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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 58,811 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Abstract: Advanced Seismic Techniques to Enhance Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin; #90273 (2017)
Cyril Saint André, Patrick Charron, Abderrahim Lafram, Wafik Beydoun
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Advanced Seismic Techniques to Enhance Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin; #90273 (2017) Cyril Saint André, Patrick Charron...
Abstract: Automation in Seismic Interpretation; #90310 (2017)
Nasher Al Bin Hassan
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Automation in Seismic Interpretation; #90310 (2017) Nasher Al Bin Hassan AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90310 ©2017 AAPG/SEG...
Abstract: Seismic Geomechanical Properties for Fracture Characterization of a Carbonate Reservoir, Saudi Arabia; #90319 (2018)
Khalid A. Hawas, Debasis Chaudhuri, Sultan Al Otaibi
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Seismic Geomechanical Properties for Fracture Characterization of a Carbonate Reservoir, Saudi Arabia; #90319 (2018) Khalid A. Hawas...
Abstract: Seismic Driven Machine Learning Model for Well Circulation Losses Prediction; #91204 (2023)
Amin Alali, Unknown Author, Taher Sodagar, Saidi Hassani, Florian Karpfinger, Valerian Guillot, Rasesh Saraiya
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Seismic Driven Machine Learning Model for Well Circulation Losses Prediction; #91204 (2023) Amin Alali, Unknown Author, Taher Sodagar...
Abstract: Utilizing Seismic Attributes for Machine Assisted Fault Detection and Extraction; #91204 (2023)
Muhammad Khan, Yasir Bashir, Saleh Dossary, Syed Ali
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Utilizing Seismic Attributes for Machine Assisted Fault Detection and Extraction; #91204 (2023) Muhammad Khan, Yasir Bashir, Saleh Dossary...
Abstract: Novel Seafloor Seismic Acquisition Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles; #91204 (2023)
Constantine Tsingas, Mohammed Almubarak
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Novel Seafloor Seismic Acquisition Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles; #91204 (2023) Constantine Tsingas, Mohammed Almubarak Novel...
Developing New Advances in 3D Seismic Interpretation Methods for Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs Reeves, James J. #90044 (2005).
Search and Discovery.com
Increasing Exploration Successes Utilizing New Single
Search and Discovery.com
A Team Approach to Processing Quality Control is Successful in Optimizing the Processing Flow for a Challenging 3D Seismic Data Area
Search and Discovery.com
Discrete Fracture Network Generation Using Microseismic Data from a Single Monitoring Well
Xin Yu, Jim Rutledge, Scott Leaney, Chris Chapman
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and deformation accompany hydraulic-fracturing, it is considered the best means of representing a DFN used as the initial input framework for modeling hydraulic...
Delineating confined slope turbidite systems offshore mid-Norway: The Cretaceous deep-marine Lysing Formation
Edith M. G. Fugelli, Tina R. Olsen
AAPG Bulletin
... used, the Lysing Formation sandstone rock properties data, and the seismic modeling done prior to the semiregional study are considered beyond...
Towards understanding the impact of the evanescent elastodynamic mode coupling in Marchenko equation-based demultiple methods
Marcin Dukalski, Christian Reinicke, Kees Wapenaar
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...) and the elastic media Reinicke et al. (2021), however that might impact one’s ability to perform AVO analysis. INTRODUCTION Advances in seismic data...
Understanding Depositional System, Reservoir Quality and Distribution in South Sumatera Basin Development Field Using Integrated Well Data
Jerry Mamesah, Arief Handoyo, Pasca Siburian, Dedi Juandi, Merza Adeyosfi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... been started recently. However, there were several challenges encountered in the early stage of this campaign, including poor quality 2D seismic data...
Petroleum Potential of Aggrading Sandstones of Transgressive-Regressive Cycles in the Mississippi-Alabama Area
Ernest A. Mancini, T. Markham Puckett
GCAGS Transactions
.... A., Puckett, T. M., Parcell, W. C., and Panetta, B. J., 1999. Basin analysis of the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin and petroleum systems modeling...
Hydrocarbon Production and Microseismic Monitoring Treatment Optimization in the Marcellus Shale; #80310 (2013)
Carl W. Neuhaus, Cherie Telker, Mary Ellison, and Keith Blair
Search and Discovery.com
..., can be computationally pointed at target locations, which is referred to as beamstearing, a type of migration commonly used in conventional seismic...
Quantifying Low Net: Gross, Fluvial-Lacustrine Reservoirs Using Proportional Tops and Zonation: Green River Formation, Monument Butte Field, Utah
Darrin Burton, Bobby Sullivan, Steve D. Adams
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., etc.) to be calculated and mapped fieldwide in high stratigraphic detail. Improved modeling of reservoir character and distribution allows better...
Gravity Tectonics in Indonesia: Petroleum Implications
Awang Harun Satyana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., gravitymagnetic data and modeling, and seismic data from these areas are examined to know their structural styles. Regional geology and tectonics of these areas...
Fault-Seal Analysis in Minas Field Area-1, Central Sumatra Basin
Yohanes Bosko C. Indrarto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... includes 3D seismic, wireline logs, reservoir pressures and pressure transient data, regional and localized geology references. The Shale Gouge Ratio...
Characterizing Well Spacing, Well Stacking, and Well Completion Optimization in the Permian Basin An Improved and Efficient Workflow Using Cloud Based Computing
Piyush Pankaj
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... exploitation of the cube of the unconventional reservoir rock through cloud-based multivariate simulation modeling. A multilayer Wolfcamp earth model...
Analog Modeling of Doubly Vergent Thrust Wedges
K. R. McClay, P. S. Whitehouse
AAPG Special Volumes
...Analog Modeling of Doubly Vergent Thrust Wedges K. R. McClay, P. S. Whitehouse 2004 184 206 AAPG Memoir 82: Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems...
Pore pressure and stress regime in a thick extensional basin with active shale diapirism (western Mediterranean)
Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez, and Juan I. Soto
AAPG Bulletin
... with overpressured shales and mud volcanoes. Seismic and well data are used to analyze the evolution of the shale structures in the northern margin...
Depositional History and Origin of Porosity in a Miocene Carbonate Platform of Central Luconia, Offshore Sarawak
Valentina Zampetti, Wolfgang Schlager, Jan-Henk van Konijnenburg, Arnout-Jan Everts
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of offshore Southeast Asia. AAPG Bulletin, 73, 729- 756. GRbTSCH, J. AND MERCADIER, C., 1999. Integrated 3-D reservoir modeling based on 3-D seismic...
Nicolas and Eel Submarine Fans, California Continental Borderland
Suzanne Reynolds, Donn S. Gorsline
AAPG Bulletin
..., p. 345-359. Bowen, A. J., W. R. Normark, and D. J. W. Piper, 1984, Modeling of turbidity currents on Navy Submarine Fan, California continental...
New insights into deformation mechanisms in the gravitationally driven Niger Delta deep-water fold and thrust belt
Dominic Maloney, Richard Davies, Jonathan Imber, Simon Higgins, Stephen King
AAPG Bulletin
... stratigraphic levels and intervals from both the 2-D and 3-D seismic data sets covering the southern Niger Delta (Figure 2), we calculated by modeling...
Fracture Induced Stress Measurement and Evaluation Considering Influence of Complex Natural Fracture
Xingyu Chen, Yanchao Li, Feng He
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... network is shown in shale outcrop experimental results and micro-seismic data (Fisher et al.,2002). The connectivity between artificial and natural...