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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
The Occurrence of Authigenic Minerals in Solid Bitumens
J. Parnell , P. F. Carey , S. H. Bottrell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... spectrometer analyses of sulfur dioxide: Institute of Geological Sciences Isotope Geology Unit, Stable Isotope Report 45, 25 p. CURIALE, J.A., 1987, Distribution...
... framework based on magnetostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, and strontium isotope stratigraphy combined with biostratigraphy using calcareous...
Sequence Stratigraphy and Composition of Late Quaternary Shelf-Margin Deltas, Northern Gulf of Mexico
Robert A. Morton , John R. Suter
AAPG Bulletin
... stratigraphy of Mississippi Fan related to oxygen isotope sea level index: AAPG Bulletin, v. 74, p. 407-424. Goodwin, R. H., and D. B. Prior, 1989, Geometry...
Biogenic Gas Exploration and Development in Bentu PSC
R. W. Yuwono, B. S. Fitriana, P. S. Kirana, S. Djaelani, B. A. Sjafwan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... a reliable result of its carbon stable isotope. The methane gas contained in the sample is most probably derived from a biogenic origin due to the value...
Can Volcanic Tephra Fall Replace Sea Level Transgression as the Dominant Driver for Organically Enriched Rock Formation and Their Cyclic Deposition at the Well-Studied Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary (OAE2; 93-94 Ma)?; #70404 (2020)
D. M. Parker
Search and Discovery.com
...) looked at organic carbon and lead isotope compositions within the Italian Bonarelli Black Shale (Livello Bonarelli black shale -- Marche-Umbrian...
Lower Toarcian (Upper Liassic) Black Shales of the Central European Epicontinental Basin: A Sequence Stratigraphic Case Study from the Sw German Posidonia Shale
H.-J. Röhl, A. Schmid-Röhl
Special Publications of SEPM
... changes during oil shale deposition as deduced from stable isotope ratios, in Einsele, G., and Seilacher, A., eds., Cyclic and Event Stratification...
Geochemically focused integrated approach to reveal reservoir characteristics linked to better Montney productivity potential
J.-Y Chatellier, K. Simpson, R. Perez, N. Tribovillard
CSPG Bulletin
... for the poor predictability using other single XRF elements is the difference in lithological content and textures of the Upper and Lower Montney. Isotope...
Dolomite Formation in Caribbean Islands--Driven by Plate Tectonics?!
Hans G. Machel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...", mainly on the basis of petrography, stratigraphic association, and stable isotope values. Interpretations of the hydrologic regimes during dolomitization...
Quantifying multiple source rock contributions to petroleum fluids: Bias in using compound ratios and neglecting the gas fraction
Andrew P. Murray and Kenneth E. Peters
AAPG Bulletin
.... Stable Carbon Isotopes Neglect of the gassy contribution to mixed fluids can result in erroneous interpretations of stable carbon isotope data for source...
Burial Cementation and Dissolution in Carboniferous Slope Facies, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity; #20234 (2014)
Joel F. Collins, David Katz, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Wayne Narr
Search and Discovery.com
... of hydrocarbons that formed bitumen and burial cement. Cathodoluminescence, stable isotopes, and clumped isotope data show that burial cements include inorganic...
Paleoclimate, Paleomagnetism, and Continental Drift
J. K. A. Habicht
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Phanaerozoic equal-area world maps: Jour. Geology, v. 82, p. 555-574. Buchardt, B., 1978, Oxygen isotope paleotemperatures from the Tertiary period...
Porosity Evolution In Lower to Middle Mississippian Carbonate and Siliceous Hydrocarbon Reservoirs In Central to Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma
S. J. Mazzullo
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... study, stable O-C isotope data (Figure 3C) and petrographic relationships in non-cherty to slightly cherty limestones in the St. Joe Group suggest...
The supply-generated sequence: A unified sequence-stratigraphic model for closed lacustrine sedimentary basins with evidence from the Green River Formation, Uinta Basin, Utah, U.S.A.
James H. Gearon, Cornel Olariu, Ronald J. Steel
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and oceans are stratigraphically distinct systems. However, closed-lake stratigraphy is often interpreted using conventional sequence stratigraphic concepts...
Geochemical Characterization of Rocks, Fluids and Solid Bitumens from Kwanza Basin, Angola, #11204 (2019).
