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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Overview of the United States Department of Energy's Gas-hydrate Research Program: 2000 to 2005

AAPG Special Volumes

... is expanding and extending these accomplishments within five broad categories: laboratory studies, modeling, exploration technologies, field studies...


Abstract: How to Improve Location Accuracy When Dealing with Artifacts in Microseismic Event Locations; #90187 (2014)

N. Verkhovtseva

Search and

... to be calibrated in order to achieve more reasonable seismic velocities (Stewart et al. 1984). Travel time AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90187...


Channel-Fills: Not Your Average Point-Bar Deposit; #51057 (2015)

Jesse Schoengut, Murray Gingras

Search and

... and vibracoring, shallow reflection seismic, and point counting) in conjunction with outcrop logging (3-dimensional modeling, lab analysis, and strip logging...


The Genetic Mechanisms and Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Migration Induced by Overpressure in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #30616 (2019)

Caiwei Fan, Yingzhao Zhang, Yong Deng, Hu Li, Jingxian Hou

Search and

... induced by overpressured fluids. By using 3D seismic attributes, including coherence and curvature cubes, two main types of hydrocarbon migration...


Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom

Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard

AAPG Bulletin

... and modeling to seismic interpretations to develop a more finely honed fault model with the aid of seismic attribute tools. A large volume of literature...


3D Structural and Stratigraphic Frameworks Using Acoustic Impedance Amplitude, and Edge-Enhanced Seismic Volumes

K. D. Kelsch, T. L. Heidrick, Hazairin, J. Randle, D. Moore, G. Schmit, A. Rauf

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...). These modifications primarily enhance data flow from seismic vendor interpretational systems (IESX and Voxelgeo), velocity modeling, earth model building...


Application of Plate Reconstructions and 2D Gravity Modeling to Quantify Crustal Stretching During Continental Break-Up: A South China Sea Case Study

S. Mazur, J.M. Whittaker, K. Wilson, M.G. Stewart, P. East, R. Bouatmani, P.J. Markwick

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Application of Plate Reconstructions and 2D Gravity Modeling to Quantify Crustal Stretching During Continental Break-Up: A South China Sea Case Study...


Pore Pressure Prediction from Basin Simulation of Heat and Fluid Flow: Application to a Realistic Earth Model in the Gulf of Mexico; #42287 (2018)

Felipe Medellin, Michael Fehler, Nazim Louni, Jean-Marie Laigle

Search and

... Geophysicists Advance Modeling consortium has developed a compelling and realistic Earth model to understand in detail critical mechanisms that drive...


The Modern Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Abrolhos Shelf: Implications For A Mixed Depositional Model

Danielle Peron D'agostini, Alex Cardoso Bastos, Antonio Tadeu Dos Reis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Antonio Tadeu Dos Reis 2015 124 139 Vol. 85 (2015) No. 2. (February) High-resolution seismic facies analysis and stratigraphy of a mixed carbonate...


New Insights Into the Geological Development of the Deepwater Mahakam Delta and Makassar Straits

Peter Baillie, Paul Gilleran, Wayne Clark, Steve Moss, Alan Stein, Edy Hermantoro, Suryadi Oemar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Moss, Alan Stein, Edy Hermantoro, Suryadi Oemar 2000 1 6 A new 6,500 km non-exclusive 2D seismic survey undertaken in the Makassar Straits by TGS-Nopec...


Legacy data … hidden opportunity

Keith Reeves

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... metal play list. Or does that CD contain the missing seismic line that provides the key to a new drill target? How much information locked in data silos...


Meeting the Onshore Seismic Acquisition Challenge

Richard Barnwell

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Meeting the Onshore Seismic Acquisition Challenge Richard Barnwell seismic technology I onshore acquisiti on Meeting The Onshore Seismic Acquisition...


Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation: Case Study Results and Discussion on Interdiciplanary Teams; #90171 (2013)

Ali Dalir and Sarah Cutten

Search and

... by anhydrite. Seismic forward modeling predicted very low amplitude in zero porosity zone and this agreed with the observation of 3D seismic data around...


Elastic Wave Seismic Interpretation of Heavy-Oil Reservoirs

Search and

...Elastic Wave Seismic Interpretation of Heavy-Oil Reservoirs Elastic Wave Seismic Interpretation of Heavy-Oil Reservoirs Larry Lines* University...


Abstract: Integrated Reservoir Characterisation: Case Study Results and Discussion on Interdiciplanary Teams; #90171 (2013)

Ali Dalir and Sarah Cutten

Search and

... by anhydrite. Seismic forward modeling predicted very low amplitude in zero porosity zone and this agreed with the observation of 3D seismic data around...


Abstract: Time-Lapse Repeatablity in 3C-3D Dataset from Weyburn CO2 Sequestration Project; #90171 (2013)

Jinfeng Ma, Le Gao, and Igor Morozov

Search and

... seismic monitoring relies on repeatability of dataset parameters. In this study, the consistency of source and receiver coordinates was measured...


Abstract: Integrated Analysis and Inversion of 3D Refraction Travel Times; #90171 (2013)

Igor B. Morozov and Atul Jhajhria

Search and

... An integrated approach to first-break travel-time analysis and refraction statics inversion was developed. Pre-inversion travel-time analysis and modeling...


Stochastic Fault Network Simulation with Variable Connectivity: Application to a Compartmentalized Reservoir Affected by Large Structural Uncertainties; #41716 (2015)

Charline Julio, Florent Lallier, Guillaume Caumon

Search and

... Abstract Several oil and gas domains raise 3D seismic imaging challenges or are only imaged with 2D seismic lines. In both cases the shape...


2D Seismic Refraction Tomography Survey on Metasediment at a Proposed Development Site in Dengkil, Selangor

Umar Hamzah, Abd Rahim Samsudin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...2D Seismic Refraction Tomography Survey on Metasediment at a Proposed Development Site in Dengkil, Selangor Umar Hamzah, Abd Rahim Samsudin...



Henk Kombrink

GEO ExPro Magazine

...’ comprehensive petrophysics and rock physics rockAVO library, stochastic depth dependent rock physics modeling of Cretaceous and Jurassic intervals...


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