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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 58,545 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Permian Glacial and Fluvio-Deltaic Depositional Systems of the Dampier Sub-Basin (North West Shelf of Australia) Revealed by 3-D Seismic; #90017 (2003)

Laurent Langhi, Christian Steiner

Search and

... by 3-D Seismic New tools developed for the seismic interpretation and visualization are rapidly increasing the accuracy of the subsurface...


Abstract: Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation of Marine 3-D Data

Ted Selby

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of structural interpretation, but stratigraphic interpretation usually requires a more detailed study of the data volume. The seismic sections may...


Abstract: Comprehensive Technology for Complex Targets Research with Electromagnetic, Gravity, Magnetic and Seismic Data and its Applications; #90319 (2018)

Zhi Zhao, Dechun Li, Zhao Li

Search and

... of gravity, magnetic, EM, seismic and drilling data and so on. The mode of comprehensive interpretation was developed from qualitative comparison...


Computer-Aided Analysis of Geologic Data

Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Editor, Ohio Geological Society, P.O. Box , Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

... 26 Seismic Interpretation Techniques for Discerning Michigan Niagaran Reefs with Support...


Abstract: A novel 3D seismic survey, Shoal Point, Newfoundland: new data, new interpretation

James A. Wright, Ian Atkinson, Craig Rowe, Chris Pike, William J. Scott

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: A novel 3D seismic survey, Shoal Point, Newfoundland: new data, new interpretation James A. Wright, Ian Atkinson, Craig Rowe, Chris Pike...


Geomorphologic Elements of Offshore Morocco’s East Margin, Safi Haute Mer Area

D. Dunlap, L. Wood

West Texas Geological Society

... the opportunity to apply a variety of data-analysis approaches and interpretation techniques in quantitative seismic geomorphology to investigate the evolution...


ABSTRACT Gravity Gradiometry and Seismic Data Integration: A New Technology Being Used to Develop Emerging and Mature Plays in the Gulf of Mexico, #90104 (2010)

Bate Duncan J.; Nuttall Peter; Hope Jackie; Kilner Ben; McGrail Adrian; Radovich Barbara

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.... This allows the integration with seismic data at the same  scale as the seismic interpretation. The 3D nature of the Gravity Gradiometer measurements...


Abstract: Broadband 3D Land Data Benefits in Seismic Imaging and Interpretation; #90286 (2017)

Luis Giroldi, Ayman Suleiman, Mukarram Ahmed

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...Abstract: Broadband 3D Land Data Benefits in Seismic Imaging and Interpretation; #90286 (2017) Luis Giroldi, Ayman Suleiman, Mukarram Ahmed AAPG...


Abstract: AI Seismic Interpretation: A Deeper Understanding of the Earth; #91204 (2023)

Luis Gomez Martinez, Peter Szafian, Mark Brownless, James Lowell

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..., horizons and geobodies upon delivery of new seismic data in unprecedented detail and accuracy. The time saved on manual interpretation can be used...


The Influence of Basement on Faulting within the Perth Basin, Western Australia

M. C. Dentith, A. Long, J. Scott, L. B. Harris, S. A. Wilde

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-bounding fault. It may be that the Harvey Ridge is an accommodation zone. Further investigation of this interpretation using seismic reflection data from...


Abstract: Automatic Faults Tracking from Seismic Data Using the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Lines (WTMM) Method; #90255 (2017)

Ouadfeul Sid Ali

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...Abstract: Automatic Faults Tracking from Seismic Data Using the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Lines (WTMM) Method; #90255 (2017) Ouadfeul Sid Ali...


Abstract: Application of Shell Volume Interpretation Software in Fast-Track 3D Seismic Interpretation (Poster 3)

Chee-Hau Hoo, Chit-Meng Ooi, Boon-Teck Yong, Matthew Choo, Harry Germs, Chin-Tiong Ling, John W. K. Voon

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Application of Shell Volume Interpretation Software in Fast-Track 3D Seismic Interpretation (Poster 3) Chee-Hau Hoo, Chit-Meng Ooi, Boon...


Application of Structural Seismic Attributes for Polygonal FaultsŽ Interpretation

Munir Elmahdy, Mohamed Fagelnour, Ibrahim Hamza, Ali Gharieb

Search and

.... As a result, this study can potentially enhance the quality interpretation of seismic data and better identification of the major and minor faults that have...


Abstract: Deep Learning Seismic Inversion for Reservoir Facies- Data Driven Workflow; #91204 (2023)

Bilal Saeed Syed, Samiran Roy

Search and

..., this emerging methodology is more focused on data and less reliant on than human interpretation with its biased risk. Deep Learning Based Hybrid Seismic...


Abstract: Determining Depositional History through use of Cognitive Interpretation Workflows; #90254 (2016)

Ryan Williams, Rachael Moore

Search and

... Interpretation is a method of understanding geology before interpreting seismic that harnesses our natural cognitive capabilities. Cognitive Interpretation...


Exploration in Western Canada: A Summary of the Exploration, Development and Future Potential of Western Canada

M. E. Hriskevich

CSPG Special Publications

... also become clear that seismic data, poor as it often was in the fifties, could, under certain circumstances, be used to better define certain kinds...


Exploration benchmarking to establish the potential of two hydrocarbon plays in the Pelotas and Punta del Este Basins, offshore Uruguay

David A. Pollitt and Shaoqing Sun

AAPG Bulletin

... (bottom). The seismic polarity is Society of Exploration Geophysicists standard. The black lines on the seismic data are faults (interpretation...


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