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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Reed, Robert J., Robert Taylor
Search and Discovery.com
... Stevens Anticline. The reservoir was discovered in 1973; production peaked at 13MBOPD. Water injection commenced in 1983. In 2002 a seismic stratigraphic...
Abstract: Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Holocene Sediments on the Central Texas Gulf Coast
Stephen S. Wright
GCAGS Transactions
...-dimensional model of Holocene sedimentation in the study area. To establish a time-stratigraphic framework for the seismic sequence, a regional basal...
Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Holocene Sediments on the Central Texas Gulf Coast: ABSTRACT
Stephen S. Wright
AAPG Bulletin
.... (September) Application of seismic stratigraphic analysis to high-resolution sparker profiles from Corpus Christi Bay, on the central Texas Gulf Coast...
Extraction and Analysis of Complex Geobodies in Faulted Deposits Using Relative Geological Time Model Attributes and Spectral Decomposition: Exmouth Sub-Basin, Australia
Search and Discovery.com
Seeing through the shear zone for the first time: The impact of seismic technologies on the clarity of seismic image over Bahrah field
Ali Mohamed, Adel El-Emam, Nacim Brika, Halis Bayri, Amr Issa, Kashif Adeel
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the comprehensive TTI depth velocity model building work which successfully integrates borehole geophysical measurements and surface seismic refraction...
The Role of Seismic Inversion Modeling in Describing Reservoir Characteristics: A Case Study
William C. Robinson
West Texas Geological Society
... 3D seismic survey, showing some structural and stratigraphic features of the project. Figure 3. Profile L-L’ (partial) from the inversion model data...
Application of accurate sedimentology interpretation method based on cost function in reservoir characterization
Huihuang Tan, Xinyi Duan, Xiaojie Zhang, Wei Gao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
.... Finally, the optimal stratigraphic model is selected from a large number of possible geological frameworks to realize the establishment of seismic...
V. Contributions of GeoSeismic Modeling
Norman S. Neidell
AAPG Special Volumes
... in the next section where we consider the qualitative nature of seismic stratigraphic correlations, but mainly via seismic model studies. Fig. Base map...
Abstract: Seismic and Geologic Facies Analyses in Field Development, Mackerel Field, Gippsland Basin, Australia, by A. J. Mebberson, D. J. Morton; #90962 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Gilbert--A Three-Dimensional Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Lake Basins, by C. G. Chase, P. Verhoyen, A. S. Cohen, and J. Jurgens; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Genetic Model for Development of Growth Faults within a Sequence Stratigraphic Context, by E. A. Duncan; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Prediction of Porosity in Permian (Zechstein 2) Carbonate Rocks of Eastern Netherlands from Seismic Data, by G. T. Maureau, D. H. Van Wijhe; #90961 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Reservoir Modeling and Analysis of Niagaran Reefs, Michigan Basin;
Clayton Silver, Carl Buist, Heather Bedle, Matthew Rine
Search and Discovery.com
... to construct a robust geological reservoir model that combines core, petrophysical, and seismic data to identify favorable zones for natural gas...
Abstract: Seismic Modeling of Carbonate Outcrops, by J. Stafleu, W. Schlager, E. Campbell, and A-J. Everts; #90990 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Predicting Geometry and Stacking Pattern of Thinly Interbedded Depositional Systems
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Leveraging 4D Seismic and Production Data to Advance the Geological Model of the Enfield Oil Field, Western Australia, by Hamson, Gillian; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretations Using Diffraction Seismograms
Richard K. Snavely , A.K.M. Sarwar
GCAGS Transactions
..., 1977, Seismic stratigraphic model of depositional platform margin, Eastern Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma: AAPG Memoir 26, p. 439-449. Gardner, et al., 1974...
New Perspectives On Seismic Sequence Imaging In The Geological Challenging Frontier M9 West, Offshore Myanmar
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Integrated Seismic Modeling of the Troll West Area, by J. P. Blangy, S. Strandenes, and A. Nur; #91012 (1992).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Quantifying Heterogeneity Preserved in Inverted Seismic Data: Implications for Reservoir Prediction and Geostatistical Modeling;
Teresa Langenkamp, Lisa Stright, Heather Bedle, Stephen Hubbard, Brian Romans
Search and Discovery.com
.... In this study, we generate forward seismic models of a bed- to field-scale deep-water channel system outcrop model with variable: sandstone net-to-gross (NTG...
Abstract: High-Resolution Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Study in Deep Water Reservoir Block M-11, Myanmar Exploration; #90253 (2016)
Khunamai Rungsai, Jakkarin Iamboon, Kanchit Jantarangsi, Puvanat Chumsena
Search and Discovery.com
... by using same seismic stratigraphic principles. Forestepping and downstepping reflectors are observed in both model of stratigraphy. Forestepping...
Abstract: The Impact of Rock Physics Guided Seismic Property Forward Modeling on Stratigraphic Traps; #91204 (2023)
Rawan Alzayer, Mukarram Ahmed
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: The Impact of Rock Physics Guided Seismic Property Forward Modeling on Stratigraphic Traps; #91204 (2023) Rawan Alzayer, Mukarram Ahmed...
Abstract: Distribution of Sedimentary Heterogeneities in Proterozoic Shale-Plays: Insights from Multi-Realization of Stratigraphic Models of the Velkerri Formation (Beetaloo Basin, Northern Territory, Australia);
Vincent Crombez, Mohinudeen Faiz, Claudio Delle Piane
Search and Discovery.com
... of the various intervals, we built a 3D stratigraphic model of the Velkerri Formation. This model restores the stratigraphic evolution of the basin...
Abstract: Revisiting East Sabah Prospectivity Based on New Tectonic Understanding
Herry Maulana, Muhammad Fauzi Deraman
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
.... The challenge in the basin stems from a perception of charge issue and shallow basement high due to poor seismic below the SRU (Shallow Regional Unconformity...