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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,036 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
AAPG Hedberg Conference, August 16-19, 2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada; - Abstracts #90103 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
High Performance Computation by Graphics Processor Unit Technology for Geophysical Seismic Signal Processing, #40727 (2011)
Sunjay Sunjay
Search and Discovery.com
... equations. Selecting algorithms for GPU implementation can be difficult, especially without experience in GPU programming. In our seismic processing...
Modern Reservoir Management Approach in Enhanced Oil Recovery Projects
Dedy Kristanto, Doddy Abdassah, Septoratno Siregar
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of backgrounds among participants, it is necessary to establish a common understanding of fundamental concepts, key parameters and data requirements...
Automated Hydraulic Fracturing Stage Design Based on Integrated Fracture Potential
Mojtaba Pordel Shahri, Hamed Chok, Claudia Amorocho, Camilo Mejia, Uno Mutlu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... indicator. Stage locations, number and size selection are based on parameters that are not appropriately integrated and correlated to the fracturing...
ABSTRACT: Some Carbonate Hydrocarbon Prospects in Albanides Fold-and-Thrust Belt, by Prenjasi, Engjell; Dhima, Stavri; Gjevori, Shkelqim; Arapi, Luan; #90135 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Sensitivity of a Pesticide Leaching-Potential Index Model to Variations in Hydrologic and Pesticide-Transport Properties
Stephanie A. Schlosser, John E McCray
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... vulnerability. Parameters that were analyzed included organic-carbon content, depth to groundwater, soil-water velocity, soil bulk density, water...
Refracturing: Empirical Results in the Bakken Formation
William Ruhle
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... History matching of dimensionless rate-time parameters and analysis of the reservoir flow regimes are used to qualify trends in empirical data...
Geologic Field Number and Size Assessment of Oil and Gas Plays
R. A. Baker, H. M. Gehman, W. R. James, D. A. White
AAPG Special Volumes
... assessments of representative prospects in the play, or from simulations of distributions of the play's prospect areas, reservoir parameters...
Seismic Studies in the Church Rock Uranium District, Southwest San Juan Basin, New Mexico
William T. Phelps, Robert S. Zech, A. Curtis Huffman Jr.
AAPG Special Volumes
.... 1986 145 159 SG 22: A Basin Analysis Case Study: Morrison Formation, Grants Uranium Region, New Mexico A seismic reflection survey, using conventional...
A Qualitative Computer Simulation for Understanding Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts and Parameters; #41153 (2013)
Phil Moore, Christopher Kendall, and Enrica Viparelli
Search and Discovery.com
...A Qualitative Computer Simulation for Understanding Sequence Stratigraphy Concepts and Parameters; #41153 (2013) Phil Moore, Christopher Kendall...
Intellectual Property Rights and Geoscience Technology
Wendy K. B. Buskop
GCAGS Transactions
...: Apparatus for improved accuracy in measuring survey parameters, the apparatus comprising: a first station comprising: a first Satellite Positioning System...
Moore-Johnson (Morrow) Field, Greeley County Kansas: A Successful Integration of Surface Soil Gas Geochemistry With Subsurface Geology and Geophysics*, Victor T. Jones, III and Rufus J. LeBlanc, Jr., #20021 (2004).
Search and Discovery.com
On the Planimetric Shape of Wreck Bay, Vancouver Is.
J. M. Bremner, P. H. LeBlond
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... their influence on the spiral parameters. Plan Data Acquisition The 3 mi length of beach was surveyed at a scale of 1 inch = 200 feet using a plane table...
Abstract: Exploratory Visual Modeling and Analysis of Microseismic Events; #90174 (2014)
Ahmed E. Mostafa, Ronan Amorim, Emilio Vital Brazil, David Eaton, Sheelagh Carpendale, Ehud Sharlin, and Mario Costa Sousa
Search and Discovery.com
... allows a more intuitive data manipulation and exploration, by assisting expert users in filtering/selecting/changing event attributes to guide...
Strategy for Capturing the Hydrocarbon Volume Uncertainty in Case of Few Wells
Tan Chun Hock, Lothar Schulte
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... on low and high case values of all relevant modeling parameters. Each model with a combination of low and high case parameters should deliver...
Use of global analogues to improve decision quality in exploration, development, and production
Shaoqing Sun, David A. Pollitt, Shengyu Wu, and David A. Leary
AAPG Bulletin
... parameters form the basis for analogue selection and analysis. The ability to standardize knowledge on practitioners’ own E&P assets and conduct...
The Acquisition and Assembly of Large Scale, High Resolution Photorealistic Models of Geological Outcrops; #41520 (2015)
Lionel S. White, Jr., Jarvis R. Cline, Mohammed S. Alfarhan, Miao Wang, Carlos L.V. Aiken
Search and Discovery.com
... at the time the point is shot. Once the parameters are selected and the area defined, the acquisition of the tiepoints is an automated process. After tiepoint...
Key Economic Parameters: Part 2. Economics and Risk Assessment
Peter R. Rose, Robert S. Thompson
AAPG Special Volumes
...Key Economic Parameters: Part 2. Economics and Risk Assessment Peter R. Rose, Robert S. Thompson 1992 47 51 ME 10: Development Geology Reference...
Wildcat Drilling in 1940: ABSTRACT
F. H. Lahee
AAPG Bulletin
..., or more than 300 feet greater than in 1939. Figures on the relative success of the various technical and non-technical methods of selecting wildcat...
ABSTRACT: Using the Internet and On-Line Services: A Demonstration of Applications, by Jeffery M. Yarus, Jay E. Leonard, and R. J. Coskey; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
Figure 1
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Predicted Oil and Gas Resources in Long-Range Planning
N. I. Buyalov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... information, intuitively selecting the main information relationships. This produces a semi-quantitative characterization rather than a numerical estimate...
Abstract: Abstract: Stochastic Evaluation of Fluvial to Marginal Marine Sealing Facies, by S.A. Barboza, R. Alway, T. Akpulat, W.L. Esch, and P. Hicks, Jr.; #90066 (2007)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Reef and Carbonate Build-up Geometry and Heterogeneity: Analogue Studies for Modelling the Subsurface, by Slater, Thomas; Hewitt, Thomas ; Watkins, Carl A.; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
Crossflow Mitigation Through Geomechanic Investigation In Mature Panda Field, West Java Basin, Indonesia
Search and Discovery.com