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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Reservoir monitoring: Attributes from principal component decomposition of seismic data and comparison to conventional attributes
Z. Sun, G. W. Bishop, J. E. Eastwood
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Reservoir monitoring: Attributes from principal component decomposition of seismic data and comparison to conventional attributes...
Emerging and Future Trends in Seismic Attributes
Search and Discovery.com
...Emerging and Future Trends in Seismic Attributes Emerging and Future Trends in Seismic Attributes Satinder Chopra* Arcis Corp, Calgary, AB...
Constraining Geostatistical Reservoir Models with Seismic Attributes
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Deep Water Depositional Systems; #91205 (2023)
Sumit Verma
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Deep Water Depositional Systems; #91205 (2023) Sumit Verma AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #91205...
-- no title --
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...user Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization Satinder Chopra1 and Kurt J. Marfurt 2 1 Arcis Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada...
-- no title --
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...user Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization Satinder Chopra1 and Kurt J. Marfurt 2 1 Arcis Corporation, Calgary, AB, Canada...
Abstract: Derived Seismic Attributes Underpin Reservoir Characterization in Data-Driven Methodologies; #90255 (2017)
Keith Holdaway
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...Abstract: Derived Seismic Attributes Underpin Reservoir Characterization in Data-Driven Methodologies; #90255 (2017) Keith Holdaway AAPG Datapages...
Abstract: Seismic Attributes for Fault/Fracture Characterization, by by Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Applications for Interpreters; #90171 (2013)
Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... for Interpreters Satinder Chopra* Arcis Corporation, Calgary schopra@arcis.com and Kurt J. Marfurt University of Oklahoma, Norman Summary Seismic attributes...
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Applications for Interpreters; #90171 (2013)
Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
... for Interpreters Satinder Chopra* Arcis Corporation, Calgary schopra@arcis.com and Kurt J. Marfurt University of Oklahoma, Norman Summary Seismic attributes...
Application of Structural Seismic Attributes for Polygonal Faults Interpretation
Munir Elmahdy, Mohamed Fagelnour, Ibrahim Hamza, Ali Gharieb
Search and Discovery.com
...Application of Structural Seismic Attributes for Polygonal Faults Interpretation Munir Elmahdy, Mohamed Fagelnour, Ibrahim Hamza, Ali Gharieb...
Abstract: The Special Value of Seismic Attributes, by A. R. Brown; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Special Value of Seismic Attributes, by A. R. Brown; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Analysis and the use of Unsupervised Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis in Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs; #90227 (2015)
Deborah Sacrey
Search and Discovery.com
... reflection data involves powerful multiple-CPU computers, advanced visualization techniques, and generation of numerous seismic data types and attributes...
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Analysis and the Use of Unsupervised Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis in Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs; #90239 (2015)
Deborah Sacrey
Search and Discovery.com
... reflection data involves powerful multiple-CPU computers, advanced visualization techniques, and generation of numerous seismic data types and attributes...
Abstract: Seismic Attribute Analysis and the Use of Unsupervised Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis in Unconventional and Conventional Reservoirs; #90245 (2016)
Deborah Sacrey
Search and Discovery.com
... seismic data types and attributes. Even with these technologies at the disposal of interpreters, there are additional techniques to derive even more...
Multiattribute Analysis Using Principal Components
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: 3D Seismic Interpretation Workflows with Volume Attributes; #90017 (2003)
Christian Höcker
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: 3D Seismic Interpretation Workflows with Volume Attributes; #90017 (2003) Christian Höcker AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90017©2003...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Well log prediction using attributes from 3C-3D seismic data
Todor Todorov, Robert Stewart, Daniel Hampson, Brian Russell
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Well log prediction using attributes from 3C-3D seismic data Todor Todorov, Robert Stewart, Daniel Hampson, Brian Russell 1998 228...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Approaches to defining reservoir physical properties from 3-D seismic attributes with limited well control: an example from the Jurassic Smackover Formation, Alabama
B. S. Hart, R. S. Balch
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Approaches to defining reservoir physical properties from 3-D seismic attributes with limited well control: an example from...
Abstract: Understanding Seismic Attributes and Their Use in the Applica-tion of Unsupervised Neural Analysis - Case Histories, Both Conventional and Unconventional, by Deborah Sacrey; #90205 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterisation from Seismic Attributes: An Example from Peciko Field (Indonesia), by Christian Gastaldi; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Petrophysical Characterization of a Clastic Reservoir in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin in Colombia Using Artificial Neural Networks and Seismic Attributes
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integration of Seismic Attributes and Well Logs for Prediction of Reliable Porosity Cube: A Case Study; #91204 (2023)
Rimsha Rauf
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Integration of Seismic Attributes and Well Logs for Prediction of Reliable Porosity Cube: A Case Study; #91204 (2023) Rimsha Rauf...