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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 58,545 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Vishal Nagassar

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... and R&D themes were brought together as a joint seismic R&D effort between BP and Western Geco. The aim was to investigate a range of new and existing...


Efficient Identification of Reservoir Flow Connections

Martin Haege, Jarle Haukås, Aicha Bounaim

GEO ExPro Magazine

... between the data in time and space. For example, a seismic survey is associated with the portion of the subsurface it covers, and the time interval over...


Abstract: Reconstructing Syn-Rift, Sag, and Salt Paleogeography, and the Role of Syn-Rift Dynamic Elevation and Dissipation, Gulf of Mexico; #91205 (2023)

James Pindell and Teunis Heyn

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... accommodation mechanisms; and depth of the depositional surface during sag/salt deposition. We assess 5 themes that collectively provide the integrated...


Innovation and Technology in Marine Science: AIMS North West Shoals to Shore Research Program „ An Update

Miles J.C. Parsons, Karen J. Miller, Michele Thums, James P. Cilmour, Luciana C. Ferreira, Robert D. McCauley, Mark C. Meekan

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... in this ecologically and commercially important region of Australia. The program comprises four themes. 1. Marine noise monitoring and impacts: includes...


Innovation and Technology in Marine Science: AIMS North West Shoals to Shore Research Program

Miles J. G. Parsons, Mark G. Meekan, Karen J. Miller, Michele Thums, James P. Gilmour

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... and data logging platforms. Journal compilation Ó APPEA 2018 This theme will investigate and quantify aspects of potential impacts of seismic surveys...


Approaches to Data-Driven Exploration in Queensland

Tony Knight

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... required to achieve improved exploration and appraisal outcomes. Data-driven exploration, as advanced by the GSQ, is a concept encompassing four key themes...


Interpretation of Seismic Data Acquired over the Serpent Mound Disturbance in Adams County, Ohio

Mark T. Baranoski, Ohio Division of Geological Survey

Ohio Geological Society

...Interpretation of Seismic Data Acquired over the Serpent Mound Disturbance in Adams County, Ohio Mark T. Baranoski, Ohio Division of Geological...


Abstract: Geologic Interpretation of 3-D Seismic Data

M. R. Bone, B. F. Giles, and E. R. Tegland

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Geologic Interpretation of 3-D Seismic Data M. R. Bone, B. F. Giles, and E. R. Tegland 1977 3 3...


Abstract: Basement Structure of the Gulf Coast: Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Supported with Structural, Magnetic, and Seismic Data

Gary L. Kinsland

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Basement Structure of the Gulf Coast: Interpretation of Gravity Anomalies Supported with Structural, Magnetic, and Seismic Data Gary L...


Structural Development and Depositional History of the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins Salt Tectonic Province, Angola

Mary Guevara, Lisa Hawkins, Lourenco Joaquim, David Johnstone, William Jones, Jose G. Jose, Arantes Oliveira

Search and

... sedimentation. Interpretation of 8 regional horizons over 24,000 km2 of merged 3D seismic data located in blocks 15-19 and 34 in the deepwater Lower Congo...


Braided River and Avulsive Depositional Systems in the McMurray Formation - LIDAR and Subsurface Data Integration at Syncrude's Aurora North Mine, #30143 (2010)

Thomas Nardin, B. Joan Carter, Nina E. Bassey

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... volume (LogVu3D) facilitated stratigraphic interpretation. These data were tied to the regional sequence stratigraphic framework constructed...


Tectonic Evolution of the South China Sea Region: Looking Deeper and Broader with SEATIGER

William Dickson, James Granath, Mark Odegard

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... interpretation was based on a vast library of published material. Underlying illustrations of gravity data were from third-party work compiled in the 1990s...


Redevelopment of the Main Pass 290 Field Offshore Louisiana, USA

James V. Bikun

GCAGS Transactions

.... Interpretation of the 3-D seismic data added significant value to the redevelopment program. For example, new faults were recognized near the salt dome...


2007 Geotectonic Map of SE Asia — Basins and Hydrocarbon Occurrences

John M. Jacques, John Balch, Janice Christ, William Dickson, James Granath, Mike Oehlers, Mark Odegard, Alan Williams, David G. Wright

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... of less well known basins of the region. The future objective is to update the map with new data and alternative display themes. We therefore invite...


Abstract: Broadband Data: How Changes in Seismic Techniques Have Changed Geologic Interpretation; #90310 (2017)

David J. Monk, Marnix Vermaas

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...Abstract: Broadband Data: How Changes in Seismic Techniques Have Changed Geologic Interpretation; #90310 (2017) David J. Monk, Marnix Vermaas AAPG...


Abstract: Transformation of the Seismic Interpretation Process into a Knowledge Based Asset Management System; #90254 (2016)

Muhammad H. Badar, Mohammad Wasi

Search and

... in significantly increased storage utilization and data complexity. This gives rise to new project management concerns for the seismic interpretation...


Seismic Stratigraphy for Petroleum Geologists: Part I: Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data

Robert E. Sheriff

Oklahoma City Geological Society

...Seismic Stratigraphy for Petroleum Geologists: Part I: Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data Robert E. Sheriff 1980 1 51 CONTENTS PART I...


Foreword — Central Foreland NATMAP: Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Cordilleran Foreland

Larry S. Lane

CSPG Bulletin

... Mountain Anticline based on mapping and seismic interpretation, which found that the structure is more complex than previously understood, with important...


Foreword — Central Foreland NATMAP: Stratigraphic and Structural Evolution of the Cordilleran Foreland

Larry S. Lane

CSPG Bulletin

... Anticline based on mapping and seismic interpretation, which found that the structure is more complex than previously understood, with important...


ABSTRACT: A 50-Year History of Coastal Studies Institute Contributions to Science; #90021 (2003)


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... of Naval Research. Coastal geomorphology and sedimentology were the themes of early studies of the Louisiana coast. However, studies of biology, marsh...


Excursions along the Lennard Shelf Devonian carbonates, Canning Basin, Western Australia

Ted E. Playton, Charles Kerans, Roger M. Hocking, Peter W. Haines, Erwin W. Adams, Neil F. Hurley, and Edmund L. Frost III

AAPG Bulletin

... tectonics. The linkage of reservoir-scale, shelf-to-basin carbonate expression to regional, seismic-scale architectures made possible by these pristine...


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