Porti S. Martínez, R. Tocco, R. Baudino, A. Herra, C. Sanders,
Search and Discovery.com
...-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-IRMS). Post-salt and pre-salt rocks contain mainly marine organic matter and very low quantities of terrestrial organic...
Isotopes of Sulfur in the Oil and Gas Fields of the Volga-Ural Region and of Other Regions of the Soviet Union
N. A. Yeremenko, R. G. Pankina
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... 554 560 Vol. 6 (1962) No. 9. (September) 1. Vinogradov, A. P., Chupakhin, M. S., and Grinenko, V. A., 1956, Isotope ratios S-32/S-34 in sulfides...
ABSTRACT: Mesodolomite formation as a result of layer parallel shortening and secondary porosity development by cooling of formation waters or cooling due to thrust emplacement: an example from the Canadian Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt; #90011 (2002)
R. Swennen, J. L. Faure, K. Osadetz, Ph. Robion, K. Herbos, F. Roure
Search and Discovery.com
... of the stable oxygen isotope composition and recrystallisation temperatures will be recorded in the newly formed fluid inclusions. Values however will differ...
Abstract: Development of a Geochemical Tool for Sourcing Leaking Well Fluids in Southwestern Ontario; #90224 (2015)
Mitchell E. Skuce, Fred J. Longstaffe, Joanne Potter, and Terry R. Carter
Search and Discovery.com
.... Kaufman R. S., Frape S. K., McNutt R. and Eastoe C. (1993) Chlorine stable isotope distribution of Michigan Basin formation waters. Applied Geochemistry 8...
Burial History and Hydrocarbon Generation Modeling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Formations in the Alamein-Shushan Basins, Northern Western Desert of Egypt, #50721 (2012)
Mohamed A. Younes
Search and Discovery.com
...) and Halim et al., (1996) used the biomarker properties and stable carbon isotope composition of crude oils from different discoveries from the northern...
Co- and Post-Magmatic Modifications of the Oceanic Crust: Lead Isotope Evidences
Yongbin Sun
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Co- and Post-Magmatic Modifications of the Oceanic Crust: Lead Isotope Evidences Yongbin Sun CeoL. Soc. MaLaYJia, BuLLetill 39, JuLy 1996; pp. 91-99...
A Model for the Evolution of Hot (>200°C) Overpressured Brines Under an Evaporite Seal: The Fundy/Magdalen Carboniferous Basin of Atlantic Canada and Its Associated Pb-Zn-Ba Deposits
Casey Ravenhurst, Marcos Zentilli
CSPG Special Publications
..., 349p. Akande, S. O. and Zentilli, M. 1984. Geologic, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Gays River lead-zinc deposit, Nova Scotia...
Productive Potential of Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian Shale Gas Plays in the Sichuan Basin
Xinjing Li, Shuichang Zhang, Wei Li, Dong Liu, Yumen Wang, Shufang Wang, Xu Jin, Nai Zhang, Zhong Luo, Xiaoqi Wang, Jianming Li, Dazhong Dong, Jian Zhang, Zonggang Lü
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... It was a typical structural basin and the relatively stable crustal region on the south China also. The basin is filled with Paleozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks...
Geologic Excursions in Southwestern California
George Dunne, John Cooper
Pacific Section SEPM
..., or other climate phenomena which might otherwise skew the isotopic signature. The oxygen isotope stratigraphy method of correlating terraces that we use...
Characteristics of Cretaceous Organic Matter in the Atlantic: Enviromental Processes: Model Investigations of Margin Environmental and Tectonic Processes
Barry J. Katz, Raymond N. Pheifer
AAPG Special Volumes
... of woody and herbaceous components (Kendrick, Hood, and Castano, 1978b). Stable carbon isotope data (-23 to -30^pmil) obtained on the total extract...
Biogenic and Thermogenic Origins of Natural Gas in Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska
George E. Claypool , Charles N. Threlkeld , Leslie B. Magoon
AAPG Bulletin
... Geological Society (1970). End_Page 1133------------------------------ (57.49%). The stable carbon isotope ratio (^dgr13C) of the methane...
CONTINENTAL SCIENTIFIC DRILLING PROGRAM. A proposal for deep scientific drilling and associated exploration and research, Texas Gulf Coast
Lynton S. Land and William Galloway
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
..., and hydrodynamics of Tertiary and underlying Mesozoic sedimentary fill of this basin. Recent application of new techniques, including stable isotope, stable...