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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 3,035 Results. Searched 196,956 documents.
The Possibilities of Marginal Field Development in Indonesia
Alan C. Milton, Bambang Sumantri
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and gas production are marginal. It is worth discussing some of the principal choices now available to the operator in selecting the optimum design...
Determining Speed of Electric Submersible Pumps to Optimize Production in ESP Wells
Handoko Saputra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... at variable speed curves (see Figure 3). However, this paper recommended selecting 70 Hz, because its possible flow rate is greater than any ?? other ESP speeds...
Strategies for Obtaining Ecological Data to Enhance Decommissioning Assessments
Sean van Eiden, Thomas Tothill, Jessica J. Meeuwig
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... on analysis of the Wandoo ROV videos and previous studies utilising industry ROV, we propose a new method of selecting videos for ecological studies...
Hypercleaning as a Stimulation Technique for the Duri Field
Timothy A. Nagy, Eamon J. Flynn
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... 1990 the development of criteria for selecting hyperclean candidates was first attempted. As stated above, the reviews of past jobs performance revealed...
Game Changer for Unconventional Reservoirs
Thomas Smith
GEO ExPro Magazine
.... Pore Systems Developing any conventional oil field is a daunting process. Multiple development options often exist and selecting the best one can make...
Offshore Unconventional Oil from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation of the North Sea: A Technical and Economic Case
Chris Cornford, Bob Birdsong, Mark Groves-Gidney
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Prior knowledge locates sweet spots by selecting optimum maturity, thickness, organic richness and sedimentary facies (lithology) The pyrolysis...
The Problematical Solution of Shale Gas Exploitation as Alternative Energy for National Independent Oil and Gas
Hanif Indra Wicaksana, Anjar Trilaksono, Aufa Rifqi Alam
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... for selecting drilling method to be more profitable, such as, water usage, time to drill, time to fracture, time to preparation site, style of rigs, truck tips...
Maintenance Planning Innovation: Realising Planning and Execution Efficiencies through Process and Digital Transformation
Melinda Clarke, Darrshan Clarke
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... be used to build a prioritisation algorithm for low-complexity maintenance, assisting planning teams in selecting the right scope on a short planning...
Accelerated Dynamic Modeling for Complex Networks
Cedric Chidiac, Bob Sauve, Kirk Pitts, Vijaya Halabe
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Selecting the time constant of interest determines the speed of solution. For all faster transients or smaller time constants, these subnetworks can...
Comparisons of Conventional Wireline Resistivity Versus Logging-While-Drilling/Measurement-While-Drilling Logs in the Offshore Northwest Java Sea of Indonesia
P. Saputra, B. Sukamto, T. D. Lawrence, J. G. Kaldi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... is a crossplot/histogram selecting the shales that give an average LLD reading of 34.597 ohm-m versus 10.792 ohm-m for the LWD. This significant difference could...
Refracturing in the Eagle Ford Shale: One Operator's Quest to Identify and Rank Candidates, Minimize Well Interference, and Understand Variability of Results
Riley McFall, Kevin Mullen, Jason Baihly, Garrett Lindsay, Jung Shin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... methodology of selecting and ranking their viable candidates and determine which ones would likely have positive economic results once refractured...
Selecting An Optimum Hydrophobic Groups From Vegetable Oil Derivative for Surfactants used in Enhanced Oil Recovery
Ilham Ardatul Putra, Yani F. Alli, Usman, Didin Mujahidin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Selecting An Optimum Hydrophobic Groups From Vegetable Oil Derivative for Surfactants used in Enhanced Oil Recovery Ilham Ardatul Putra, Yani F. Alli...
Does Clast Size Influence Fabric Strength?
Kurt H. Kjaer , Johannes Kruger
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... orientation than do shorter clasts. This implies that two operators sampling fabric data a few meters apart within the same till unit, but selecting...
Parallel Lamination Formed by High-Density Turbidity Currents
Suzanne F. Leclair, R. William C. Arnott
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... The following method was systematically applied in each layer. Darker pixels were first selected with software function tools for "selecting...
Determination of Lithology from Well Logs Using a Neural Network (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... 5. Selecting the number of nodes to be included in the input and output layers is generally straightforward; however, the decision of how many...
A New Approach to Pore Pressure Predictions: Generation, Expulsion and Retention Trio, Case Histories from GOM; #41612 (2015)
Selim Simon Shaker
Search and Discovery.com
... data is crucial for selecting the appropriate method and algorithms for pressure prediction. This approach divides the previously so-called normally...
Optimal Gridding Selection for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation of a Channelized Deepwater System, #10934 (2017).
Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, Stephen M. Hubbard, Brian W. Romans
Search and Discovery.com
.... 41, p. 146-162. Meirovitz, C., L. Stright, B.W. Romans, and S.M. Hubbard, 2016, The Influence of Intra- and Inter-Channel Architecture in Selecting...
Managing Upstream Oil & Gas Producing Assets - Workshop Summary
Raymond Piper, Alasdaor Brown, Bryant Mueller, Donald E. Johnson
... for selecting projects. However, much of this downtrend has been self-inflicted by failing to integrate the multiple disciplines that contribute to asset...
Chip-Coring Technique
Donald T. May
Appalachian Geological Society
... -inch mesh screen which is on top of a 14 -inch mesh screen. After sifting and carefully selecting a representative sample, the larger sand chips...
Determination of Porosity of the Palo Pinto Reef by Radioactivity Logging
A. J. Kerr
Abilene Geological Society
... and, therefore, requires that a sensitivity correction be made. This is accomplished by selecting two reference porosities on the Neutron Porosity Curve...
The “Cluster” Program Applied to Dipmeter Interpretation in South East Asia
A. G. B. Marshall
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... - A Method for Selecting the Most Probable Dip Results from Dipmeter Surveys. SPE paper 5543. About 8-9 years ago Schlumberger introduced the High Resolution...
Exploiting Tight Gas Sand Sweet Spots - Workshop Summary
Lee Krystinik, Frank Lim, John Lorenz, Stephen Sturm, Randal Billingsley, William Clark, Lesley Evans
... with 3-D seismic, were factors in selecting the well’s site. The highly fractured reservoir is primarily developed in hummocky cross-stratified, very...
F. C. Hoadley, B. W. Allen
Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)
... of money is spent on casing, testing, workovers, selecting drilling sites, etc., much of which is dependent on accurate log analysis. Therefore...
John F. Miller, NGO Development Corp., Granville Rd., Newark, OH Greg Mason, NGO Development Corp., Granville Rd., Newark, OH
Ohio Geological Society
... can be copied into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting all the data within the data sheet and pasting into a blank Excel...
The Science of Petroleum Geology
E. G. Woodruff
AAPG Bulletin
... in selecting and developing properties. The future eologist's portion will be that of an engineer. His limitations will be known and understood...