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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 58,545 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Importance of the Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data

R. A. Weingartner

Tulsa Geological Society

...The Importance of the Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data R. A. Weingartner 1957 96 96 Vol. 25 (1957) At a time when complicated structural...


Abstract: Qualitative and Quantitative Use of Partial Stacks in Seismic Interpretation: Case Studies from West Africa; #90255 (2017)

Abdul Karim Mansaray, Promod Kumar Painuly, Manuel Gonzalez-Fernandez

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... to use every piece of information/data that is available, when formulating an interpretation approach. Considering the fact that the seismic data which...


Abstract: Drilling Risk Assessment through Joint EM and Seismic Data Integrated Interpretation; #90255 (2017)

Zhanxiang He, Gang Yu

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...Abstract: Drilling Risk Assessment through Joint EM and Seismic Data Integrated Interpretation; #90255 (2017) Zhanxiang He, Gang Yu AAPG Datapages...


VSP Match Filtering of 3D Seismic Data to Identify Glauconitic Channels, Interpretation and Results

S. Boochoon, K. Chow, W. Goodway, N. Pashak

CSPG Special Publications

...VSP Match Filtering of 3D Seismic Data to Identify Glauconitic Channels, Interpretation and Results S. Boochoon, K. Chow, W. Goodway, N. Pashak 1994...


Title Page

Robert E. Sheriff

AAPG Special Volumes

...Title Page Robert E. Sheriff 1981 I I CN 23: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Data Use the PDF link to view this page. End_of_Record - Last_Page...


Abstract: Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data

Palle F. Miller

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data Palle F. Miller 289 Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data Palle F. MILLER...


The Future of Applied Sedimentary Geology: PERSPECTIVES

Wolfgang Schlager

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Evolution of Sedimentary Rocks: New York, W.W. Norton & Co., 397 p. HARWOOD, J.M., AND TOWERS, P.A., 1988, Seismic sedimentologic interpretation...


Introduction to the Special Edition from the 2014 Gussow Conference on Advances in Applied Geomodeling

David L. Garner, Olena Babak, Clayton V. Deutsch

CSPG Bulletin

... of the following six conference session themes: Outcrops, Stratigraphy, and Geomodeling Multi-scale Data and Multi-variate Modeling Modeling Uncertainty...



Bryan L. Roth, Roth Exploration Geoservices, Westerville, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

... that data to exploit the concealed details within by using advanced seismic interpretation techniques...


Abstract: Uses, Abuses and Examples of Seismic-Derived Acoustic Impedance Data: What Does the Interpreter Need to Know?

Rebecca Latimer

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... the volume and very intimately tie the well log impedance data to the seismic data. Utilizing inverted data at the beginning of the interpretation process...


Introduction to Memoir 31: Sandstone Depositional Environments

AAPG Special Volumes

... wells to tie into seismic lines. In this way, more productive information can be gained from the seismic data in undrilled areas. Currently, seismic...


ABSTRACT: Uses, Abuses, and Examples of Seismic-Derived Acoustic Impedance Data: What Does the Interpreter Need to Know?; #90051 (2006)

Rebecca Latimer

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... to undertaking any interpretation of seismic data. Inverted data, a layer property, are a more intuitive geologic tool that allows interpreters to utilize...


Exploring to discover Thoughts on our exploration geophysics road ahead

Sergio Chvez-Prez, Stephan Gelinsky

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... with data acquisition, processing, imaging, and interpretation continues to be brisk, and even if we were still only looking under complex overburden...


Modeling Basin Evolution and Assessing Source Rock Potential Within the Orange Basin, Offshore South Africa, #40635 (2010)

Selwyn G. Adams, G. Kuhlmann, R. di Primio

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.... The seismic interpretation was done on the Cretaceous (post‐rift) succession that commenced from the 6At1 sequences boundary, excluding the basement and syn...


Abstract: Subsalt Interpretation and Visualization Techniques: Alaminos Canyon, Deep-Water Gulf of Mexico

Frank R. Love

GCAGS Transactions

...) Subsalt seismic interpretation is a demanding task even with modern depthmigrated data. Subsalt seismic data are commonly contaminated with dipping...


ABSTRACT: Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Data from the Papua New Guinea Highlands … an Integrated Methodology; #90061 (2006)

Geoff Mansfield, Peter Southwell, and Keith Bradey

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...ABSTRACT: Processing and Interpretation of Seismic Data from the Papua New Guinea Highlands … an Integrated Methodology; #90061 (2006) Geoff...


Abstract: Interpretation of 2-D Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data Across the Sohm Abyssal Plain along the Scotian Margin

Kevin DesRoches, John Wade, John Shimeld, Qingmou Li

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Interpretation of 2-D Multichannel Seismic Reflection Data Across the Sohm Abyssal Plain along the Scotian Margin Kevin DesRoches, John...


Abstract: Seismic Acquisition and Processing Attributes Optimization In Structural Interpretation; #91204 (2023)

Abdullah Al Hasani

Search and

... with the common deliverable seismic volumes. However, during seismic interpretation, there could cases where the metadata is needed to investigate seismic data...


The Power of Scientific Drilling Data in Frontier Exploration; #70314 (2018)

Sally Morgan

Search and

... the nearest exploration well, which is a critical step in de-risking prospects in the region. TGS has also tied the data to deepwater seismic data...


ABSTRACT: Seismic Sedimentology of Deep-Water Channel Complexes; #90017 (2003)

Andrew Hurst, Bryan T. Cronin, Anne M. Schwab

Search and

... seismic interpretation by eliminating less likely hypotheses. Modern 3-D seismic data from submarine channels and canyons provide images that resolve...


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