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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Integrating New Technologies in Earth Modeling and Effective Validation Workflows for a Large Mature Field in Indonesia: Minas Field Case Study

Fifin Afianti, Ahmad D. Al-Aruri, Kris Pedersen, Mudji Prajitno

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Integrating New Technologies in Earth Modeling and Effective Validation Workflows for a Large Mature Field in Indonesia: Minas Field Case Study Fifin...


Petroleum Systems Modeling of the Salt Province and Outer Margin Offshore Essaouira (Atlantic Margin of Morocco), #30386 (2014)

Martin Neumaier, Ralf Littke, Stefan Back, Peter Kukla, Adrian Kleine, Michael Schnabel, Christian Reichert

Search and

... used a crustal-scale model based on recently acquired 2D seismic reflection data (MIRROR experiment, 2011) for regional thermal modeling to investigate...


Abstract: Geological Aspects in Earthquake Engineering

Azlan bin Adnan

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the geoelectrical resistivity method, the seismic method, and the gravity and magnetic method. The use of geophysical methods in various fields...


ABSTRACT CO2 Storage Monitoring Efforts at the Weyburn-Midale Fields, Canada, #90103 (2010)

Ben Rostron, Don White, Jim Johnson, Chris Hawkes, Craig Gardner, Rick Chalaturyk, Steve Whittaker

Search and

... project is the wealth of geophysical and geochemical data from seismic monitoring and reservoir fluid sampling surveys that have been ongoing throughout...


Abstracts: Seismic Derived Geomechanical Properties for Shale Gas Exploitation; #90173 (2015)

Ron Schmid and Darren Schmidt

Search and

...Abstracts: Seismic Derived Geomechanical Properties for Shale Gas Exploitation; #90173 (2015) Ron Schmid and Darren Schmidt AAPG Search and Discovery...


Perceiving the Unseen Hydrocarbon Play Potential Grounded by Seismic Reservoir Characterization and Well Data in the Gumai Formation, South Sumatera, Indonesia

Haryono Haryanto, Wahyudin Bahri Nasifi, Indah Edria Amorita, I Wayan Ardana Darma, Trisakti Kurniawan, Fithra H. Darmawan, Azli B. Abu Bakar, Randy Condronegoro, Andri Syafriya

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...., 2004, AVA stochastic inversion of pre-stack seismic data and well logs for 3D reservoir modeling,The 67th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Extended...


An Incised Valley Filled System on a Ngimbang Limestone Sequence at JS-1 Ridge, Offshore East Java Basin, Indonesia

Anom Prasetya, Sidiq Romi, Andri Yumansa, Riza Agustiana, Mukhlis Setiawan, Ikhwan Maulana Harun

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., the objective of this paper is not to reconstruct the development of the carbonate buildups of Ngimbang 3500. This paper will focus on the seismic...


Turbidites Characterization from Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis: Application to the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block, #41952 (2016).

E. Illidge, J. Camargo and J. Pinto

Search and

...Turbidites Characterization from Seismic Stratigraphy Analysis: Application to the Netherlands Offshore F3 Block, #41952 (2016). E. Illidge, J...


Geological significance of seismic reflections and imaging of the reservoir architecture in the Malampaya gas field (Philippines)

Franois Fournier, Jean Borgomano

AAPG Bulletin

... Development Series, v. 6, p. 5374.Anselmetti, F. S., G. P. Eberli, and D. Bernoulli, 1997, Seismic modeling of a carbonate platform margin (Montagna della...


Seismic sedimentology of a broad, low-relief carbonate platform: The Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation, Moxi–Gaoshiti area, Sichuan Basin, China

Wenzhi Zhao, Hongliu Zeng, Zhaohui Xu, Suyun Hu, and Qilong Fu

AAPG Bulletin

..., supplementing the qualitative paleogeomorphologic maps for field development and reservoir modeling. Seismic interpretation of carbonate systems has played...


Integration of geology, rock physics, logs, and prestack seismic data for reservoir porosity estimation

Abdulaziz M. AlMuhaidib, Mrinal K. Sen, M. Nafi Toksoz

AAPG Bulletin

... in terms of reservoir modeling. Many studies have shown that porosity is the most important factor in determining the seismic response in carbonate...


