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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 157 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Physical Seismic Modeling of a Near-Vertical Fault Zone; #41515 (2015)

Jessie M. Arthur, Donald C. Lawton, Joe Wong

Search and

... identification by arrival times in the processed results was done by numerical raytracing, which assumes the raypaths obey Snell’s law and velocities...


Lithological and Chemical Facies Changes in the Recent Deltaic Sediments of the Godavari River, India

A. S. Naidu

Houston Geological Society

.... SNELL, F. D., and SNELL, C. T., 1949, Colorimetric methods of analysis: 3rd ed., New York, D. Van Nostrand Co., v. 1, 950 p. SUBBA RAO, M., 1956...


Rifting: Lithospheric Versus Crustal Extension as Applied to the Ridge Basin of Southern California

G. D. Karner, J. F. Dewey

AAPG Special Volumes

... continental margins by continental break-up: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society London, v. 24, p. 325-350. Sleep, N. H., and N. S. Snell...


Cenozoic Shelf Margins, Northwestern Gulf of Mexico(*)

Charles D. Winker

GCAGS Transactions

... Jour. Royal Astronomical Soc., v. 24, p. 325-350. Sleep, N.H., and Snell, N.S., 1976, Thermal contraction and flexure of mid-continent and Atlantic...


Depositional Environments of Fort Union Sediments (Tertiary, Northwest Colorado) and Their Relation to Coal

Edward A. Beaumont

AAPG Bulletin

.... G., and J. L. Snell, 1960, Finite Markov chains: Princeton, New Jersey, D. Van Nostrand, 210 p. Krauskopf, K. B., 1967, Introduction to geochemistry...


Relationships Between Thermal Maturity Indices Calculated Using Arrhenius Equation and Lopatin Method: Implications for Petroleum Exploration

David A. Wood

AAPG Bulletin

...., and N. S. Snell, 1976, Thermal contraction and flexure of mid-continental and Atlantic marginal basins: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical...


Electron Microscope Study of Pleistocene Diatoms

Neal R. O’Brien

Atlantic Geology

... e St. L a w r e n c e V a l l e y . Marine f o r a m i n i ^ r a and p e l e c y p o d s w e r e s a m p l e d at the Snell L o c k l o c a t i o n...


Heat Flow Regime and Implications for Oil Maturation and Migration in the Offshore Northern Carnarvon Basin

M. G. Swift, H. M. J. Stagg, D. A. Falvey

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...). Gascoyne Abyssal Plain &•• 'ifF Jf ~ "~:!. Jf ...... Jf Jf Goodwyn 1 Dampier 1 ]} 0 rtlliNe st Jf snell Jf pP L1 Barrow (» Island D...


Integrating Geophysical and Trench Data to Analyze Shallow Faulting in the Wasatch Fault Zone Near Provo, Utah County, Utah

Alvin K. Benson, Nathan Brett Mustoe, James N. Carver

Utah Geological Association

... an interface between the layers of differing velocity, they are refracted according to Snell’s law. Geophones in the ground at each station detect...


Application of seismic attributes to delineate the geological features of the Malay Basin

Abd AlSalam Almasgari, Mohamed Elsaadany, Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff, Maman Hermana, Abdul Hadi Bin Abd Rahman, Ismailalwali Babikir, Qazi Sohail Imran, Nicholas Fogne Appiah, Teslim Oyediran Adeleke

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... is decomposed into its spectral components. In actuality, the velocity of glass is dispersive, such that Snell’s Law gives a different refraction angle for each...


An Interpreter's Guide to Improvements in Depth Imaging Through Model-Based Velocity Estimation and Refinement

Andy Furniss

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Lateral or vertical variations in velocity, refraction according to Snell's Law and structural dip within the model are all accounted for by ray tracing...


An Interpreter's Guide to Improvements in Depth Imaging through Model-Based Velocity Estimation and Refinement

Andy Furniss

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... to Snell's Law, and structural dip within the model are all accounted for by ray tracing and we are therefore no longer limited by the hyperbolic moveout...


Limitations of Reflection Seismograph

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... concerning a minimum time path for ray travel from a source to a point and Snell's law which states that the wave traversing a boundary between two media...


Some Problems in Thermal History Studies

David Deming, Jeffrey A. Nunn, Steven Jones, David S. Chapman

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... by continental break up: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 24, p. 325–350. Sleep, N.H., and Snell, N.S., 1976, Thermal contraction...


Realms of Subsidence

A. W. Bally, S. Snelson

CSPG Special Publications

...., and Snell, N. H., 1976, Thermal contraction and flexure of mid continent and Atlantic marginal basins: Royal Astron. Soc. Geophys. J., v. 45, p...


Health effects from arsenic in groundwater of the Bengal delta: Effects of iron and water storage practices

Anitha Kumari Sharma, Jens Christian Tjell, Hans Mosbk

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

.... 119122.Mabuchi, K., A. M. Lilienfeld, and L. M. Snell, 1979, Lung cancer among pesticide workers exposed to inorganic arsenicals: Archives...


Continental Paleotemperatures From An Early Cretaceous Dolomitic Lake, Gansu Province, China

Marina B. Suarez, Gregory A. Ludvigson, Luis A. González, Hai-Lu You

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... lattice dynamics: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 70, p. 2510– 2529. Snell, K.E., Thrasher, B.L., Eiler, J.M., Koch, P.L., Sloan, L.C., and Tabor...


Acoustic Properties of Sediment on the Southern Tonga Platform as Determined from Seismic Sonobuoy Studies

Jonathan R. Childs

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... of the acoustic velocities above and below the interface, as defined by Snell's Law. Refrac­ tions occur only at interfaces where the underlying acoustic...


North Louisiana: Early Gas Development and History of Conservation Laws

A. A. Meyerhoff , James M. Forgotson, Sr.

AAPG Special Volumes

.... of Conservation, p. 165-210. Moosa, R. Nolan, and Saloom, Jr., Kaliste J., 1942, The oil and gas conservation movement in Louisiana: Tulane Law...


Winning The National Talent War: Evaluation of Indonesian Government Policies from a Total Reward Perspective

David Solim, Fimana S P Putera, Fransisca Geronica

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., & Mineral Law & Policy, 2010). In fact, it has been a hot topic and has been the subject of media attention and discussion since 2006. Principally, 100...


Mud Hole: A Unique Warm-Water Submarine Spring, Located Offshore Southwestern Florida

Hugh J. Mitchell-Tapping , Joel R. Bellucci , Graham Woody , and Thomas J. Lee

GCAGS Transactions

.... Cram, L.J., G.H. Hughes, and L.J. Snell, 1975, Water resources of Indian River County, Florida: Florida Bureau of Geology Report of Investigations 8...


Diagenetic Origin of Carbonate, Sulfide and Oxide Inclusions in Biotites of the Great Valley Group (Cretaceous), Sacramento Valley, California

Philippe F. Claeys, Jeffrey F. Mount

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.../Salisbury #1, 9) Amerada Hess Martenet 25-2, 10) Hullhorst Oil Bellota #1, 11) Arco East Stockton #1, 12) Arco East Stockton #2, 13) Snell Nissen #1...


G. Non-Normal Incidence Reflections and the Determination of Lithology - Use of Shear Waves and Amplitude with Offset

Norman S. Neidell

AAPG Special Volumes

... statements of the physics of wave propagation across a boundary are embodied in the Zoeppritz equations. Snell's law and its counterpart for all motion modes...


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