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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Forward Seismic Modeling of Khuff-Equivalent Outcrops, Central Saudi Arabia, by Harry W. Mueller, III and Xavier Janson; #90077 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3-D Seismic Expression of Karst Using 3-D Synthetic Seismic Model of Modern Analogs, by X. Janson and S. Fomel; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Results of DSDP Leg 77 in Deep Southeastern Gulf of Mexico--How Good Was our Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation Ahead of the Drill?: ABSTRACT
R. T. Buffler, W. Schlager, F. J. Shaub
AAPG Bulletin
... with the model predicted by the seismic stratigraphic analysis. Data concerning the geologic history of this area, developed from the drilling and the seismic...
Abstract: The Impact of Geologic Model Resolution on Fluid Flow Behavior—an Example from a Large, Mature Carbonate Reservoir, by Linda Corwin, Gregory S. Benson, and Shan H. Yang; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Special Volumes
... concepts of seismic response to thin transitional beds and the synthesis of seismograms from stratigraphic sequences were explained more than 20 years...
Shaping the Future of Seismic Interpretation
Vianney Savajol
GEO ExPro Magazine
... Pauget et al. proposed a comprehensive approach to building a geological model while interpreting seismic data. The first step consists of computing a 3D...
Restoring Seismic Images Based on Structural Forward Models to Reveal the Interplay Between Faulting, Erosion, and Fluvial Processes at a Basin-Bounding Growth Fault in the Bohai Bay, China
Search and Discovery.com
Sequence Stratigraphic Model and Petroleum Accumulation of Jurassic in East Fulkang Slope, Junggar Basin, by Z. Qin; #90902 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Seismic Modeling of Depositional Sequences across a Carbonate Platform-to-Basin Transition: A Test for Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy, by F. S. Anselmetti, G. P. Eberli, and D. Bernoulli; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: The Application of Seismic Stratigraphic Methods on Exploration 3D Seismic Data to Define a Reservoir Model in OPL 210, Deepwater Nigeria, by R. Lilletveit, P. Ventris, and G. Osahon; #90956 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Semantic Segmentation Pipeline for Seismic Data
Search and Discovery.com
Improving Petroleum System Analysis with Better Understanding of Seismic Input Uncertainties, #41235 (2013)
Ling Duan, Jianchang Liu, Richard Eisenberg
Search and Discovery.com
... of analysis. During the model building process, seismic attributes are extracted and interpreted in order to use these variables to optimize the basin...
An Overview of Reservoir Seismic Stratigraphy, Frontmatter
Tom Wittick
North Texas Geological Society
... Acoustic impedance Reflection coefficients Wavelets The convolutional model III. Preparation of seismic data for stratigraphic work Data...
Process-Mimicking Reservoir Modeling
Search and Discovery.com
Improved Resolution of a Subtle Stratigraphic Play in a Mature Basin: Integration of Traditional Geological Techniques and Seismic Geo-modelling Technology, #41506 (2014).
Siddharth Mukund, Ingelise Schmidt, David Alan Stanbrook
Search and Discovery.com
...Improved Resolution of a Subtle Stratigraphic Play in a Mature Basin: Integration of Traditional Geological Techniques and Seismic Geo-modelling...
Experiment on the Selection of Time-Transgression Predictive Seismic Attributes; #120167 (2014)
Yawen He, Hongliu Zeng
Search and Discovery.com
... was defined to select the seismic attribute, which favors the prediction of time transgression for a given event. Model Construction Modern 3D...
Abstract: Seismic and Well Based Sequence Stratigraphy in the Offshore Caribbean Basin, Colombia, by Martinez, Wenceslao I.; Espino Cerna, Diana K.; Carrington, Jaclyn; and Benkovics, Laszlo; #90166 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Reservoir-Scale Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, McKittrick Canyon, and 3-D Subsurface Examples
Scott W. Tinker
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of rock The hypothesis of this paper is that the stratigraphic framework exerts a primary control on the accuracy of a 3-D reservoir model...
ABSTRACT: Unified Structural and Stratigraphic Model for Giant Field in ADCO; #90051 (2006)
Yousuf S. Al-Mehairi, Sami Rassas, Ahmad Al-Shaikh, Ismail Al-Hosani, Suryanarayana Karri, Tawfiq A. Obeida, Lorraine Yearron, Steve Cannon
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Unified Structural and Stratigraphic Model for Giant Field in ADCO; #90051 (2006) Yousuf S. Al-Mehairi, Sami Rassas, Ahmad Al-Shaikh...
Using Synthetic Seismic Models of Channelized Deepwater Slope Deposits to Inform Stratigraphic Interpretation and Reservoir Modeling
Search and Discovery.com
Methods in Exploration Series #2: Seismic Models of Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps in Rocky Mountain Basins - Introduction
Robert T. Ryder, Myung W. Lee, Gerald N. Smith
AAPG Special Volumes
... the field. The objective of this publication is to present the results of seismic model studies of 15 known stratigraphic traps that were obtained...