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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,990 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
High-frequency sequence stratigraphy from seismic sedimentology: Applied to Miocene, Vermilion Block 50, Tiger Shoal area, offshore Louisiana
Hongliu Zeng, Tucker F. Hentz
AAPG Bulletin
... and systems tracts using well and three-dimensional seismic data. Key techniques include (1) conditioning seismic data to log lithology by 90 phasing...
Abstract: Seismic Exploration Leading to Discovery of Trap Spring Field, Nevada, by John H. Vreeland, Bert H. Berrong; #90963 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Extended Abstract: Frequency, Amplitude, and Phase: Re-integrating Geophysics for the Next Frontier in Seismic Stratigraphy
Andrew S. Madof
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... results, I caution against the current practice of interpreting seismic images as three-dimensional photographs, and of classifying seismic...
Chapter 11: Geophysical Reservoir Characterization of Pickerill Field, North Sea, Using 3-D Seismic and Well Data
Goeffrey A. Dorn, Kenneth M. Tubman, Dennis Cooke, and Rob O'Connor
AAPG Special Volumes
... was concluded. Bouvier, J. D., C. H. Kaars-Sijpesteijn, D. F. Kluesner, C. C. Onyejekwe, and R. C. Van Der Pal, 1989, Three-dimensional seismic...
Abstract: A 3-Dimensional Reflection Seismic Survey Over the Dollarhide Field, Andrews County, Texas
Michael T. Reblin
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: A 3-Dimensional Reflection Seismic Survey Over the Dollarhide Field, Andrews County, Texas Michael T. Reblin 1992 28 28 A three-dimensional...
Abstract: Seismic Data Analysis with Time Seiscrop Map Techniques, by Marion R. Bone, Ben F. Giles, Edward R. Tegland; #90976 (1976).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Delineation of Gulf of Mexico Miocene Reservoirs with 3-D Seismic Data, by J. E. Wellborn and A. R. Brown; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
The Offshore Golden Lane: New Outline of Opportunities from the Integration of Geological and Geophysical Data
Jose G. Galicia
GCAGS Transactions
... of the reef crest and reef front have a highly diffused porosity (vuggy porosity), but in general do not have good permeability. Three-Dimensional Seismic...
Three-Dimensional Calculation and Visualization of Fault Gouge Ratio
Karen S. Hoffman, John W. Neave
GCAGS Transactions
... analysis have often been limited to a single cross section (a two-dimensional approach) or to a single, isolated fault surface (a partial three...
Abstract: Visualizing Reservoir-Scale Compartmentalization through Three-Dimensional Digital Modeling of Mapped Systems of Deformation Band Shear Zones, by S. G. Ahlgren and G. H. Davis; #90919 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Modeling of Two Low Taper Wedges Using Critical Taper Wedge Mechanics, by Chris A. Guzofski, John H. Shaw, Freddy Corredor, and Frank Bilotti; #90039 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Interpretation Of Coherence Cubeô Processing In The 3-D Workspace
John D. Arenson, Evelyn A. Medvin, and Steven J. Maione
GCAGS Transactions
... or every Nth line interpretation the true value of 3-D seismic data, a three-dimensional view of the prospective area, is missing. In order to take...
Abstract: Three-Dimensional Development of the Northeastern Front Range, Colorado, by S. M. Holdaway; #90940 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Prediction of Petrophysical Properties of Trenton-Black River (Ordovician) Reservoirs by Comparing Pore Architecture and Permeability to Sonic Velocity, Michigan Basin, USA, #90116 (2010)
John E. Thornton, G. Michael Grammer
Search and Discovery.com
... and ultimately three-dimensional seismic in order to test the applicability of this method. Results of this study should aid in establishing predictability...
Prediction of Petrophysical Properties of Trenton-Black River (Ordovician) Reservoirs by Comparing Pore Architecture and Permeability to Sonic Velocity, Michigan Basin, USA, #90112 (2010)
John Thornton,
Search and Discovery.com
... in the laboratory for acoustic response. This data will be correlated to geophysical well logs and ultimately three-dimensional seismic in order to test...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Delineation Through Incremental Pay Thickness Model Correlations of Petrophysical and 3-D Seismic Data, by D. B. Neff; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Turbidites Characterization From Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis: Application to the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Geophysical Imaging of Precambrian Crust Beneath Illinois Basin Driven by Carbon Capture and Storage;
John McBride, Hannes Leetaru, R. Keach
Search and Discovery.com
.... Where three-dimensional seismic data are available (Illinois Basin Decatur Project (IBDP), Decatur, Illinois), these discontinuities can be associated...
Three-Dimensional Seismic Data and Its Role in the Renewed Exploration for Carbonate Reservoirs, Offshore Northwest Madura, East Java Sea, Indonesia
Search and Discovery.com
Section Five: Use of Gravity Methods on Diapiric Structures
New Orleans Geological Society
... of a carefully designed profile residual map is recommended when interpreting gravity by two- or three-dimensional modeling. For additional information...
Automatic Interpretation in Structurally Complex Seismic Volumes
Search and Discovery.com
Assessment of Structurally Compatible Interpretation in Fold-Thrust Belts: An Example From Offshore Northwest Borneo
Search and Discovery.com