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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Geology and Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Setting: Northern and Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt
A.S. Alsharhan, M.G. Salah
CSPG Bulletin
... and the specific parameters (liquid chromatographic separation, gas chromatography, GC-mass spectroscopy and stable isotope mass spectroscopy). Each...
Variation in Organic-Matter Composition and Its Impact on Organic-Carbon Preservation in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic, Dorset, Southern England)
Richard D. Pancost, Bart E. Van Dongen, Amy Esser, Helen Morgans-Bell, Hugh C. Jenkyns, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté
Special Publications of SEPM
... Scientific Limited CN Biological sample converter connected to a 20-20 stable-isotope gas-ratio mass spectrometer, at the Archaeology Research...
The Cyclone Winifred Storm Bed, Central Great Barrier Reef Shelf, Australia
Michael K. Gagan , David P. Johnson, Robert M. Carter
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... reef mud to the mid-shelf, and possibly 3) shoreward transport to the inner shelf of resuspended mid-shelf mud. Comparison of the stable isotope...
Part I. Inorganic Geochemical Techniques
J. R. Allan, W. D. Wiggins
AAPG Special Volumes
..., evaporites, or any mixture of the three (through the use of stable isotope and conservative ions versus chloride plots), (2) whether the fluid...
Burial Dolomitization of the Upper Devonian Miette Buildup, Jasper National Park, Alberta
Bret W. Mattes, Eric W. Mountjoy
Special Publications of SEPM
... mean good ordering reflections tTo positive relationship was found between mole percent MgC03 and stable isotope composition see Supko 1977...
Mixed Carbonate - Terrigenous Clastic Sedimentation on a Ramp-Topped Shelf (Distally-Steepened Ramp), The Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin
Thomas E. Yancey
West Texas Geological Society
... determined from cycle succession, but the use of stable isotope stratigraphy may be applicable for determination of cycle signatures in the Midland...
An Integrated Cathodoluminescence Video-Capture Microsampling System: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS
Bruce W. Fouke , John Rakovan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Microsampling carbonates for stable isotope and minor element analysis: physical separation on a 20 micrometer scale: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. A65, p...
Upper Devonian paleoenvironmental, diagenetic, and tectonic enigmas in the western Appalachian Basin: new discoveries and emerging questions associated with the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and end-Devonian disturbances in central Ohio
David R. Blood, Gordon C. Baird, Erika M. Danielsen, Carlton E. Brett, Joseph T. Hannibal, Gary G. Lash
Ohio Geological Society
.... 473, p. 108–122. Lash, G. G., (2018), Significance of stable carbon isotope trends in carbonate concretions formed in association with anaerobic...
Organic geochemistry of the Eagle Ford Group in Texas
Andrea A. Miceli Romero, Thanh Nguyen, and R. Paul Philp
AAPG Bulletin
... and terrigenous organic matter input under oxic–dysoxic conditions. Isotope data indicate a marine organic matter source for the Eagle Ford Group...
Seismic geomorphology, lithology, and evolution of the late Pleistocene Mars-Ursa turbidite region, Mississippi Canyon area, northern Gulf of Mexico
Derek E. Sawyer, Peter B. Flemings, R. Craig Shipp, Charles D. Winker
AAPG Bulletin
.... 287294.Joyce, J. E., L. R. C. Tjalsma, and J. M. Prutzman, 1990, High-resolution planktic stable isotope record and spectral analysis for the last 5.35 m.y....
Sequence Stratigraphy, Facies, and Reservoir Quality of Lower Devonian Carbonates in Roman Trebsa Field, Timan-Pechora Basin, C.I.S.
Jonathan Kaufman, Jeremy Jameson
Special Publications of SEPM
... intergranular 60 JONATHAN KAUFMAN and JEREMY JAMESON e02gr0marine_fld.dg 18 δ O (PDB), % FIG. 17.—Carbon and oxygen stable-isotope cross plot...
