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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Seismic Delineation of Algal Mound Reservoirs, Humble City South Field, Lea County, New Mexico, by Charles A. Caughey; #91030 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Eight-Fold Three-Dimensional Seismic Coverage Onshore for Price of Two Normal CDP Lines, by James L. Allen and John L. Howell, Sr.; #91038 (2010)
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Study of Subtle Traps Using Horizontal Seismic Sections: ABSTRACT
Alistair R. Brown, C. G. Dahm, Robert J. Graebner
AAPG Bulletin
...-dimensional seismic survey, after proper design, data collection, and data processing, yields a three-dimensionally migrated data volume. Horizontal...
Abstract: Prolific Upper Pleistocene Gas Sands: Southeastern High Island and Southern West Cameron Additions, Offshore Northern Gulf of Mexico
Bruce W. Dawson, Jeffery E. Larson, Edward C. McClintock, Michael D. Taylor, Amy B. Thompson
GCAGS Transactions
... the graben and the development of the hydrocarbon traps via structural uplifts and associated faulting. Three-dimensional seismic interpretation...
Abstract: Analysis of Fault Network and Rock Mass Connectivity in Pull-Apart Basins, by Darrell W. Sims, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, and Deborah J. Waiting; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Marine 3-D Data
Ted Selby
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... DATA T.BD SBLBY, Geoph¥sical Service Incorporated, Singapore Three dimensional seismic surveys are usually .conducted not for general exploration...
3-D Seismic Interpretation of Mass-Transport Complexes: Examples from the Offshore Nile Delta and West Africa, by Dorthe Moeller Hansen, Jonathan Redfern, Rob Gawthorpe, Gianluca Badalini, and Martin Gee; #90052 (2006)
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Stratigraphic Analysis of the Cretaceous Turbidite Reservoirs in the Campos Basin, Brazil, by Eduardo G. Barboza, Ricardo N. Ayup-Zouain, and Maria Luiza C. C. Rosa; #90052 (2006)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Interpretation of Seismic Attributes in Detecting Fluid Contacts Case History: Tembungo Field
Izman Hamid, Idrus Mohd Shuhud
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
..., in extracting and displaying seismic attributes for stratigraphic interpretation. Based on three-dimensional seismic data, direct hydrocarbon indicators...
Chapter Ten: Depth Conversion and Depth Imaging Introduction
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
...: Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data (Seventh Edition), 2011 Depth conversion concerns the seismic interpreter because seismic...
ABSTRACT: Salt Cored Convergent Transfer Zone in the South Timbalier Block 54, Offshore Gulf of Mexico: New Insights from Balanced Cross Sections and Three Dimensional Structural Models; #90117 (2010)
"Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra"
Search and Discovery.com
... and Three Dimensional Structural Models; #90117 (2010) "Shamik Bose, Shankar Mitra" Salt Cored Convergent Transfer Zone in the South Timbalier Block 54...
Abstract: Application of Seismic Interpretation in the Development of Jerneh Field, Malay Basin, by Z. Yusoff; #90982 (1994).
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ABSTRACT: Diversity Summing Option for a Three-Dimensional Field Recorder, by A. S. Badger and David M. Wilson; #91035 (2010)
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Abstract: Seismic Modeling of Fluvial Reservoirs in Outcrop, by E. Campbell; #90990 (1993).
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Abstract: Identification and 3-D Visualization of Reservoirs Using Interactive Isosurfacing, by R. A. Levey, C. R. Johnson, Y. Livant, H. R. Nelson Jr., S. Parker, and B. A. Birdwell; #90937 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Presence Prediction of a Deep Water Prospect Based on the Integrated Interpretation of 3D Seismic and 3DCSEM
Search and Discovery.com
Application of transfer learning and multi-scale feature fusion in intelligent suppression of seismic random noise
Xin Xu, Wuyang Yang, Xinjian Wei, Haishan Li, Nang Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... data. We propose an advanced 3D seismic denoising framework based on DnCNN, which extends the network architecture from two dimensions to three...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: From 2 Dimensional to 3 Dimensional: Modeling the Western Gulf of Mexico Using Recently Acquired Long Offset Seismic and Gravity Data
Parsons, M., Price, A., Bain, J., Mulcahy, S., and Pawlowski, R.
GCAGS Transactions
... the two-dimensional time seismic network and the three-dimensional earth model in depth. The Iterative Approach Over a period of several...
Abstract: 3D Seismic Processing and Interpretation from 2D Seismic Data: Application in Environmentally Sensitive Areas of the Neuquen Basin, Argentina; #90240 (2015)
Luis Vernengo
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: 3D Seismic Processing and Interpretation from 2D Seismic Data: Application in Environmentally Sensitive Areas of the Neuquen Basin...
Case-3: Case Study: Use of 3D Seismic Interpretation Techniques to Define Shallow Gas Sand Reservoirs, by Susie Mastoris; #91024 (1989)
Search and Discovery.com
Developments in Seismic Processing for Geologic Interpretation: ABSTRACT
Mark K. Smith
AAPG Bulletin
...Developments in Seismic Processing for Geologic Interpretation: ABSTRACT Mark K. Smith 1969 742 742 53 3. (March) Since the introduction in the early...
Abstract: Quality Enhancement of 3D Seismic Data Using Anisotropic Diffusion Method; #90255 (2017)
Yahya Moradi Chaleshtori, Abdolah Kiani, Keyvan Najafzadeh
Search and Discovery.com
... in the filtered image as well, it can be utilized for 3D seismic data enhancement. For this purpose, at first three-dimensional stacked data is sorted out to its...
ABSTRACT: Interactive Geological Subsurface Interpretation Using Well Logs on a Geophysical Workstation--A Case History, by Gary L. Jones, Ken Mallon; #91003 (1990).
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