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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Reservoir Characterization of the Gabus-1 Reservoir in North Belut Field: An Integration of Core, Well Logs and Seismic, Natuna Sea Basin, Indonesia

Yan Darmadi, Edo Hartadi, Bowo Pangarso, Irene Sihombing, Retno Wijayanti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Seismic forward modeling demonstrated that the Gabus-1 sands and shales can be optimally differentiated using the elastic parameter lambdarho...


Application of Advanced Exploration Technologies in a Reservoir-Challenged Area

Suni Sulaiman, Stephen Gelinsky

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and amplitude forward modeling, seismic offset gathers were qc’ed and conditioned for seismic inversion, e.g., through application of coherency...


Unconventional Shale Reservoir Characterization Through Integration Between Geophysics and Geomechanics … A Case Study in the Chumsaeng Formation, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand, #11161 (2018).

Prat Boonyasatphan, Kamonporn Inraikhing, Isarachai Sopchok, Helge Sognnes, Viriya Danphaiboonphon, Pongsit Chongrueanglap,

Search and

... in the Chumsaeng Formation using rock physics analysis, seismic inversion, and reservoir characterization techniques. The study started with rock physics...



Application of Lift Technique before Spectral Decomposition to Re-Model Channel Distribution in the Sungai Gelam Field, Jambi

Agi Robby Rizaldi, Firman Fauzi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... an estimate of the signal lost during the modeling, rather than simply outputting the signal model. This approach greatly improves signal preservation...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deepwater Portion of the Salina del IstmoŽ Province, Southeastern Gulf of Mexico, Mexico

Carlos T. Williams-Rojas, Enrique Reyes-Tovar, Lino Miranda-Peralta, Gerardo Reyna-Martinez, Alejandro Cardenas-Alvarado, Rodrigo Maldonado-Villalon, Veronica Muñoz-Bocanegra, Carlos Lora-delaFuente

GCAGS Transactions

... deployed an exploration strategy which includes gravity, magnetic, and 2D-3D seismic acquisition, with the purpose of conducting basin and plays...


Regional Vitrinite Reflectance (Ro) Trend for Predicting Kitchen Area Beneath Batui Thrust in the Onshore Area of Matindok Block, Eastern Sulawesi-Indonesia

Anggoro P. Kurniawan, Maikel Arifin, Iman Firman, Heri Budiarso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and Matindok (MTD)-3 wells. 2D basin modeling using composite seismic line from seismic and gravity data toward Kitchen Area beneath Batui Thrust and Tolo Deep...


The Future of Applied Sedimentary Geology: PERSPECTIVES

Wolfgang Schlager

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... a branch of sedimentology, "seismic sedimentology", that specifically caters to the needs of the seismic interpreter. Seismic modeling of outcrops is one...


Abstract: AVO Crossplotting II: Examining Vp/Vs Behavior; #90171 (2013)

Heath Pelletier

Search and

.../gradient crossplot slopes (what Gidlow and Smith (2003) call the fluid factor angle, and Foster et al. (1997) the fluid line) observed in seismic data...


Stratigraphic Plays in Active Margin Basin: Fluvio-Deltaic Reservoir Distribution in Ciputat Half Graben, Northwest Java Basin; #10656 (2014)

Ary Wahyu Wibowo, Astri Pujianto, Wisnu Hindadari, Arief Wahidin Soedjono, Dina Novi Susanti

Search and

... and well data analysis. Geophysical methods applied include the re-interpretation of 3D seismic data and seismic attribute analysis. Rock physics modeling...


Structural Framework of the Soda Lake Geothermal Field: An Optimized Composite Model Based on Well Lithology, Gravity, and Seismic Data; #120142 (2014)

H. S. McLachlan, P. C. Schwering, and J. E. Faulds

Search and

...Structural Framework of the Soda Lake Geothermal Field: An Optimized Composite Model Based on Well Lithology, Gravity, and Seismic Data; #120142...


Utilizing Petrophysical Attributes to Optimize Performance of a Horizontal Drilling Program, #41378 (2014)

Timothy R. McGinley

Search and

... focused well completions, reservoir modeling, assessments of OIP and EUR, zone ranking, and identification of horizontal drilling landing points, thus...


Gravity-Driven Deep-Water Fold-and-Thrust Belts Along the Passive Continental Margin of East Africa and Their Impact on Petroleum Plays, #30631 (2019).

Can Zhang, Jun Cai, Youbin He, Dongshen Wu,

Search and

... in the recent decades, since many oil and gas fields have been discovered in traps associated with DWFTBs. Advance in seismic processing...


Structural Modeling Within the Sanga Sanga PSC, Kutei Basin, Kalimantan: Its Application to Paleochannel Orientation Studies and Timing of Hydrocarbon Entrapment

Angus Ferguson, Ken McClay

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Structural Modeling Within the Sanga Sanga PSC, Kutei Basin, Kalimantan: Its Application to Paleochannel Orientation Studies and Timing...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 6: Temperature and Maturity Effects of Magmatic Underplating in the Gjallar Ridge, Norwegian Sea

Fjeldskaar, W., H. Johansen, T. A. Dodd, and M. Thompson

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7, Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 6: Temperature and Maturity Effects of Magmatic Underplating...


New Insights into the Petroleum Potential of the Onshore Otway Basin, Victoria Australia

Lucas McLean-Hodgson, Bruce McConachie

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Brisbane 4000 [email protected] SRK Consulting LVL 5 200 Mary Street Brisbane 4000 [email protected] SUMMARY A seismic attribute study...


Passive Margins: Baltimore Canyon Trough, Mid-Atlantic OCS: Seismic Stratigraphy of Shell/Amoco/Sun Wells

R. N. Erlich, K. P. Maher, G. A. Hummel, D. G. Benson, G. J. Kastritis, H. D. Linder, R. S. Hoar, and D. H. Neeley

AAPG Special Volumes

...Passive Margins: Baltimore Canyon Trough, Mid-Atlantic OCS: Seismic Stratigraphy of Shell/Amoco/Sun Wells R. N. Erlich, K. P. Maher, G. A. Hummel, D...


Onshore Seismic Attribute Analysis for Reservoir Characterization With a Focus on the Acoustic Impedance Inversion and Multi-Attribute Neural-Net Technologies

Elok Galih Karuniawati, Bagus Jaya, William L. Soroka

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Yong-zhong, et al, 2009, Refectivity Forward Modeling and a CSSI Method Seismic Inversion © IPA, 2012 - 35th Annual Convention Proceedings, 2011 Study...


The Power of Predictive Analytics in Oil Field Development: Integrating Machine Learning with Reservoir Hydrocarbon Data to Enable Enhanced Oil Recovery of Hugin Formation within the Theta Vest Structure

Lilik T. Hardanto, Fenny Chrisman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and gas companies are petrophysical estimation and well log classification, seismic structural identification, production forecasting, and artificial...


"What Technically Can Be Done, Will Be Done"

Paul Vrolijk

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... in modeling very mature reservoirs, these type of issues become very important. While there a re technica l chal lenges, 4D seismic is here to stay...


Optimization of Infill Drilling in Naturally Fractured Tight Gas Sandstone Reservoirs in the San Juan Basin - Workshop Summary

Lawrence Teufel, Scott Cooper, John Lorenz, Bruce Hart, Robin PEarson, Hamoud Al-Hadrami, Her-Yuan Chen, Arild Sunde, Mike Kelly


... and expected recovery from infill wells. Core and outcrop analysis, seismic data, production data analysis techniques and reservoir simulation are tools...


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