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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Neotectonics of the Southern Sumatran Forearc

M. Ma'ruf Mukti, Satish C. Singh, R. Moeremans, N.D. Hananto, H. Permana, I. Deighton

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... by seismic refraction and gravity modeling (Kopp and Kukowski, 2003). Beneath AR2, anticlines developed due to a landward vergent thrust that deformed...


Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling

P. M. Harris, L. J. Weber

AAPG Special Volumes

...Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling P. M. Harris, L. J. Weber 2006 1 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTSAs...


Loma Vieja Field: Structural Geology and Related Velocity Fault Shadow in the Upper Wilcox (Fandango) in South Texas

James C. Meyerhoff, Rion Braddock

GCAGS Transactions

... velocity map at the top of the first Hinnant sand, Loma Vieja field. End_Page 245------------------------ VELOCITY AND SEISMIC MODELING DISCUSSION...


Enhanced Reservoir Properties Prediction for the Vaca Muerta Shales Using an Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Workflow

T. Llobet, G. Izadi, C. Barton, T. Pessoa, R. Guises, I. McGlynn, M. Bratovich, F. Walles, A. Fernández, J.-P. Mathieu, A. Onaisi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Modeling the Vaca Muerta shales in Argentina involves the analysis of large amounts of data from different knowledge...


Chapter 10-part 3: 3-D Depth Image Interpretation

William L. Abriel, Joseph P. Stefani, Robert D. Shank, David C. Bartel

AAPG Special Volumes

... strength. Much of the noise characteristics of depth-imaged areas can be better understood by employing seismic modeling. 3-D ray tracing can predict...


Simulation of Microseismic Deformation during Hydraulic Fracturing; #41366 (2014)

S. C. Maxwell and X. Weng

Search and

..., the microseismicity is interpreted to represent shear deformation and the cumulative seismic moment density is compared to the modeled cumulative shear movements...


Pressure prediction using converted shear waves from OBN data: A rock physics approach

Prajnajyoti Mazumdar, Kevin Searles, Bjorn Olofsson, James Gaiser, Terence Krishnasami

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... is an S-wave based independent seismic-scale pressure prediction from seafloor to deep hot shales. The additional confidence in pressure prediction can...


Bayesian discriminative classification with kernel density estimation for rock and fluid property characterization of seismic elastic inversion results

Kevin Wolf, Jingfeng Zhang, Matt Walker, Pedro Paramo, Jeff Winterbourne, Reetam Biswas, Atish Roy, Carole Decalf

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... seismic data, the non-uniqueness mapping Vp, Vs and density to rock properties, as well as the uncertainty in our rock physics modeling. This results...


The TsunamiŽ Survey Offshore Sumatra, a Cooperative Geo-Technical Project for Deep Crustal Study WesternGeco/Schlumberger/CNRS-IPG Paris/BPPT

Soelistijani M, Martin Bayly, Tim Bunting, Satish C. Singh

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to the overall data acquisition system in contrast to its normal use for oil and gas seismic exploration. Pre-survey modeling and design studies led...


Influence of node position uncertainty on FWI and Mirror-RTM

Felipe Capuzzo, Marco Cetale, Sergio Luiz da Silva, Roger Moreira, Felipe T. Costa, Ammir A. Karsou, Jorge Lopez

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of modeling the seismic wavefield by solving a wave equation. In this work, we consider the acoustic wave equation which, for our problem, is defined as: m...


Seismic Modeling of Fluvial-Estuarine Deposits in the Athabasca Oil Sands Using Ray-Tracing Techniques, Steepbank River Area, Northeastern Alberta

C. W. Langenberg, F. J. Hein, D. Lawton, J. Cunningham

CSPG Bulletin

...Seismic Modeling of Fluvial-Estuarine Deposits in the Athabasca Oil Sands Using Ray-Tracing Techniques, Steepbank River Area, Northeastern Alberta C...


Geostatistical Inversion in Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs: Oilfield Case Studies from Kuwait; #20239 (2014)

Osman Al-Khaled, Yousef Al-Zuabi, Keith Edwards, Mohammad Hafez, and Denny Sulistiono

Search and

... demonstrates the use of deterministic vs. geostatistical inversion, and illustrates the benefits of using geostatistical seismic inversion...


