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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Advanced Seismic Acquisition Survey Design Based on Illumination Analysis; #90319 (2018)

Pavel Golikov, Emad Hemyari, Abdulaziz Almuhaidib

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... is the velocity model. This model can be obtained from the previous sparse 3D studies or extrapolated from the nearest wells and seismic cubes using...


A Simple Guide to Seismic Inversion

Ashley Francis

GEO ExPro Magazine

... are not artefacts from the model building. Figure 3: Stratigraphic slices through a deterministic inversion result calibrated to porosity. Good porosity areas...


ABSTRACT: Recent Seismic Results and Exploration of a Deepwater Foldbelt, South Falkland Basin, South Atlantic; #90061 (2006)

H. Obee and B. Farrer

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... described. A suite of seismic profiles and balanced geological cross-sections are used to illustrate the structural and stratigraphic evolution of the area...


Benefits of semi-automatic seismic interpretation workflow for fast-paced decision-making environments: A U.S. onshore case study

Alfredo Fernandez, Jake Marson, Vianney Savajol, Christi Gell

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... Institute of Israel (GII). Lacaze, S., F. Pauget, M. Lopez, A. Gay, and M. Mangue, 2011, Seismic stratigraphic interpretation from a geological model...


Abstract: Stratigraphic Forward Modeling and the Search for Stratigraphic Traps; #90319 (2018)

Abid Bhullar, Luisa A. Rebata Hernani, Ali Alali, Abdulaziz Alnoeem, Mustafa Hashim, Omer Aksu

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... for generating basin-wide SFM models. Well and seismic data were used for calibration but the model provided more detail between and beyond the data based...


Chapter 6: Seismic Modeling

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

... is a stratigraphic model of the crossection in figure 6-8. Stratigraphic modeling does not account for structural effects in the seismic data. It only...


Seismic Modeling

Abilene Geological Society

... outcome. In our economic model if the price of oil goes up one dollar, how will that impact the overall economic performance of the project? Seismic...


Understanding Lateral Reservoir Development Through Partial Stack Seismic Forward Modeling - Case Study: BŽ Field, Nam Con Son Basin … Vietnam

Wawan Satriawan, Ian Millar, Leonard Lisapaly, Jimmy Ting

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The fault imaging and reflector continuity are very good and are acceptable either for structural and stratigraphic interpretation purposes. Overall seismic...


Abstract: Carbonate-Targeted Seismic Imaging „ The Beginning Step to Change the Game in Carbonate Plays;

Fangjian Xue, David Paddock

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... plays. The conventional approach of seismic imaging is targeted for geological features on structural-stratigraphic framework and depositional...


Seismic Stratigraphy in Low-Energy Carbonate Depositional Environment: ABSTRACT

J. A. Ward, D. E. Foulkes

AAPG Bulletin

... changes are often easily discernible with the seismic tool. In contrast, low-energy, more subtle shelf interior stratigraphic features have attracted less...


Abstract: Numerically modelling Miocene stratigraphic sequences on the New Jersey shelf

William J. Schmelz, Kenneth G. Miller, Gregory S. Mountain

Atlantic Geology

.... The model is simple, but incorporates the primary geological and geomorphological processes that influence stratigraphic development in sedimentary basins...


ABSTRACT: Seismic Heterogeneity Cubes and Corresponding Equiprobable Simulations; #90013 (2003)

Matthias Imhof, William Kempner

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..., or stratigraphic and lithologic heterogeneity. Raw second-order statistics estimated from seismic data contain too many parameters to form useful seismic...


Applying forward stratigraphic modeling to enhance understanding of depositional evolution of ancient carbonate platforms and improve geostatistical models: A case study in southwestern China

Yuan Huang, Taizhong Duan, Yanfeng Liu

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...%. The comparisons of FSM model profiles and two typical seismic profiles demonstrate the moderate similarity of stratigraphic architecture and geometry...


Compound Seismic Forward Modeling of the Atiart Submarine Canyon Outcrop, Spain: Application to the Submarine Canyon on the Subsurface Loppa High, Barents Sea; #42272 (2018)

Dicky Harishidayat, Ståle E. Johansen, Cai Puigdefabregas, Kamaldeen O. Omosanya

Search and

... composition observed in the outcrop and in seismic data. The aim of this work is to produce a realistic model that can potentially bridge the critical gap...


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