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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 7,936 Results. Searched 196,436 documents.

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Regional Upwelling During Late Devonian Woodford Deposition in Oklahoma and Its Influence on Hydrocarbon Production and Well Completion; #80410 (2014)

Erik P. Kvale, Jamar Bynum

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... are dominated by chert-rich beds. The cherts formed as a result of the diagenetic alteration of siliceous microfossils, particularly radiolarians...



Jess R. Bushman

Asociación Venezolana de Geología, Minería y Petróleo (AVGMP)

... light gray with shades of pink and lavender. Siliceous shales and cherts weather to yellow and orange colors. Gümbelina globulosa (Ehrenberg...


From Chalcedonic Chert to Quartz Chert: Diagenesis of Chert Hosted in a Miocene Volcanic-Sedimentary Succession, Central Japan

Isamu Hattori , Miyuki Umeda , Tomio Nakagawa , Hirofumi Yamamoto

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., A.M., and Garrison, R.E., eds., Siliceous, Phosphatic and Glauconitic Sediments of the Tertiary and Mesozoic: 29th International Geological Congress...


Tectonostratigraphic Significance of the San Pedro Del Gallo Area, Durango, Western Mexico

Emile A. Pessagno Jr., Jose F. Longoria, Donna Meyerhoff Hull, Michael E. Kelldorf

Pacific Section SEPM

... that Burckhardt included in his "Capas de San Pedro" (Unit 3, Fig. 4) contain minor amounts of tuff and graywacke in addition to black siliceous shale, limestone...


Global Patterns in Opal Deposition from Late Cretaceous Late Miocene

K. J. Miskell, G. W. Brass, C. G. A. Harrison

AAPG Bulletin

.... Savin, 1975, Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous microfossils from Shatsky Rise and other sites in the North Pacific Ocean: Deep...


Stratigraphy of Sierra de Picachos and Vicinity, Nuevo Leon, Mexico

B. A. Bishop

AAPG Bulletin

... formations. The chert formed during diagenesis and the silica is thought to have come from siliceous organisms. The deposition of carbonate mud...


Anadarko Woodford shale: How to Tie a Shoe; #80408 (2014)

Craig Caldwell

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... 5 miles 10 MISS Siliceous mudrock Upper WDFD Clayey, siliceous mudrock Middle WDFD Clayey mudrock Lower WDFD Organicpoor clayey mudrock...


Paleo-climatic Events Indicated by Mineralogical Changes in Deep-sea Sediments

Marian B. Jacobs, James D. Hays

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...; Arrhenius, 1952, 1963; Revelle and others, 1955; Hays and others, 1969) as consisting of a band of calcareous ooze on the equator; a narrow belt of siliceous...


Production of Calcareous Nannofossil Ooze For Sedimentological Experiments

Toms Buls, Kresten Anderskouv, Ida L. Fabricius, Patrick L. Friend, Charlotte E.L. Thompson, Lars Stemmerik

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., organic matter, siliceous sponge spicules) on its physical behavior. Requirements included low-Mg calcite mineralogical composition, absence of organic...


Origin and Significance of Conglomerates in the Southwest Corner of the Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma

Justin Newman

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and microfossils within study-area rocks. These petrographic data were then compared to published petrography on basin source terrains in order to determine...


The Eastern Facies of the Cretaceous System in the Canadian Western Interior

D. H. McNeil

CSPG Special Publications

... represent the diagnetic dissolution of siliceous microfossils. The sequential position of this siliceous clay in the Western Interior model cyclothem...


Rock types and lithostratigraphy of the Devonian Woodford Shale, Anadarko Basin, west-central Oklahoma; #10425 (2012)

Craig Caldwell

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...: clayey mudrock (CM) (38% clay and 41% quartz), clayey siliceous mudrock (CSM) (27% clay and 55% quartz), and less common dolomitic clayey mudrock (DCM...