Stratigraphic Controls on Mississippian Limestone Reservoir Quality through Integrated Electrofacies Classification and Seismic Constrained Spatial Statistics, Barber County, Kansas; #41924 (2016)

Niles W. Wethington, Matthew J. Pranter

Search and

... Cited Lindzey, K., 2015 Geologically constrained seismic characterization and 3-D reservoir modeling of Mississippian reservoirs, north-central Anadarko...


Relevance of Static Geomodels in Shale Plays _ South Texas Eagle Ford Shale

Alicia L. McGeer, Andrea Cadena, Jill Womack

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... volumetrics, running sensitivities, and testing property distribution and distribution methods, such as co-Kriging with seismic attributes. Static models...


Abstract: A Framework for Time-Lapse AVO when Contrasts are Large; #90187 (2014)

Shahin Jabbari and Kris Innanen

Search and

...) modeling problem. In it we express difference data, calculated from a baseline survey and a monitor survey, as an expansion in orders of both baseline...


Relationship Between Acoustic and Petrophysical Properties of Permian Dolograinstones; #41263 (2014)

Xavier Janson and F. Jerry Lucia

Search and

... for reservoir modeling: AAPG Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts, v. 12, p. 48. Janson, X., G.P. Eberli, F. Bonnaffe, F. Gaumet, and V. De Casanove, 2007, Seismic...


Mapping Depth to Basement Using 2D Werner Inversion of High-Resolution AeroMagnetic (HRAM) Data, #41595 (2015).

Hassan H. Hassan, Robert A. Charters, John W. Peirce

Search and

..., the interpretation of magnetic data is in general non-unique and often needs to be constrained by other geological and geophysical information, such as seismic...


Geostatistical facies modeling trends for oolitic tidal sand shoals

Jason W. Rush, and Eugene C. Rankey

AAPG Bulletin

... longitudinal to transverse bars. METHODS Seismic interpretation, sediment analysis, and geostatistical modeling methods provide a basis...


A Seismic Atlas Based upon AAPG Publications and Associated Search and Discovery Documents; #40648 (2010)

M. K. Horn and Peter Wigley

Search and

... using geomechanical three-dimensional modeling: An example from the Timor Sea, Australia. c. The Atlas’ seismic images stored in nested files...


An Integrated Geological Modeling Approach to Assess Potential of Field Wells for Application of a Surfactant Imbibition Process in an Ultra-Tight Rock Formation

Stephen L. Detwiler, Dongmei Wang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... signatures. It should also be noted that seismic log data was considered for modeling the natural fractures. However, there were no seismic log files...


Predicting Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion in the Southern Apennines Thrust Belt by 2-D Integrated Structural and Geochemical Modeling: Part IIGeochemical Modeling

Fausto Mosca, Simone Sciamanna, William Sassi, Jean-Luc Rudkiewicz, Roberto Gambini

AAPG Special Volumes

...Predicting Hydrocarbon Generation and Expulsion in the Southern Apennines Thrust Belt by 2-D Integrated Structural and Geochemical Modeling: Part...


Abstract: Use of Seismic and EM Data for Exploration, Appraisal and Reservoir Characterization; #90171 (2013)

Anton Ziolkowski and Folke Engelmark

Search and

...Abstract: Use of Seismic and EM Data for Exploration, Appraisal and Reservoir Characterization; #90171 (2013) Anton Ziolkowski and Folke Engelmark...


North American Shale Gas Reservoirs - Similar, yet so Different.., #80136 (2011)

Murray Roth,

Search and

... promise, along with seismic curvature, for modeling stress anisotropy effects. We have found that improved microseismic data is creating...


Modelling of Fractures Developed Due to Structural Deformation in the Karjan Prospect of Cambay Basin in India; #41090 (2012)

K. M. Shukla and I. Jayakumar

Search and

... Prospect. Area in bounded by yellow square is taken up for Fracture modeling. Figure 3. Showing the seismic reflection near the trap top. Yellow...


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