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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Reservoir Characterization of the Grosmont Formation at Saleski, NE AB: A Multi-Disciplinary Data Integration Exercise in Progress

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..., clay (kaolinite) and occasional coal debris. The largest collapse features are recognizable on seismic data. A 3D geostatistical modeling process...


Abstract: Impact of New Static Synthesis on Reservoir Heterogeneities and Properties Distribution; #90247 (2016)

Miaad Khaled Alhammadi, Taha Nasser Ali Al Dayyni, Fatema Yousef Ali Al-Hammadi, Michel Moge, Setiyo Pamungkas, Vikram Kumar Pandey, Haleema Amer Al Saadi, Sangeeta Singhal, Ayesha Eid Al Suwaidi, Naema Obaid Al-Zaabi

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... between diagenesis, structural evolution and hydrocarbon filling history. The applied methodology integrates geological, petrophysical, and seismic...


Abstract: Challenges in Pore Pressure Prediction for Unconventional Petroleum Systems; #90257 (2016)

Changrui Gong, Lucia Rodriguez

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... ways to predict formation pore pressure, seismic method (inversion of interval velocity derived from stacking velocities), petrophysical calculation...


Development of a Hydrofacies Framework for Dual-Domain Transport Modeling

Mary K. Harris, Margaret R. Millings and Gregory P. Flach

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...Development of a Hydrofacies Framework for Dual-Domain Transport Modeling Mary K. Harris, Margaret R. Millings and Gregory P. Flach Development...


Numerical Analysis of the Design of a Subsea Gas Pipe Route Passing a Thrust Fault Using the Finite Element Method

Fatma Dewi Sinurat, Ir. Dr. Arianta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to the collision between the Australian continental shelf and the Banda Arc, this collision can result in a seismic event (Johnston, 1981). The magnitude...


Advanced Seismic-stratigraphic Imaging of Depositional Elements in a Lower Cretaceous (Mannville) Heavy Oil Reservoir, West-central Saskatchewan, Canada

Sabrina E. Sarzalejo Silva, Bruce S. Hart

AAPG Special Volumes

... forward modeling: The Leading Edge, v. 23, p. 834841, doi:10.1190/1.1803492.Hart, B. S., S. Sarzalejo, and T. McCullagh, 2007, Seismic stratigraphy...


Abstract: Remote Reservoir Monitoring in Oil Sands: From Feasibility Study to Baseline Datasets; #90187 (2014)

Richard Tondel, Stefan Dummong, Hartmut Schutt, Alexandre Ducrocq, Andrew Williams, Jon Ingham, Robert Godfrey, and Douglas LaBrecque

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..., vertical seismic profiling (VSP), and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT). The modeling study was followed by an installation of a permanent cross-well...


Subsurface temperature from seismic reflections: Application to the post-breakup sequence offshore Namibia

Arka Dyuti Sarkar and Mads Huuse

AAPG Bulletin

...Subsurface temperature from seismic reflections: Application to the post-breakup sequence offshore Namibia Arka Dyuti Sarkar and Mads Huuse 2023 311...


Simultaneous Joint Inversion of Seismic, Magnetotelluric and Gravity in a Sub-Volcanic Reservoir

Muhammad Irsyad Hibatullah, Maulana hutama Rahma Putra, Firman Syaifuddin Akbar, Dwa Desa Warnana, Fahrenzy Yona Aisha

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., the Simultaneous Joint Inversion method has been used to conduct interval imaging or velocity modeling in areas that cannot be imaged by seismic methods...


Seismic Exploration for Pennsylvanian Algal Mounds of the Paradox Basin

Bruce J. Moriarty, Robert J. Grundy

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and deconvolution. SEISMIC MODELING Whenever possible, both sonic and density logs should be used in the construction of seismic models. This is especially true...


Re-assessment and Simulation of the Illinois Basin Decatur Project: Integration of New Geological Insights into the Carbon Capture and Storage Evaluation

Juan C. Mejía Fragoso, Nicolás Córdoba Castillo, Beatriz K. Herrera Hernández, Juan Carlos Gutiérrez B., María A. Santos González, Anngy D. Román Ortega, Stefany G. Peñaranda González, Rocío Bernal-Olaya

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

... encompasses seismic interpretation, petrophysical and geomechanical analyses, static modeling and a conceptual simulation of CO2 injection to evaluate...


Exploring the Norwegian Atlantic Margins: Møre and Vøring Basins

Bent Kjølhamar, Jan Langhammer, Nick Woodburn, Reidun Myklebust, Simon Baldock, TGS

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... Several moveout transform; a robust technique for modeling stackable bright amplitude anomalies are also seen near Ormen Lange seismic events. 82nd...


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