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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 59,249 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Memorial: David White (1862-1935)

Hugh D. Miser

AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials

...Memorial: David White (1862-1935) Hugh D. Miser BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM VOL. 19, NO. 6 (JUNE. 1935), 925-932, 1 FIG...


Geology and Economic Significance of the Lucien Field

Basil B. Zavoico

Tulsa Geological Society

... in 1928 checking to the Herington limestone of the Stillwater formation, and was reported to have found a structure with small closure and sharp west dip...


Bahrain: 80 Years and Still Producing

Sinead Archer

GEO ExPro Magazine

...Bahrain: 80 Years and Still Producing Sinead Archer HISTORY OF OIL For such a small country, Bahrain certainly knows how to make . . an 1mpress1on...


Geologic Features and Possible Ways of Formation of the Grynovka Gas Field

P. V. Antsupov, M. A. Rynskiy, M. A. Bul’, A. K. Ivanov, F. I. Levashov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... lenses and horizons of the upper part of the productive complex for the present Grynovka gas field. In 1951-52 seismic reflection surveys were made...


Depositional system and lake-stage control on microbialite morphology, Green River Formation, eastern Uinta Basin, Colorado and Utah, U.S.A.

Abdulah Eljalafi, J. Frederick Sarg

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., 1971, Precambrian columnar stromatolite diversity: reflection of metazoan appearance: Science, v. 174, p. 825– 827. Awramik, S.M., 1992, The history...


High Resolution Diffraction Imaging of Small Scale Fractures in Shale and Carbonate Reservoirs

Alexander M. Popovici, Ioan Sturzu, Tijmen J. Moser

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... reflection imaging techniques, by emphasizing small-scale structural elements that are difficult to interpret on a conventional depth image. We show...


Big Sinking Field, Lee County, Kentucky

Louise Barton Freeman

AAPG Special Volumes

... to be the controlling factor of accumulation. A small pool known as the Ashley was developed north of the main pool, and a few small producers near the east...


History of the Mineral Industry in the White Pine County Area

Robert C. Horton

Utah Geological Association

... in White Pine County were those established as stations along the route of the Overland Mail. A small ranching settlement was started in Newark Valley...


Chapter 5: Seismic Trace Inversion

Tom Wittick

North Texas Geological Society

.... In our case the wavelet is zero phase. The reflection coefficient at a boundary between two rocks or any change in acoustic impedance is Figure 5-1...


Seismic Trace Inversion

Abilene Geological Society

... is zero phase. The reflection coefficient at a boundary between two rocks or any change in acoustic impedance is R = [V2*D2-V1*D1]/[V2*D2+V1*D1] Figure 1...


Petroleum Developments in Middle East and Adjacent Countries in 1957

Henry Hotchkiss

AAPG Bulletin

.... Mostofi, Iran Oil Company, Tehran, Iran Iraanse Aardolie Explorative en Productie Maatschappij Published Sources KUWAIT Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait...


Three-dimensional seismic-based definition of fault-related porosity development: TrentonBlack River interval, Saybrook, Ohio

Justine A. Sagan, Bruce S. Hart

AAPG Bulletin

... along the fault generated en echelon synthetic shear faults that branch at least 1350 ft (411.5 m) upward into the TrentonBlack River interval...


Lithofacies Definition in Cutler and Honaker Trail Formations, Northeastern Paradox Basin, by Sedimentologic Observations and Spectral Gamma-Ray Data

R. D. Cole, G. E. Moore, A. S. Trevena, R. A. Armin, M. P. Morton

Utah Geological Association

... that small concentrations in 40K, 214Bi, and 208T1 could be quantified. This process involved recalibration of the spectrometers at the facilities of the U...


Limitations of Reflection Seismograph

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... versatility and sturdiness, and the portable equipment is a noteworthy achievement in adaptation to small space. The instrumental components of a reflection...


A Breakthrough in the Seismic Exploration Result on Small Oil Fields

G. Valeev, R. Enikeyev, T. Shestoukh

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

...A Breakthrough in the Seismic Exploration Result on Small Oil Fields G. Valeev, R. Enikeyev, T. Shestoukh A Breakthrough in the Seismic Exploration...


Cenozoic Reefs--New Targets for Oil Fields in the Northern Part of the South China Sea

Hao Fuguang

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...-rock conditions. lected. From old and newly gathered seismic reflection data, a great number of geologic anomalies have been disclosed in the Tertiary...


Pleistocene-Modern Deposits of the Lake Tanganyika Rift Basin, East Africa: A Modern Analog for Lacustrine Source Rocks and Reservoirs

Jean-Jacques Tiercelin, Andrew S. Cohen, Michael J. Soreghan, Kiram-Eddine Lezzar

Special Publications of SEPM

... GEORIFT (19841985) of Elf Aquitaine (France), using a wide range of methods such as reflection seismology, piston coring, and dredging. Interpretation...


Developments in North and West-Central Texas, 1939

Karl A. Mygdal

AAPG Bulletin

... are producing from limestones of Bend age; previously no Bend production had been found north of Young County. The reflection seismograph has had...


Sediment Dispersal Within the Cocos Gap, Panama Basin

Lynn G. Dowding

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of a typical ocean basin, but on a more easily studied scale. Its small size, large variations in water depth and proximity to the continental...


Experience with Seismic Lithology (AVO) in Central Sumatra

Jeff Wright, Isdjulaedi Bakri, Budi Subiyanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... model shows a small decrease with offset while the gas sands show strongly increasing reflection coefficients as the angle of incidence changes from 5...


Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Carboniferous Bay St. George Subbasin, Onshore Western Newfoundland: A Reappraisal of Paleozoic Stratigraphic Thickness

J. Hall, G. Langdon, B. Roberts, D. Hawkins , A. Fagan, I. Knight, G. Kilfoil

CSPG Bulletin

...Reflection Seismic Imaging of the Carboniferous Bay St. George Subbasin, Onshore Western Newfoundland: A Reappraisal of Paleozoic Stratigraphic...


Caught in the act: Trophic interactions between a 4-million-2009-old white shark (Carcharodon) and mysticete whale from Peru

Dana J. Ehret, Bruce J. MacFadden, Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi


...Caught in the act: Trophic interactions between a 4-million-2009-old white shark (Carcharodon) and mysticete whale from Peru Dana J. Ehret, Bruce J...


Subsurface Stratigraphy of Northern Union County

R. W. Foster

Oklahoma City Geological Society

.... Commercial quantities of carbon dioxide gas have also been found in what is probably the basal part of the Triassic Santa Rosa sandstone. The small...


White Belly Wash Field—An Organ Rock Gas Field

Harold H. Brown

Four Corners Geological Society

...White Belly Wash Field—An Organ Rock Gas Field Harold H. Brown 1979 55 58 Baars, D. L., 1962, Permian System of Colorado Plateau: Am. Assoc...


Origins of Anticlinal Theory and State of Oil Finding in 1910-1920: DISCUSSION

W. Armstrong Price

AAPG Bulletin

..., Notes on the history of petroleum or rock oil: Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. for 1861, p. 319-329. White, I. C., 1885, The geology of natural gas...


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