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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 515 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Improving Stratigraphic and Structural Interpretation of Suban 3D Through Advanced Reprocessing

Safitri Nurida, Irfan Yuliandri Syukri, Ludy Andria

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Figure 6 – Velocity semblance before pre-processing (left panel) and after pre-processing (right panel). The new pre-processing workflow resulted...


Evaporite Relationships in the Pennsylvanian of Colorado

L.L. Sloss

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

.... However, some semblance of order can be found if the observer will view the forest rather than the details of each tree. As is the case with other sediments...


Estimation of Hydraulic Fracture Height and Pressure Deflation Using a Pulsed Vertical Seismic Profile and a DAS Fiber in the Midland Basin

Robert Meek, Robert Hull, Kevin Woller, Brian Wright, Mike Martin, Hector Bello, James Bailey

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and a picking method. To enhance the direct arrival a 50 trace semblance enhancement was applied. For the correlation method, the direct arrival was interpreted...


Determination and Delineation of Anomalously Pressured Gas Accumulations in the Siberia Area, Washakie Basin, Wyoming

Ronald C. Surdam, Zun Sheng Jiao, Yuri Ganshin, Nicholas G. K. Boyd III

Wyoming Geological Association

... to be retrieved at a much finer grid compared to traditional interactive semblance velocity analysis, and allows a statistical approach to be used...


Managing Subsurface Structural Uncertainty through Seismic Optimisation and Real-Time Drilling Data: A Success Story in Half Graben Reservoir Block of Tilan Field, WK Rokan

Rizki Arya Putra, Endo Finaldhi, Muhammad Afif Ikhsani, Nugroho Jati, Muhamad Irfan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... likelihood is a structural seismic attribute driven by the orientation of minimum semblance with the algorithm to detect a fault or a fracture dip...


Unlocking Near-Fault Attic and Updip Play in Latin Field, Rokan Block: A Success Story of Integrated Fault Interpretation and Real Time Drilling Monitoring

Gian Fernanda, Jimmy Antoni, Endo Finaldhi, Rizaq Faidul Hisan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... slices as well as on vertical section. The Thinned Fault Likelihood attribute, which is defined as a power of semblance, has a range of values between 0...


Quantification in Clay Mineral Studies of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks

J. W. Pierce, F. R. Siegel

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Without a semblance of standardization of methods (calculation and preparation), regional studies will remain as at present, incomparable. BISCAYE, P...


A Regional Velocity Cube for Depth Conversion on the Northwest Shelf

Maighréad Ní Dheasúna, Mark Ballesteros, James Leven

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... semblance' velocities, migration velocities velocit ies in th is region of the Northwest Shelf grid. Once assigned to grid cells, these data can also...


Flint Clay in the Coal-barren Triassic of the Sydney Basin, Australia

F. C. Loughnan

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and possess a conchoidal fracture. Some semblance of bedding is evident in places. Microscopic examination of more than 50 thin sections of the Garie, cut...


Chapter 8-part 2: Spectral Decomposition

Gregory A. Partyka, Michael D. Bush, Paul G. A. Garossino, Paul R. Gutowski

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Kirlin, S. L. Farmer, and M. S. Bahorich, 1998, 3-D seismic attributes using a semblance-based coherency algorithm: Geophysics, v. 63, p. 1150–1165...


Extended Abstract: The Past and Present Role of the Geoscientist

William R. Finley

GCAGS Transactions

... to exhibit some semblance of diversity of ideas, albeit at the risk of becoming biased. This was nevertheless counterproductive because it encouraged each...


Defining a Steeply-Dipping Salt Flank in Mississippi with a New High-Certainty 3D Method

Nicholas Brooks, Pat Donais, Werner Heigl, Jakob Haldorsen, Fred Li

GCAGS Transactions

...-weighted correlation, originating in the semblance-weighted deconvolution described by Haldorsen et al. (1994). Using the ray concept for the zero-offset...


Practical Application of Adaptive Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration (LSRTM) to Advance Field Development and Uncover New Reserves in the Subsalt Provinces

Chong Zeng, Shuqian Dong, Zhaohong Wu, Jean Ji, Darrell Armentrout, Bin Wang

GCAGS Transactions

...-oriented filtering: Geophysics, v. 68, p. 1286–1293. Hale, D., 2009, Structure-oriented smoothing and semblance: Colorado School of Mines Center...


