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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Search and Discovery.com
... true for the complex trace seismic attributes, and its possible relationships with petrophysical parameters. From a recent 3D seismic survey, which...
Seismic Attribute Database for Selective Use of Seismic Attributes for a Given Application; #41163 (2013)
Johannes Amtmann, Christoph Eichkitz, and Marcellus Schreilechner
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic Attribute Database for Selective Use of Seismic Attributes for a Given Application; #41163 (2013) Johannes Amtmann, Christoph Eichkitz...
ABSTRACT: Meta attributes: A new concept for reservoir characterization and seismic anomaly detection; #90021 (2003)
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Meta attributes: A new concept for reservoir characterization and seismic anomaly detection; #90021 (2003) FRED AMINZADEH AAPG Search...
Abstract: Gas Field Characterization Through the Use of Multi-Resolution Seismic Attributes; #90211 (2015)
Robert McGrory, Robert Pinnegar, and Robert Stewart
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Gas Field Characterization Through the Use of Multi-Resolution Seismic Attributes; #90211 (2015) Robert McGrory, Robert Pinnegar...
Abstract: Using Seismic Attributes to Delineate Fractures, by S. Chopra and K. J. Marfurt; #90095 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Multi-Attribute Porosity Estimation from 3D-Seismic Data; #90319 (2018)
Rahul Jain
Search and Discovery.com
... and 3D-seismic data volume were collected. A series of other commonly used seismic attributes were also computed. These attributes were correlated...
Abstract: Seismic Acquisition and Processing Attributes Optimization In Structural Interpretation; #91204 (2023)
Abdullah Al Hasani
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Seismic Acquisition and Processing Attributes Optimization In Structural Interpretation; #91204 (2023) Abdullah Al Hasani Seismic...
Seismic Meta-Attributes and the Illumination of the Internal Reservoir Architecture of a Deepwater Synthetic Channel Model, #41267 (2014)
Staffan Van Dyke, Renjun Wen
Search and Discovery.com
...Seismic Meta-Attributes and the Illumination of the Internal Reservoir Architecture of a Deepwater Synthetic Channel Model, #41267 (2014) Staffan...
Appendix D: Summary of Recommendations to Help Today’s Interpreter Get More Geology Out of 3-D Seismic Data in a Reasonable Period of Time
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
... the seismic attributes you use Prefer horizon attributes to windowed attributes Use techniques that maximize signal-to-noise ratio...
Meta-Attributes: A New Concept for Reservoir Characterization and Seismic Anomaly Detection
Fred Aminzadeh
GCAGS Transactions
...Meta-Attributes: A New Concept for Reservoir Characterization and Seismic Anomaly Detection Fred Aminzadeh 2003 19 24 Vol. 53 (2003) Fault cubes...
What is the Benefit of Using Prestack Attributes
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Qualitative Seismic Fracture Study of the Reservoir Using Combination of Seismic Attributes and Geological Setting of the Study Area; #90255 (2017)
Keyvan Najafzadeh, Yahya Moradi Chaleshtori, Abdolah Kiani
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Qualitative Seismic Fracture Study of the Reservoir Using Combination of Seismic Attributes and Geological Setting of the Study Area...
ABSTRACT: Improved Reservoir Parameters Prediction from Seismic Attributes Using Multivariate Statistics and Neural Networks: A Niger Delta Case Study; #90115 (2010)
Mary T. Olowokere and John S. Ojo
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Improved Reservoir Parameters Prediction from Seismic Attributes Using Multivariate Statistics and Neural Networks: A Niger Delta Case...
Abstract: Integrated Fracture Characterization Using Innovative Seismic Fracture Attributes and Seismic Inversion Results; #90319 (2018)
Rajive Kumar, Narhari Srinivas Rao, Hanan Al-Saeed, Talal A Al-Mutairi, Bader Al-Mal
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Integrated Fracture Characterization Using Innovative Seismic Fracture Attributes and Seismic Inversion Results; #90319 (2018) Rajive Kumar...
ABSTRACT: Joint Use of AVO and Multi-Component Seismic Attributes to Estimate Tight Gas Sand Probability in Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin, Colorado; #90106 (2010)
Reinaldo J. Michelena, Patricia E. Rodrigues, Kevin Godbey, Michael J. Uland
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Joint Use of AVO and Multi-Component Seismic Attributes to Estimate Tight Gas Sand Probability in Mamm Creek Field, Piceance Basin...
Workflow for Extraction of Seismic Data From Multiple Synthetic Seismic Models by Using Clustering Algorithms
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Seismic Characterization of the Woodford Shale in the Anadarko Basin; #90133 (2011)
Nabanita Gupta, Supratik Sarkar, and Kurt J. Marfurt
Search and Discovery.com
..., OK Seismic analysis plays a very important role in the characterization of shale gas reservoirs. Several seismic attributes including curvature...
ABSTRACT Delineating Fractures Using Seismic Attributes, #90104 (2010)
Chopra Satinder; Marfurt Kurt J.
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Delineating Fractures Using Seismic Attributes, #90104 (2010) Chopra Satinder; Marfurt Kurt J. Delineating Fractures Using Seismic...
Abstract: Reservoir Characterization by Using 3-D Seismic Attributes with Log Properties, by B. Magnier; #90982 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Chapter 15: 3-D Interpretation Using Seismic Attributes and Forward Modeling: Case Study of a Deep-Water Channel System in the North Sea
Catherine Lewis, Alan P. Laferriere, and Jon R. Schwalbach
AAPG Special Volumes
...Chapter 15: 3-D Interpretation Using Seismic Attributes and Forward Modeling: Case Study of a Deep-Water Channel System in the North Sea Catherine...
Reliable Density Inversion and Application in Understanding Heavy Oil Reservoir Heterogeneity in WCSB
Search and Discovery.com
..., the reservoir heterogeneity is mapped from seismic and its attributes, both primaries and derivatives, with incorporation of well information. Rock physics study...
Abstract: Mining Big Data Using Principal Component Analysis and Using Results to Find Oil and Gas with Neural Analysis of Multiple Seismic Attributes Machine Learning!; #90304 (2017)
Deborah Sacrey
Search and Discovery.com
... and Using Results to Find Oil and Gas with Neural Analysis of Multiple Seismic Attributes – Machine Learning! 1 Auburn Energy Deborah Sacrey1...
Instantaneous Seismic Attributes Calculated by the Hilbert Transform, Bob Hardage, #40563 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstracts: A Novel Procedure to Correlate Seismic Attributes and Horizontal Well Data in Unconventional Plays; #90173 (2015)
Renjun Wen
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstracts: A Novel Procedure to Correlate Seismic Attributes and Horizontal Well Data in Unconventional Plays; #90173 (2015) Renjun Wen AAPG Search...