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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Horizontal Seismic Sections and Their Utility in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
... sections are one type of product from a three-dimensional seismic survey. Three-dimensional surveys have been performed in every type of environment...
Abstract: From Rocks to Models: Three-Dimensional Visualization as a Tool to Integrate Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy into Reservoir Models, by TINKER, SCOTT W.; #90938 (1997)
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Abstract: Three-Dimensional Structural Evolution of a Salt-Cored, Domed, Reactivated Fault Complex, Jebel Madar, Oman, by Johan S. Claringbould, J Frederick Sarg, Brittney B. Hyden, and Bruce D. Trudgill; #90124 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Depth Conversion: Application and Verification of Depth Conversion of 3D and 2D Seismic Data - Case Histories, by J. E. LaFrenier and J. Dunkelberg; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Attribute Extraction: An Important Application in Any Detailed 3-D Interpretation Study, by E. J. H. Rijks; #91003 (1990).
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Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation with Three Dimensional Modeling in Thin Bed Low Resistivity Natural Gas Exploration
Yen Jun Lim, Shyh Zung Lo
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation with Three Dimensional Modeling in Thin Bed Low Resistivity Natural Gas Exploration Yen Jun Lim, Shyh...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic Lithologic Modeling to Delineate Rapidly Changing Reservoir Facies: A Case History from Alberta, Canada, by Valery Gelfand, Gary Taylor, Jon Tessman, and Ken Larner; #91043 (2011)
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Seismic Stratigraphy, Facies Architecture, and Reservoir Character of a Pleistocene Shelf-Margin Delta Complex, Eugene Island Block 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana1
Bruce S. Hart, David M. Sibley and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Bulletin
... is the deposit of a late Pleistocene (~0.8 Ma) shelf-margin lowstand delta complex. We integrated three-dimensional (3-D) seismic, wireline log, core...
ABSTRACT: Three-dimensional Seismic Facies of Submarine Channel Systems in Variable Tectonic Settings along the Deepwater West Africa Margin, by Katrina Coterill, Gabor Tari, Paul Ashton, and Philip Thomson; #90906(2001)
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ABSTRACT: Documented Subsurface Three-Dimensional Geological Heterogeneity in the Weber/Tensleep Sandstones and Madison Carbonates: Wyoming’s Highest-Priority CO
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Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging of Probable Hydrate Deposits Linked to Chimneys Venting Gases Through Hydrate Stability Zone, From Offshore Mauritania
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Horizontal Seismic Sections and Their Utility in Petroleum Exploration
Alistair R. Brown
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... history using three-dimensional seismic data in the Gulf of Thailand: Geophysical Prospecting, v. 29, p. 327-349. Brown, A. R., C. G. Dahm, and R. J...
Experience in Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies for Study of Salt Tectonics of the Peri-Caspian Synclize
Ye. G. Bulakh, V. A. Rzhanitsyn, M. N. Markova, I. N. Shcherbakova, Yu. S. Dezhanova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... of seismic profiles on which the three-dimensional geologic sections were plotted; lines of equal depth (in km) of occurrence of the top of the salt...
ABSTRACT: Three Dimensional Fault Detection Using Dip and Azimuth; #90120 (2011)
Aftab Alam, Mirza Naseer Ahmad, Mumtaz Ahmad Mehar, and Sohaib Ahmad
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...ABSTRACT: Three Dimensional Fault Detection Using Dip and Azimuth; #90120 (2011) Aftab Alam, Mirza Naseer Ahmad, Mumtaz Ahmad Mehar, and Sohaib Ahmad...
Seismic Characterization of Stratigraphic Architecture: Outcrop- and Well-Based Three-Dimensional Forward Seismic Modeling of Permian San Andres-Grayburg Strata
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Physical Modeling and Its Role in Solving Geologic Problems: ABSTRACT
John A. McDonald
AAPG Bulletin
... materials, and at first these models represented simplistic geologic features such as domes or two-dimensional synclines. The models were then immersed...
Chapter 15: 3-D Interpretation Using Seismic Attributes and Forward Modeling: Case Study of a Deep-Water Channel System in the North Sea
Catherine Lewis, Alan P. Laferriere, and Jon R. Schwalbach
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Interpretation of three dimensional seismic data: AAPG Memoir 42, p. 72-83, 97. Strategies for reservoir description are changing as the result of large volumes...
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Approach to Sequence Stratigraphy Interpretation and Subsurface Architectural Modeling of X-Field, Niger Delta, by O. J. Rotimi and A. I. Olayinka; #90090 (2009).
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Abstract: Reservoir-Scale Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy, McKittrick Canyon, and 3-D Subsurface Examples
Scott W. Tinker
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... and analysis techniques. The goal of three-dimensional geologic modeling is to construct an accurate, digital depiction of a three-dimensional body...
ABSTRACT: Time Slices from Two-Dimensional Seismic Surveys, by M. Hugh Miller, Jr. and William S. French; #91030 (2010)
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Abstract: Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data
Palle F. Miller
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data Palle F. Miller 289 Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data Palle F. MILLER...
Abstract: Benefits and Limitations of 3-D Poststack Depth Imaging in Complex Geological Settings, by J. Cabrera; #90951 (1996).
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Seismic Modeling Applied to Stratigraphic Models to Assess Seismic Interpretation Consistency
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