Geomechanics and Drilling Challenges in the Deepwater Mississippi Fan Fold Belt—Case Histories from the Gulf of Mexico

Selim S. Shaker

GCAGS Transactions

...). Processed seismic semblance can shed light on the presence of rafted sediments within the salt so that this pitfall can be averted (Fig. 4...


Silica Recrystallization in Petrified Wood

C. L. Stein

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of microgranular chalcedonic fibers or well-developed euhedral crystals; both textures frequently occur simultaneously, yet still preserve some semblance...


3.4 Detached Sediments: 3.4.2 Decollement Tectonics (B-Subduction) and Active Margins: An Eastern Aleutian Trench Seismic Record

R. von Huene, J. Miller, M. Fisher, and G. Smith

AAPG Special Volumes

... on a DISCO processing system at the USGS facility at Denver, Colorado. Stacking velocities were selected from semblance plots made at 50 common-depth-point...


Section 2: Improvement of Seismic Images of Complex Tectonic Structure in Deep Water with Research-Level Processing Sequences

John Miller and Roland von Huene

AAPG Special Volumes

... moveout (based on a semblance velocity analysis), stacked, deconvolved, filtered, and scaled. The data shown in Figure 2.3B is scaled, deconvolved...


Occurrence and Activity of Bacteria in Marine Sediments: Part 6. Special Features of Sediments

Claude E. Zobell

AAPG Special Volumes

... of wet mud off the Florida K ys. Lloyd (27) noted a semblance of bacterial stratification in mud cores from the Clyde Sea area where she found up...


Progradation along a deeply submerged OligoceneMiocene heterozoan carbonate shelf: How sensitive are clinoforms to sea level variations?

Donna L. Cathro, James A. Austin Jr., Graham D. Moss

AAPG Bulletin

... using a semblance-based coherency algorithm: Geophysics, v. 63, no. 4, p. 11501160.McGowran, B., and Q. Li, 1996, Ecostratigraphy and sequence...


Lithostratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data for Reservoir Characterization; #90017 (2003)

Mahesh Chandra, A. K. Srivastava, V. Singh, D. N. Tiwari, P. K. Painuly

Search and

... between input vectors and each neuron, various norms can be used, such as the l1 norm, the l2 norm, the cross-correlation, and the semblance...


Abstract: Which Curvature is Right for You? Part - 2; #90174 (2014)

Satinder Chopra and Kurt J. Marfurt

Search and

... such as a wrench fault. As the first step, the inline and crossline components of dip are determined at every single sample in the 3D volume using semblance...


Abstracts: Integration of Coherence and Volumetric Curvature Images; #90173 (2015)

Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt

Search and

...), a gradient-structure tensor, discrete semblance-based searches (Marfurt 2006), or plane-wave destructor techniques (Fomel, 2008). Computing derivatives...


Fracture Imaging Pilot Designed to Compare Various Microseismic Monitoring Techniques

Didier Drapeau, Francis Cerda, Laszlo Maurel, Pablo Ferguson, Raul Sanchez, Christophe Maisons, Emmanuel Auger, Regis Agut, Philippe Matheron

Search and

... detected (must be improved). Beam forming processing Semblance at constant depth for one event allows to increase the detected and located microseismic...


Integration of Coherence and Volumetric Curvature Attributes, #40770 (2011)

Satinder Chopra, Kurt J. Marfurt,

Search and

... could be calculated in different ways: •Using complex traces analysis (Barnes, 2000) •Gradient structure tensor (Bakker, 2003) •Discrete semblance...


Fractured Volcanic Reservoir Characterization: A Case Study in the Deep Songliao Basin,#10584 (2014)

Desheng Sun, Ling Yun, Gao Jun, Xiaoyu Xi, Jixiang Lin

Search and

... a semblance-based coherency algorithm: Geophysics, v. 63, p. 1150–1165. Partyka, G., J. Gridley, and J. Lopez, 1999, Interpretational applications...


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