Core-based Geochemical study of Mudrocks in Basinal Lithofacies in the Wolfberry Play, Midland Basin, Texas, Part II, #10572 (2014)

Robert W. Baumgardner Jr., H. Scott Hamlin

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..., by bottom currents. Facies are interbedded on scales ranging from centimeters (predominantly) to meters. Siliceous mudrocks contain relatively high total...


Upper Paleogene Planktonic Correlations, Santa Barbara Area, California

Orville L. Bandy

Pacific Section SEPM

..., that the stratigraphically lower beds (Coldwater, Cozy Dell, etc.) are Middle Eocene. A second recent report on planktonic microfossils offers additional...


Petrology and Origin of Phosphate Nodules from the Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Epicontinental Sea

David L. Kidder

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., 1980, Microfossils: London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 193 p. BRONGERSMA-SANDERS, M., 1971, Origin of major cyclicity of evaporites and bituminous...


Carboniferous Biostratigraphy, Prudhoe Bay State 1 to Northeastern Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska

Augustus K. Armstrong , Bernard L. Mamet

AAPG Bulletin

... transition to marine sedimentation and contains microfossils of Zone 16s (Chesterian). Overlying the Endicott Group, the Lisburne Group is 1,770 ft thick...


Biostratigraphy of the Thermopolis, Muddy, and Shell Creek Formations

Don L. Eicher

Wyoming Geological Association

...-Hyattville area, Big Horn and Washakie Counties, Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Inv. Map 84. Rubey, W. W., 1929, Origin of the siliceous Mowry...


Early Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Sedimentation of the Central Diablo Range between Hollister and New Idria

Tor H. Nilsen

Pacific Section SEPM

... deposited unconformably on underlying shale. The upper parts of the sequences contain shale that is typically siliceous. Thus, the sequences record...


Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Malaysia

Basir Jasin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... important microfossils for dating siliceous rocks (chert) in Malaysia. Radiolarian biozones provide biochronology for rock sequences devoid of other...


Chemostratigraphy, Petrography, and SEM Investigations of the Lower Triassic Montney Formation in Alberta: Implications for a New and Revised Diagenetic and Depositional Model

Raphael A. J. Wüst, Sam Tu, Brent Nassichuk, Troy Bozarth, Jason Tucker, Albert Cui

CSPG Bulletin

... of deposition, i.e. 1) marine benthic carbonates; 2) planktonic siliceous ooze; and 3) terrestrial material. Petrographic/SEM analyses of CS1-2 corroborate...


Reef Development and Facies Geometry on a High-Energy Early Proterozoic Carbonate Shelf (Hornby Bay Group, Northwest Territories, Canada)

G. M. Ross, J. A. Donaldson

CSPG Special Publications

.... Horodyski, R.J., Dudek, K.B., Ross, G.M. and Donaldson, J.A., 1985. Microfossils from the Early Proterozoic Hornby Bay Group, District of Mackenzie, Northwest...


Surficial Sediments of the Northeastern Pacific Ocean

Floyd W. McCoy

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., through the subdivision of the two major biogenic components, calcareous and siliceous debris. This classification scheme is an asymmetrical scheme...


Stratigraphic and Paleoecologic Significance of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Diatoms of California and Nevada

Kenneth E. Lohman

Special Publications of SEPM

... of beginning Late with the Moreno Shale Cretaceous or Paleocene age and extending through the Tertiary and Quaternary Systems Their siliceous...


Aptian to Turonian Radiolaria from the Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex, Kunak, Sabah

Junaidi Asis, Basir Jasin

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... bedded chert interbeds with siliceous shale. The thickness of chert ranges from 1 to 10 cm. The bedded chert is strongly folded and underlain...


Siliceous Organic Remains in Pelagic Sediments

William R. Riedel

Special Publications of SEPM

...Siliceous Organic Remains in Pelagic Sediments William R. Riedel Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists (SEPM...


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