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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Automated Interpretation of Faults and Channels in 3-D Seismic Data, by Dorn, Geoffrey A., Francis A. (Mick) Coady, Gwen S. Pech, Paul Weimer, Raquel Cepeda, David Lyle, James Carlson; #90026 (2004)
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Abstract: Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling for Exploration and Reservoir Analysis
Thomas A. Jones
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Three-Dimensional Computer Modeling for Exploration and Reservoir Analysis Thomas A. Jones 1985 2 2 Anyone who has done exploration...
ABSTRACT: Application of a Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Basin Simulator to the Offshore Niigata Basin, Japan, by T. Tokunaga, T. Nishizuka, H. Tosaka, and K. Kojima; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Quantification of Extension and Inversion Using Generalised Three Dimensional Volume Balance, by G. D. Williams, T. S. Suddin, S. J. Kane, S. S. Egan, D. Hodgetts, G. R. Peace, and A. J. Richards; #91021 (2010)
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Application of an Inverse Method for Calculating Three-Dimensional Fault Geometries and Slip Vectors, Nun River Field, Nigeria
Hugh G. Kerr, Nicky White
AAPG Bulletin
..., 1989, Three-dimensional seismic interpretation and fault sealing investigations, Nun River field, Nigeria: AAPG Bulletin, v. 73, p. 1397-1414. Doust, H...
ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Seismic Program Detailing Structures in an Operating Oil Field, by James A. Musser, David R. Martinez, and James H. Ligon; #91030 (2010)
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Abstract: True Three-Dimensional Images of Stacked, Prograding Late Paleogene-Early Neogene Clinoforms, Northern Carnarvon Basin (NCB), North West Shelf (NWS), Australia, by Donna L. Cathro and James A. Austin; #90914(2000)
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Abstract: Depositional Style of the Yowlumne Sands, Yowlumne Oil Field, Southern San Joaquin Basin, California, by D. D. Jessup and M. Kamerling; #91009 (1991)
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3-D Structural Modeling and Restoration of the Western Sicilian Fold-and-Thrust Belt
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Abstract: Inverse Reservoir Modeling Using 3-D Seismic, by H. Debeye; #90990 (1993).
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ABSTRACT: Prudhoe Bay Western Peripheral Development Using Three-Dimensional Seismic: Case Study, by Chuck G. Guderjahn; #91030 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Applications of 3D Seismic to Field Development Planning, by R. Buchanan, P. A. Ruitenberg, and P. A. B. Marke; #91022 (1989)
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Abstract: Experiment on the Selection of Time-Transgression Predictive Seismic Attributes, by Yawen He and Hongliu Zeng; #90206 (2014)
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ABSTRACT: Reservoir Delineation by Geophysical Methods in the Suizhong 36-1 Oil Field, Bohai Gulf, China, by John B. Gustavson; #91003 (1990).
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ABSTRACT: Reservoir Delineation by Geophysical Methods in the Suizhong 36-1 Oil Field, Bohai Gulf, China, by John B. Gustavson, Xin Shigang; #91000 (1990).
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Stratigraphy from Three-Dimensional Seismic Data: ABSTRACT
Alistair R. Brown
AAPG Bulletin
...Stratigraphy from Three-Dimensional Seismic Data: ABSTRACT Alistair R. Brown 1988 1521 1521 72 12. (December) The interpretive benefits of three...
Geophysical Studies of Basin Structures along Eastern Sierra Nevada: ABSTRACT
John H. Healy
AAPG Bulletin
...- an three-dimensional bodies were written, by using the computing schemes developed by Talwani. The efficiency and accuracy of these machine computing...
Computer-Compatible Handling of Geologic Data: ABSTRACT
Chris B. Baer
AAPG Bulletin
... integration within a three-dimensional grid (x, y, z) must be ascertained. (2) Factual data (observation) and interpretation (subject to change) should...
Three-Dimensional Plane Pass Filtering as a Regridding and Interpolation Technique: ABSTRACT
Steve Chilcoat, Chen Yu Wang
AAPG Bulletin
...Three-Dimensional Plane Pass Filtering as a Regridding and Interpolation Technique: ABSTRACT Steve Chilcoat, Chen Yu Wang 1984 461 461 68 4. (April...
ABSTRACT: The Application of Integrated 3-D Seismic and Reservoir Geological Studies in a Complex Oil Field, D18 Field, Sarawak, Malaysia, by L. R. Williams, J. Almond, P. W. Vincent; #91003 (1990).
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Abstracts: Locating Microseismicity in Three-Dimensionally Heterogeneous Reservoirs; #90173 (2015)
Adam M. Baig, Ted Urbancic, Margaret Seibel, Vladimir Shumila
Search and Discovery.com
..., Kingston, ON, Canada Summary This study describes the methodology for locating microseismic events in three dimensional media. Most velocity models...
Abstract: Comparison of Seismic Methods for Delineating Coal Seams, by C. H. Walton; #90925 (1999)
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Abstract: Advances In Use of Image Processing for Data Integration in Basin Studies -- Eastern Otway Basin, Australia -- A Case Study, by G. R. Pettifer, B. A. Simons, and A. Olshina; #91015 (1992).
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Semi-Automatic Seismic Interpretation Through the Extraction of Unconformities and Faults
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