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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 57,560 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Gravity anomalies, Magmatism, and the Segmentation of Passive Margins; #90022 (2002)

A. B. Watts, P. Wyer

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... with the results of 3-D combined backstripping and gravity modeling that take into account sediment loading and with observations of the structure...


ABSTRACT: Structural Style and Evolution of the Ardmore Basin; #90012 (2003)


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... data projected into the cross sections. The sections were then scanned and loaded into the LithoTect structural modeling software and palinspastically...


ABSTRACT: A 50-Year History of Coastal Studies Institute Contributions to Science; #90021 (2003)


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... to meet the challenge of new technology utilized on a variety of new problems in both shallow and deep water. Capabilities in high resolution seismic...


ABSTRACT Influence of Fault Zone Deformation on the Permeability of the Glen Rose Formation: Hidden Valley Fault Zone, Comal County, Texas, #90104 (2010)

McGinnis Ronald N.; Walter Gary R.; Bertetti Franklin P.; Roberts Marla M.; Ferrill David A.; Morris Alan P.; Smart Kevin J.

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...  of the “seismic‐scale” Hidden Valley normal fault. Numerous year‐round seeps and springs in the Gorge issue from the fractured carbonate strata...


ABSTRACT Determining How Much Topographic Complexity Must Be Incorporated into Models for Depositional Turbidity Currents Filling Sinuous Submarine Channels and Constructing Channel Levees, #90104 (2010)

Peyret Aymeric-Pierre B.; Mohrig David; Lamb Michael; McElroy

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... thickness and grain size trends, and apply the methodology to the modeling of turbidites  filling sinuous submarine channels and constructing levees...


ABSTRACT First Results from Behind-Outcrop Boreholes in Clare Basin Turbidites, Western Ireland, #90104 (2010)

Pierce Colm; Haughton Peter; Shannon Patrick M.; Martinsen Ole J.; Pulham Andrew; Elliott Trevor

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... serial graphic logs, conventional  photomozaics, helicopter fly‐bys, LIDAR and photorealistic mapping, 2 and 3D GPR, seismic modeling and outcrop gamma...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum Plays in Upper Cenozoic Strata in the Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Arctic Canada; #90108 (2010)

James Dietrich, Zhuoheng Chen, Gillian Chi, Jim Dixon, Kezhen Hu, and Dave McNeil

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... but may contain migrated hydrocarbons from lower Tertiary or Upper Cretaceous source rocks. Subsidence-maturation modeling indicates hydrocarbon...


ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Property Estimation for Miocene Ngrayong Sandstone, Using Integrated Core-Log Analysis; A Case Study in Building Reservoir Geomodel Using Limited Data, Kawengan Field, Indonesia; #90108 (2010)

Vena F. Eveline, Bob W. Adibrata, and Syamsu Yudha

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... complete set of log. Data updating had acquired including 3D seismic, 4D microgravity, and coring. Limited data is a challenge to define reservoir property...


ABSTRACT: Braided River and Avulsive Depositional Systems in the McMurray Formation - LIDAR and Subsurface Data Integration at Syncrude's Aurora North Mine, Alberta; #90108 (2010)

Thomas R. Nardin, Joan B. Carter, and Nina E. Bassey

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... by rendering log curves as a 3D seismic volume. These data were integrated to develop predictive models for two distinct depositional systems: braided...


ABSTRACT: Multi-Scale and Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: Example of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in a Horizontal Barnett Shale Well; #90107 (2010)

Joel LaCalvez

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... network also confirmed by microseismic data. A variety of seismic attributes (e.g., effective curvature, anisotropy, etc.) has been used to predict...


ABSTRACT Passive Margin Fold and Thrust Belts, #90123 (2011)

Hermann Lebit, Luke A. Jensen

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... regimes farther outboard, where thinskinned folds and imbricates dominate. Regional seismic sections capturing the complete passive margin sequence were...


ABSTRACT Determining the Origin of Structural Variability in the Easternmost Wind River Basin Using Fracture Analysis and-D Restoration, #90125 (2011)

Kennedy Laura E., Erslev Eric A.2, Hennings Peter

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.... This study uses kinematic analysis of fractures and 3D modeling and restoration to address the origin of these complex structures on the southeastern...


ABSTRACT Characterization of the Moxa Arch for Geological Carbon Sequestration: Assembling Well Data and Assessing Spatial Locations, #90125 (2011)

Kirkwood Robert, Myers James D., Buss Alan

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... investigation did not involve computational modeling of an injected CO2 plume (an EPA requirement for defining AoR), the spatial footprint of the Moxa...


ABSTRACT Determining the Origin of Structural Variability in the Easternmost Wind River Basin Using Fracture Analysis and-D Restoration, #90126 (2011)

Kennedy Laura E., Erslev Eric A., Hennings Peter

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.... This study uses kinematic analysis of fractures and 3D modeling and restoration to address the origin of these complex structures on the southeastern...


ABSTRACT Characterization of the Moxa Arch for Geological Carbon Sequestration: Assembling Well Data and Assessing Spatial Locations, #90126 (2011)

Kirkwood Robert, Myers James D., Buss Alan

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... investigation did not involve computational modeling of an injected CO2 plume (an EPA requirement for defining AoR), the spatial footprint of the Moxa...


ABSTRACT: Geochemical Exploration Fluorescence Applications in Southern US Basins; #90129 (2011)

Gary K. Rice

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... and Its Nearsurface Expression: AAPG Memoir 66, p. 363-371 Belt, J.U. and G.K. Rice, 1996, Offshore 3D Seismic, Geochemical Data Integration. Main Pass...


Abstract: Use of Static and Dynamic Data in Geological Modelling and Numerical Simulation for Optimal Placement and Selection of SAGD Well-Pairs for AOSCs MacKay River Commercial Project; #90172 (2014)

W. Fu, A. Bernal, C. Heron, M. Caplan, L. Sullivan, E. Herle

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... environment. A comprehensive geo-model has been generated by integration of petrophysical data, core analysis, core description, palynology and seismic...


Abstract: Airborne Gravity/Magnetic Data Interpretation, a Cost-Effective and Powerful Tool in Deciphering the Deep Structure and Paleozoic Hydrocarbon Potential in the Partition Zone of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait; #90254 (2016)

Mike Q. Ye, Robert Pawlowski, Kalyan Chakraborty, Ken Cass, Mohammed S. AlMutairi, Sukhdarshan Kumar, Dave Angstadt, Syed Akram, Robert Corley, Steve Newton, Mark Brokaw

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...-generating systems in the Middle East. However, due to complex lithologies, it is very difficult to use seismic data to image the Paleozoic section...


Abstract: The Morocco-Canaries Atlantic Margin - A Classic Rifted Margin or a More Complex Failed-Breakup Basin?; #90255 (2017)

Alan Roberts, Andrew Alvey, John Fisher, Dave Burnett, Nick Kusznir

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... this hypothesis via:    Further analysis of the gravity inversion results Geodynamic analysis of four regional seismic transects between the Moroccan...


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