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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seismic Modeling Applied to Stratigraphic Models to Assess Seismic Interpretation Consistency
Search and Discovery.com
Time Stratigraphy from Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Peter R. Vail, John B. Sangree
AAPG Bulletin
... the interbedding of sediments as a pattern of seismic cycles which End_Page 367------------------------------ parallel time-stratigraphic bedding...
Abstract: Global Approach for Seismic Interpretation Driven by an Automation-Assisted and Structurally Consistent Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Applications and Perspectives; #91204 (2023)
Nicolas Daynac
Search and Discovery.com
... in a discrete stratigraphic framework called ‘Model-Grid’. A 3D interpolation of the discrete Model-Grid then converts each seismic sample into relative...
Abstract: Oligocene-Miocene Shallow Marine Carbonates in Offshore Tunisia: A Sequence Stratigraphic Case Study of an Integrated Data Set, by A. M. Schwab; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis in the Rift Section of Santos Basin, Brazil
Search and Discovery.com
New Resolution in Seismic: Abstract
Fred J. Hilterman
CSPG Special Publications
... consequence of the rapid development in seismic interpretational techniques for delineation of stratigraphic traps. Most of these new interpretational...
Geologic Model-Guided, Progressive Inversion: Key for High-Resolution Reservoir Model from Seismic, by Hongliu Zeng, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Charles Kerans; #90029 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Stochastic Simulation of Deep Water Oligocene Turbidites (Campos Basin) Guided by a Stratigraphic Model Based Seismic Inversion, by R. A. Santos, O. G. Souza, Jr., M. R. Becker, and R. R. P. Alves; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Challenges of Seismic Stratigraphic Model in the Deep Water Potential Breakthrough, Moattama Basin, Offshore Myanmar; #90294 (2017)
Noppadol Boonsawang, Khunamai Rungsai, Vitoon Chaisomboonpan
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: The Challenges of Seismic Stratigraphic Model in the Deep Water Potential Breakthrough, Moattama Basin, Offshore Myanmar; #90294 (2017...
Turbidites Characterization From Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis: Application to the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrating Seismic Stratigraphy and Forward Stratigraphic Modeling for Prediction of Source Rocks and Tight Carbonate Facies: A Case Study from the Callovian-Oxfordian of the Eastern Saudi Arabia; #90275 (2017)
Abdel Fattah Bakhiet, David Z. Tang, Abdel Ghayoum Ahmed
Search and Discovery.com
... this integrated sequence stratigraphic model. The workflow for seismic sequence stratigraphic analysis includes 3-D seismic data interpretations...
Abstract: Conditioned Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Large Carbonate Fields: A Dionisos Model of Karachaganak, by Miriam S. Andres, Phil Bassant, and Paul M. Harris; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Integrating Detailed Stratigraphic Architecture with 3D Seismic for High-resolution Reservoir Modeling, by Zeng, Hongliu, Charles Kerans, Stephen Ruppel; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Inverse Reservoir Modeling Using 3-D Seismic, by H. Debeye; #90990 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Stratigraphic Modeling with Western Canadian Examples: ABSTRACT
G. R. Davidson, R. E. Newman
AAPG Bulletin
... representing a gradual stratigraphic variation. Synthetic seismic traces are computed for each log and displayed as a model seismic section...
ABSTRACT: Enhanced Seismic Interpretation Using Outcrop Based Synthetic Seismic: Natih Formation, Oman; #90007 (2002)
A. M. Schwab, P. W. Homewood, F. Van Buchem, P. Razin
Search and Discovery.com
... of subtle features was enhanced by comparison with synthetic seismic sections constructed from a high resolution stratigraphic outcrop model...
Incorporating Geophysics into Geologic Models
Erik Johnsen, Fugro-Jason
GEO ExPro Magazine
... are inaccurate (middle). Using a stratigraphic model grid, the seismic data can be accurately represented in the geologic model (bottom...
Abstract: Utilizing Seismic Attributes for Machine Assisted Fault Detection and Extraction; #91204 (2023)
Muhammad Khan, Yasir Bashir, Saleh Dossary, Syed Ali
Search and Discovery.com
... enable geoscientists to identify and delineate structural and stratigraphic elements from 3D seismic in an efficient manner. Although...
Quantitative Seismic Interpretation An Earth Modeling Perspective; #41348 (2014)
Damien Thenin and Ron Larson
Search and Discovery.com
...) with locally varying mean. Seismic Stratigraphy The stratigraphic layering in an earth model represents 3D correlation lines and it strongly influences the way...
Numerical Modelling of Depositional Sequences and Their Seismic Expression
M. T. Jervey
CSPG Special Publications
.... Many of the concepts derived from the model have since appeared in the seismic stratigraphic literature. The model and its implications with respect...
Abstract: Seismic Interpretation Validation at Deep-Water Rifted Margins Using Structural-Stratigraphic Modeling; #90310 (2017)
Júlia Gómez-Romeu, Nick J. Kusznir, Gianreto Manatschal, Alan M. Roberts
Search and Discovery.com
... and stratigraphic consequences of recursive sequential faulting and sedimentation. Inputs for the kinematic forward model derived from seismic reflection...
Construction and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Seismic Porosity Inversion Models
Hongliu Zeng
AAPG Special Volumes
... of stratigraphic surfaces (horizons) and is typically lower than seismic resolution.Smoothed log model (Figure 7C). Acoustic impedance values between wells...
Integrated Subsalt Velocity Model Building in the Central Gulf of Mexico
Search and Discovery.com