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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: An Integrated Approach Using Seismic, Well Logs and Cores for Predicting the Depositional Architecture in Jurassic Reservoirs, South Mangyshlak Basin, Western Kazakhstan;
Michele Morosini, Juan Daniel Sanchez Mendoza, Renat Iltukov, Meirzhan Mukushev
Search and Discovery.com
..., the seismic data was pre-conditioned to better support the understanding of a sequence stratigraphic framework, aid with the well correlations, and guide...
A Conceptual Tectonostratigraphic Model for Seismic Facies Migrations in a Fluvio-Lacustrine Extensional Basin
Uwe Strecker, J. R. Steidtmann, and S. B. Smithson
AAPG Bulletin
... of subsidence, and a deeper lake forms. This tectonostratigraphic model for rift-lake sedimentation is tested in a seismic and sequence stratigraphic study...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Description from Seismic Lithologic Modeling, Part 2: Substantiation by Reservoir Simulation, by Marc De Buyl, Tom Guidish, and Shahid Ullah; #91035 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Seismic Models of Fifteen Stratigraphically Controlled Oil and Gas Fields with Sandstone Reservoirs, Rocky Mountain Basins: ABSTRACT
Robert T. Ryder, Gerald N. Smith, Myung W. Lee
AAPG Bulletin
... to be expected for a specific problem and the quality of seismic data required to solve it. The fields chosen for the model studies represent four major classes...
ABSTRACT: Seismic-Stratigraphic Geochemical Model of Occurrence of Oils in Gulf of Mexico Flexure Trend, by Menno Dinkelman and David J. Curry; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
A Method to Interpret Cycle Stratigraphic Framework at Wireline Log-Resolution Using Seismic Data
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Applying Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Seismic Analysis to Gain Basin-Scale Insight: Evaluating Late Cretaceous Reservoir Potential on the West African Margin from Gabon to Angola; #90310 (2017)
Sarah Laird, Karen Heyburn, Emily Rees, Emily Firth, Craig Koch, Matthew Tyrrell
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Applying Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Seismic Analysis to Gain Basin-Scale Insight: Evaluating Late Cretaceous Reservoir Potential...
Chapter 12: 3-D Architecture Modeling Using High-Resolution Seismic Data and Sparse Well Control: Example from the Mars "Pink" Reservoir, Mississippi Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico
M. A. Chapin, G. M. Tiller, and M. J. Mahaffie
AAPG Special Volumes
...Chapter 12: 3-D Architecture Modeling Using High-Resolution Seismic Data and Sparse Well Control: Example from the Mars "Pink" Reservoir, Mississippi...
Abstract: Application of Seismic Sedimentology in the Prediction of Sand-Body Distribution in Deep Sag Zone of Rifted Lacustrine Basin, by Dongna Zhao; #90199 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: An Integrated Geostatistical and Seismic Facies Analysis Approach to Detect the Carboniferous Unayzah Stratigraphic Traps of Central Saudi Arabia; #90310 (2017)
Mahdi A. AbuAli
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: An Integrated Geostatistical and Seismic Facies Analysis Approach to Detect the Carboniferous Unayzah Stratigraphic Traps of Central Saudi...
Exploring Jurassic Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy Petrophysical Characterization and 3-D Seismic Facies Modeling Northern Saudi Arabia, #90104 (2010)
Bakhiet Abdel Fattah M.; Tang David Z.; Gregory Arthur; Lawrence Paul; Rabiller Philippe; Macurda Bradford
Search and Discovery.com
...Exploring Jurassic Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps by Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy Petrophysical Characterization and 3-D Seismic Facies Modeling...
A Simple Seismic Forward
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Frequency-Dependent Seismic Stratigraphy for High-Resolution Interpretation of Depositional Sequences, by H. Zeng; #90090 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Pitfalls in Seismic Modeling of Stratigraphic Traps, by K. Edwards; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: An Integrated 3-D Multi-Attribute Seismic Facies Evaluation of Jurassic Carbonate Depositional Sequences, by Wharton, Stanley R.; Lawrence, Paul; Bakhiet, AbdelFattah; Tang, David; Gregory, Arthur; #90141 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Seismic Stratigraphy and Geomorphology of the Bibiyana Gas Field, Bangladesh: How the Recognition of Sequence Boundaries Impacts the Understanding of Reservoir Architecture and Distribution;
Kenneth Ehman, Andrea Lisi, R. Chadwick Holmes, Joyanta Dutta, Sirajum Munira, James Turner
Search and Discovery.com
... impacts the understanding of reservoir architecture and distribution. The stratigraphic model integrates 3D seismic reflection volumes with well data...
Incorporation of Geology, Wells, and Rock Physics into Anisotropy Estimation for Seismic Depth Imaging Enables True Earth Model, #40828 (2011)
Huyen Bui, Peck-Hwa David Ng, Jenny Zhou, Chih-Wen Kue, Mart Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... model building plays a very important role in depth imaging. We showed a practical workflow to improve the well-seismic tie in depth as well as to retain...
Abstract: Seismic Attributes Analysis of Deep Reservoir in Erb West Field (Poster 7)
Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff, M. Firdaus A. Halim, Juhari Ismail
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... on a sequence stratigraphic study conducted by PRSS. The potential reservoir was called the P reservoir. A similar 3D Seismic Attributes Analysis was later...
Approaches to Defining Reservoir Physical Properties from 3-D Seismic Attributes with Limited Well Control: an Example from the Jurassic Smackover Formation, Alabama
Bruce S. Hart, Robert S. Balch
West Texas Geological Society
... attributes that are derived from the well-log/seismic correlations in the study area. Furthermore, the model results show which seismically-derived...
Abstract: An Overview of a New Data-driven Workflow for Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation; #90172 (2014)
Friso Brouwer, Geert de Bruin, Paul de Groot
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: An Overview of a New Data-driven Workflow for Seismic Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation; #90172 (2014) Friso Brouwer, Geert de Bruin...