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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,085 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.

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Recording and Processing Procedures for Multi-channel Seismic-Reflection Data Collected in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

S. V. Dadisman, H. F. Ryan, D. M. Mann

Circum Pacific Council Publications

.... Ryan D. M. Mann U.S. Geological Menlo Park, Survey California INTRODUCTION satellite navigation system. T h e data were recorded using a 2 4 0 0 m...


Development of Oil Hydrocarbon Potency Characterization and Identification Techniques on Low Quality Reservoir

Achmad Yaser, Dwi Hudya Febrianto, Muhammad Aidil Arham, Noke Fajar Prakoso, Geraldus Yudhanto Sigit R.S.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the workover program until 2017. In selecting the workover candidates, parameters such as resistivity, gas readings and reservoir pressure were used...


An AI approach to using magnetic gradient tensor analysis for quick depth and property estimation

David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... and grids of the magnetic gradient tensor and other parameters for 2D spatial attributes. The magnetic gradient tensor and related parameters...


Real-Time Analysis of Rig-site Drilling Data Using Automated System to Assist Geosteering and Completion Decision Making

Michael Ghazizadeh, Arman Khodabakhshnejad, Daniel Lowrie

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., for each survey, are also used to adjust stage and cluster intervals, and to identify depositional cycles and tectonic activities. The workflow has been...


Integration of Engineering and Geological Uncertainty for Reservoir Performance Prediction Using a Distance-Based Approach

Jef Caers, Celine Scheidt

AAPG Special Volumes

... response uncertainty when both geologic and engineering parameters are uncertain. At the same time, this workflow allows assessment of the most...


Reservoir Characterisation Through Integrated AVO, AI and EI Inversion

Andy Furniss

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... reasonable background model. The actual AI inversion itself is simply a matter of selecting the optimum parameters for the chosen algorithm, usually...


Fast, Fully Probabilistic, Nonlinear Inversion of Seismic Attributes for Petrophysical Parameters; #120047 (2012)

Andrew Curtis, Mohammad Shahraeeni, and Gabriel Chao

Search and

.... The procedure of selecting the parameters of the MDN is explained in Shahraeeni and Curtis, 2011. Example Figure 1 shows the marginal PDF’s of porosity, clay...


Probabilistic Approach to Development Drilling Decisions in Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs

Robert S. Thompson, Clark Huffman

Wyoming Geological Association

... value and internal rate of return. The probabilistic distributions for economic parameters, such as net present value or internal rate of return, provide...


Practical application of neural networks in assessing completion effectiveness in the Montney unconventional gas play in northeast British Columbia, Canada

Jason Cai, John Cole, Alan Young

CSPG Bulletin

... production by modifying/selecting certain completion parameters. Globally, horizontal pad drilling and the application of multi-stage hydraulic...


Management of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production in the Zamrud Field, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia

Arief Yunan, Bambang Haryanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Seismic Survey (UKL/UPL), 1995. PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia, October 1995. Dharmawan, Doddy, 1999. How to Manage Drilling in Zamrud Conservation Area...


Modeling Anisotropy in Computer Mapping of Geologic Data: Chapter 7

Gregory Kushnir, Jeffrey M. Yarus

AAPG Special Volumes

... Survey, p. 36 - 73. Olea, R., 1984, Systematic sampling of spacial functions: Series on Spatial Analysis No. 7, Kansas Geological Survey, p. 4 - 5...


Optimizing the Development of a Stacked Continuous Resource Play in the Midland Basin

James Courtier, Joe Wicker, Travis Jeffers, Pat Curth

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... sonic logs. High quality 3D seismic, in combination with an excellent population of dipole sonic logs distributed relatively evenly across the survey...


Deblended-Data Reconstruction Using a Closed-Loop Approach for Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring, #42320 (2018).

Tomohide Ishiyama, Mohammed Y. Ali, Gerrit Blacquire, Shotaro Nakayama

Search and

... than legacy ones used for the baseline survey. For deblended-data reconstruction, we use the properties of blended signal introduced by blending codes...


Grain-Shape Indices and Isometric Graphs

H.J. Hofmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of Geology, v. 66, p. 114-150. SOIL SURVEY STAFF, 1951, Soil Survey Manual: United States Department of Agriculture, Handbook No. 18 (reissued 1962), 503...


Integrated EOR Primary Screening Including Subsurface, Operational and Economical Analysis for Mature Offshore Oil Field in Kalimantan, Indonesia

Lukito Wibowo, Patria Indrayana, Indah Primasari, Asmoro Santo, Benidiktus Gunung Massuka

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., screening exercise from the subsurface aspect alone may not be sufficient to draw conclusions for selecting the EOR method for further study. Literature...


Seismic Facies Segmentation Using Deep Learning; #42286 (2018)

Daniel Chevitarese, Daniela Szwarcman, Reinaldo Mozart D. Silva, Emilio Vital Brazil

Search and

... for classification in computer vision to extract features from seismic images. Their goal is to assist the interpreter in the task of manually selecting...


Montana Bakken Hybrid and Unconventional Plays; #70139 (2013)

Burr A. Silver

Search and

... are not sufficient to explain high water production reported to date in northeastern Montana. High water yields are attributed to erroneously selecting the Bakken...


Dynamic Killing Method as Applied to Well PSJ–A

Kersam Sumanta, Bambang Nugroho

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... pattern at 460 m had been made by selecting the proper bottom hole assembly. The curve presented by multishot survey in 12 1/4" open hole was almost...


Induced seismicity risk management: The problem of disappearing faults

Doyle R. Watts, Ernest C. Hauser, Mohammad Mohshin, and David F. Dominic

AAPG Bulletin

... acquisition parameters and vintage of seismic surveys used to identify faults for induced seismicity risk management. Bandy, R. E., 2012, Geology...


EUR Assessment of Unconventional Assets Using Parallelized History Matching Workflow together with RML Method

Chaohui Chen, Ruijian Li, Guohua Gao, Jeroen C. Vink, Richard Cao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... As the base case is not close to the true case, the Tornado chart is not asymmetric. However, it is good enough for selecting the AHM tuning parameters...


Machine Learning-Based Sweet Spot Prediction Method for Canada Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir

Zan Chen, Yexin Fang, Qian Yuan, Hao Su, Yili Yao, Yu Chen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... was proposed and applied in the M tight sandstone reservoir in Canada. This method extrapolated geological parameters such as porosity and brittleness...


Geomechanics of hydraulic fracturing microseismicity: Part 1. Shear, hybrid, and tensile events

Seth Busetti, Wenjie Jiao, and Ze’ev Reches

AAPG Bulletin

... the microseismic events by their source parameters, focal mechanisms, and fault-plane orientations. These parameters are used to determine the mechanical...


Fracture Development and Mechanical Stratigraphy of Austin Chalk, Texas: REPLY

Kevin P. Corbett , Melvin Friedman , John Spang

AAPG Bulletin

... repeatedly purports that establishing cause and effect relationships is imperative in selecting variables to use in multiple linear regression. Finally...


Reserve Growth of the World's Giant Oil Fields

T. R. Klett, James W. Schmoker

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and reestimation of parameters on which reserve calculations are based.This chapter describes the method used for selecting the giant oil fields...


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