Diagenesis Severely Modified Reservoir Characteristics: A Unique Carbonate Reservoir from Alur Siwah Field, Indonesia; #20203 (2013)

Ricardo Maranu, Ismail Syarifuddin, Erham Adhitiawan, Nadia Nurul, Miftahurochman Miftahurochman, Ferry Baskaraputra, Luqman Luqman, Yudi Yanto, and Joan Lumban Tobing

Search and

... and help in understanding the subsurface image. As a result of using updated reservoir modeling based on the seismic inversion, the field...


Pre-Stack Inversion to Seismic Rock Type Predictability (SRT) Case Study: Gabus Zone 3B in Belanak Field

Baskoro Arif Kurniawan, Maria Fransisca Meirita, Aguslianto Efendy Harahap, Haniva Navilova, Willy Gunary Abadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... possible. REFERENCES Doyen, P.M., 2006, Seismic Reservoir Characterization An Earth Modeling Perpective, EAGE Education Tour Series, EAGE Publication bv...


Lithologic Prediction from Seismic Attributes in the Balcon Field, Colombia

J. E. Calderon

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...Lithologic Prediction from Seismic Attributes in the Balcon Field, Colombia J. E. Calderon Lithologic Prediction From Seismic Attributes...


Modeling consolidated sandstones with dispersed clay

J. Gallop, L. Vernik, F. Contreras, J.-G. Restrepo, S. Blanco, G. Alvarez

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Modeling consolidated sandstones with dispersed clay J. Gallop, L. Vernik, F. Contreras, J.-G. Restrepo, S. Blanco, G. Alvarez Modeling consolidated...


A Petroleum System and Basin Modeling Study of Northwest and East-Central Saudi Arabia: Effect of Burial History and Adjacent Rock Lithology on the Gas Potential of the Silurian Qusaiba Shales

Sedat Inan, Mahdi A. AbuAli, Ahmed M. Hakami

AAPG Special Volumes

...A Petroleum System and Basin Modeling Study of Northwest and East-Central Saudi Arabia: Effect of Burial History and Adjacent Rock Lithology...


Fault intersection and induced seismicity: The effects on the induced stress field and the dynamic rupture, and their implications

Jingming Ruan, Ranajit Ghose, Wim Mulder

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

..., thus changing the temporal rupture pattern of the seismic event. In our dynamic simulation, the rupture propagates from the main fault...


Integrated Interpretation of Seismically Derived Rock and Fracture Attributes for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization

Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Xing Liang, Uwe Strecker, Maggie Smith

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... part of this paper without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Summary An integrated study of the well Zhao-104 and surrounding seismic volume...


Amplitude of Pair Correlation Function to Understand Heterogeneity from Well-Log and Seismic Data; #42157 (2017)

Ramya Ravindranathan, Evgeny Chesnokov

Search and

...Amplitude of Pair Correlation Function to Understand Heterogeneity from Well-Log and Seismic Data; #42157 (2017) Ramya Ravindranathan, Evgeny...


Applications of Broadband Land Seismology; #70253 (2017)

Zhang Ruijie

Search and

... the resolution of seismic data and inversion quality. The broadband vibrator, LFV3 that enhances low frequency energy from 3Hz, has been developed...


A.Triangle Zone Along the Active Thrust Front in Southern Irian Jaya, Indonesia

K. E. Umbach, D. Klepacki

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...A.Triangle Zone Along the Active Thrust Front in Southern Irian Jaya, Indonesia K. E. Umbach, D. Klepacki 1994 307 321 Excellent seismic and surface...


Seismic Interpretation Methodology for Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs in Widuri Field, Offshore Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia

D. C. Carter, W. E. Harmony, L. Harvidya, G. Juniarto, S. Lestari, A. Purba

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Seismic Interpretation Methodology for Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs in Widuri Field, Offshore Southeast Sumatra, Indonesia D. C. Carter, W. E...


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