. McCartain, P. J. Massara, N. G. Marshall, S. C. Lang

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... environment. The seed points for this growth may have been footwall crests of tilted fault blocks; however, the carbonates also commonly extend down-dip...


Paleontological Discoveries of James A. “Dinosaur Jim” Jensen in Central Utah

Rodney D. Scheetz, Brooks B. Britt

Utah Geological Association

.... Rock hounds appeared having followed our tracks in. Homer collected considerable plant seed and fruit(?) material about 300 yards northeast...


3D Multiscale Imaging of the Distribution of Pores, Organic Matter and Oil in Place in Vaca Muerta Shale Samples

Silvano Sommacal, Andrew Fogden, Benjamin Young, William Noel, Alessio Arena, Leonardo Salazar, Tobias Gerwig, Qianhao Cheng, Andrew Kingston, Denis Marchal, Ana Maria Perez Mazas, Claudio Hugo Naides, Guillermina Kohler, Marcelo Cagnolatti

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to seed an intensity-based segmentation of 100% and 0% porosity sub-regions using converging active contours (Sheppard et al., 2014). Porosity...


Depositional Environments and Diagenesis of the Bear River Formation, Western Wyoming

Daniel B. Wallem, James R. Steidtmann, Ronald C. Surdam

Wyoming Geological Association

... overgrowths on detrital quartz grains. The grains acted as seed crystals on which silica precipitated from a supersaturated solution. In the most quartz-rich...


Lower Cretaceous Bentonitic Strata in- Southwestern Montana Assigned to Vaughn Member of Mowry Shale (East) and of Blackleaf Formation (West)

R.G. Tysdal, T.S. Dyman, D.J. Nichols

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... that would permit a refined age determination, however. The assemblage includes the Albian to Cenomanian(?) seed fern Ternpskya, and species...


Timely Understanding of Unconventional Reserves through Rate Transient Analysis … a Vaca Muerta Case Study

John M. Thompson, David M. Anderson, Daniel Nakaska, Matias Fernandez Badessich, Cameron T. Boulton

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to the straight-line methods. The type curve match yields estimated reservoir and completion parameters which are used to seed the history match model...


Stochastic-based Coupling of Static and Dynamic Models: An Example From the Meremac Formation in the STACK Play

Mouin Almasoodi, Soodabeh Esmaili, Trevor Ingle

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the input data. The variability of the variogram range, azimuth, random seed, structural interpretation, and property distribution were investigated...


Dawson and Laramie Formations in Southeastern Part of Denver Basin, Colorado

C. H. Dane , W. G. Pierce

AAPG Bulletin

.... 58 W. Equisetum like E. perlaevigatum Cyperacites sp. Pistacia hollicki One seed--indeterminable FOOTNOTE 14. R. C. Coffin, "Ground Waters...


A Methodology to Incorporate Dynamic Salt Evolution in Three-Dimensional Basin Models: Application to Regional Modeling of the Gulf of Mexico

Richard Gibson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... 97108, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2003.11.003.Grando, G., Z. Schleder, R. Shackleton, G. Seed, T. Buddin, K. McClay, and F. Borraccini, 2008, 3-D...


The Tuscaloosa Formation Revisited

Paula L. Hansley

GCAGS Transactions

... is present as tiny (<0.05 mm) golden "wheat seed" rhombohedra on grain rims and as large rhombohedra with oxidized edges. It is most common in sandstones...


Wetlands Regulation and the Oil and Gas Industry In the Gulf Coast Region

Valerie Enck and C. Lee Sherrod

GCAGS Transactions

... such as the accumulation of hydric soils and organic matter, an available seed source, an easily restored hydrology, etc. Wetland Preservation Wetland...


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