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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,033 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Petroleum History Institute Annual Meeting and Field Trip; Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada, June 27-29, 2019
William R. Brice
Petroleum History Institute
... in the lab where the fossil fish are being studied. Figure 22. Neil McElwee selecting items from the buffet line while (l-r) Christian Kelleher...
Case Studies of Foundation Failures in the Indonesian Energy Sector
Paul M. Reed
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... those caused by excessive settlements and slope movements will be studied. Moreover, since most of the projects are located in isolated areas, selecting...
Improving Depth Prediction Accuracy of Quantified Drilling Hazards
W. Scott Leaney, William H. Borland
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
.... The problem then becomes one of selecting the casing point and predicting the mud weight required to drill balanced through the deeper formations...
..., then it would be expected that both crinoid groups would be equally affected (i.e., comparably high regeneration frequencies); if predators were selecting...
Computer Applications in an Oil-Exploration Company
D. L. Stauft
CSPG Bulletin
...., Editor, 1966, Computer applications in the earth sciences -- colloquium on classification procedures: Computer Contribution no. 7, Kansas Geol. Survey...
The stratigraphic significance of paralic deposits in the Precipice-Evergreen succession, Surat Basin, Queensland
Andrew D. La Croix, Valeria Bianchi, Mark Reilly, Joan Esterle, Jiahao Wang, Sebastian Gonzalez, Jeff Copley
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... characteristics of the reservoir-seal pair should be carefully considered when selecting locations for CO2 sequestration. Key words: Precipice Sandstone...
Mapping of Microbial Habitats in Organic-Rich Shale
E. Buchwalter, A. Swift, J. Sheets, D. Cole, T. Prisk, L. Anovitz, J. Ilavsky, M. Rivers, S. Welch, S. Chipera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... To compensate for noise, the option for selecting non void-containing material is selected, highlighting individual grains of carbonate or pyrite...
Constraining the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Gua Panjang Hill, Merapoh, Pahang state, Malaysia
Nelisa Ameera Mohamed Joeharry, Mohd Shafeea Leman, Che Aziz Ali, Kamal Roslan Mohamed
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... sections worldwide, is not observed in the study area. Large-spaced sampling and selecting only limited rock samples for isotope analyses are possible...
Porosity Evolution of Lacustrine Organic-matter-rich Shales in China
Songtao Wu, Ling Su, Xiufen Zhai, Rukai Zhu, Jinggang Cui
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., which involves selecting low mature samples, inducing hydrocarbon generation at set temperature sequence, and analyzing pore changes at URTeC...
Increasing the Ultimate Recovery in a Mature Steamflood through Well Conversion Program
Denny Satriana, Edward Dennis L., Rizal Haroen, Joko Lelono
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., temperature survey is collected twice a year and TDT logs is collected once a year. Information derived from the observation wells play an important...
Using mud gas components to quantify hydrocarbon liquid yields for gas zones in the Patchawarra Formation of the Western Flank, Cooper Basin
Christopher Webb, Belinda Wong, Regie Estabillo
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... selecting a representative portion of the mud gas logs and their drill depths compared to the wireline log depth. Care must be taken to ensure mud gas...
Lead-Zinc-Strontium Mineralization in Limestone Caprock from Tatum Salt Dome, Mississippi
James A. Saunders
GCAGS Transactions
... (Schlocker, 1963) of the AEC core holes were used in selecting samples for study. In addition, geologic descriptions of core and cuttings from...
Subsidence Mechanisms in Offshore South Java and its Comparison to Onshore Geology: Extensional and Flexural Tectonics
Yan Bachtiar Muslih, Aldo Febriansyah Putra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for selecting the abstract of the paper to be published and presented in the 42nd IPA Annual Convention. © IPA, 2018 – 42nd Annual Convention Proceedings...
A Semi-Regional Play Analysis of the Ombilin Basin to Understand the Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework and Identification of Potential Exploration Opportunities
Litto Habrianta, Gilvano Matthew, Faeruz Fakhrurozi, Dany Auliansyah, Ivan Praja Andhika
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...). Greaser, G. et al. (1996) ‘Selecting a Tertiary Oil Recovery Process for The Minas Field’, in Proceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, Thirtieth...
Stratigraphy, Eastern Midland Basin, Texas
Lincoln R. Page , John Emery Adams
AAPG Bulletin
... exposed the salt to solution. An effort was made to avoid the solution areas in selecting wells for the section but the effects can be seen...
"Eat What We Grow, Grow What We Eat" Creating a Self-Reliant Community Through Agricultural Programs
Najma Nabila Savitri, Nurjamroji
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., a location survey was conducted to define a place that will be used for the training (theoretical and practical). Then the company was given the right...
An Area-of-Review Variance Study for Texas Gulf Coast Frio Formation Oil Fields
Don L. Warner, Leonard F. Koederitz, Robert C.
GCAGS Transactions
... D., and Ann F. Ardis, 1991, Hydrogeology of the Texas Gulf Coast: U.S. Geol. Survey Open-File Report 91-64, 147 p. Warner, D.L., L.F., Koederitz...
A Test of Validity of Quartz Grain Orientation as a Paleocurrent and Paleoenvironmental Indicator
I. P. Martini
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of homogeneous sandstones. Kansas Geol. Survey, Bull. No. 17.5, Part 1, 137 p. HAND, B. M., 1961, Grain orientation in turbidites: Compass, v. 38, p. 133-144...
The American Upper Ordovician Standard. XVII: Areal Variation of Limestone Frequencies in the Kope and Fairview Formations, Hamilton County, Ohio
Robert H. Osborne
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND SPITZ, O. T., 1966, Fortran IV and map program for computation and plotting of trend surfaces for degrees 1 through 6: Kansas Geol. Survey Computer...
Control and Distribution of Uranium in Coral Reefs During Diagenesis
Gedalia Gvirtzman , Gerald M. Friedman, Donald S. Miller
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... S. JR., AND YOUNG, E. J., 1958, Geochemistry of uranium in apatite and phosphorite: U.S. Geol. Survey, Prof. Paper 314-D. AMIEL, A. J., MILLER, D...
Bioturbation in Eolian Deposits
Thomas S. Ahlbrandt , Sarah Andrews , Darryl T. Gwynne
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Dune stratigraphy, archaeology and the chronology of the Killpecker dune field: Wyoming Geol. Survey, Rept. of Inv., no. 10, p. 51-60. AMOS, W. H...
Alteration of Sandstone as Revealed by Spheroidal Weathering
M. T. Heald, T. J. Hollingsworth, R. M. Smith
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and Geol. Survey Econ. Rpt No. 12, 278 p. HEALD, M. T., AND LARESE, R. E., 1973, The significance of the solution of feldspar in porosity development...
Problems in Secondary-Recovery Water Flooding: Chapter 8
C. Arnold Brown
AAPG Special Volumes
... design and the future economics of the project. Selecting a closed system and deciding to mix the produced brine with the water supply...
Metamorphic Terrane Favored Over Rocky Mountains as Source of Claiborne Group, Eocene, Texas Coastal Plain
Ann Boggs McCarley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... each of these source areas. In terms of depositional considerations, the Ouachita Mountains are the best choice; however, selecting the Ouachitas...
Log-Linear Models, Markov Chains and Cyclic Sedimentation
Timothy R. Carr
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., R. G., ed., Facies Models: Geological Assoc. Canada Reprint Series 1, p. 1-8. ZELLER, E. J., 1964, Cycles and psychology: Kansas Geol. Survey Bull...