The Influence of Rock Fabric and Mineralogy on Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction: Khuff Formation, Abu Dhabi
R.H. Worden , P.C. Smalley , M.M. Cross
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., P.C., MAILE, C.N., COLEMAN, M.L., AND ROUSE, J.L., 1992, LASSIE (laser ablation sampler for stable isotope extraction) applied to carbonate minerals...
The etiology of carbonate porosity
S. N. Ehrenberg
AAPG Bulletin
... of the core description columns in Figure 9), was correlated between oil fields using Sr-isotope stratigraphy (Ehrenberg et al., 2007b). Low-porosity...
Diagenesis of the Cotton Valley Sandstones, Catahoula Creek Field, Southern Mississippi
J.S. Janks, T. Sanness, , B.A. Rasmussen
GCAGS Transactions
...). Depth: 19,817 ft (6,036 m). Crossed-nicols. Scale bar represents 0.1 mm. Table 2. Stable isotope data from the #1 Gordon Brown. All values...
Petroleum Systems in the Far East
C. F. Schiefelbein, J. E. Zumberge, S. W. Brown
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... isotope analysis of petroleum fractions. Analytical Chemistry, 52, 1389-1391. Sofer, Z., 1984, Stable carbon isotope compositions of crude oils: Application...
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Making the Next Giant Leap in Geosciences, April 10-13, 2011, Houston, Texas, USA, #90124 (2011)
Search and Discovery.com
Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary in Denmark: Implications for the Causes of the Terminal Cretaceous Extinction
A. A. Ekdale, Richard G. Bromley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 53, p. 1174. BUCHARDT, B., AND JORGENSEN, N. O., 1979, Stable isotope variations at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Denmark...
Hydrothermal Alteration of Near-Surface Sediments, Guayamas Basin, Gulf of California
Paul M. Stout, Andrew C. Campbell
Pacific Section SEPM
... in the laboratory of H . Elderfield, University of Leeds, U.K. Stable isotope determinations were run on selected samples. Protodolomite samples were...
A Geochemical Overview of the Geysers (California) Geothermal Reservoir
A.H. Truesdell, W.T. Box Jr., J.R. Haizlip
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... equilibrium: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 44, p. 2021-2032. Haizlip, J.R., 1985, Stable isotope composition of steam from wells...
The Late Quaternary Transgressive Record in the Adriatic Epicontinental Sea: Basin Widening and Facies Partitioning
A. Cattaneo, F. Trincardi
Special Publications of SEPM
... The same cyclonic gyre affects the LIW layer geostrophic origin and the bottom with layer along the western side isotope stable studies...
Sequence Stratigraphic Context of Syndepositional Diagenesis in Cool-Water Shelf Carbonates: Pliocene Limestones, New Zealand
Vincent Caron, Campbell S. Nelson, Peter J.J. Kamp
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and Smith, A.M., 1996, Stable oxygen and carbon isotope compositional fields for skeletal and diagenetic components in New Zealand Cenozoic non...
Chapter 2: Lacustrine Source Rocks and Oil Systems Present in the Lower Cretaceous Pre-Salt Section of the Santos Basin, Brazil
M. R. Mello, S. P. Rostirolla, V. Elias, M. Ferreira, A. P. Ahualli, S. Becker, J. E. Dahl, J. M. Moldowan
AAPG Special Volumes
... and stratigraphy of the East Brazil rift system: An overview: Tectonophysics, v. 213, p. 97–138. Clemson, J., J. Cartwright, and J. Booth, 1997, Structural...
Groundwater salinity in the southern San Joaquin Valley
Janice Gillespie, David Kong, and Stephen D. Anderson
AAPG Bulletin
.... Thordsen, 1992, Stable isotope geochemistry and origin of water in sedimentary basins, in Clauer, N., and S. Chaudhuri, eds., Isotope signatures...
Overview and Summary
Christine E. Turner-Peterson, Elmer S. Santos
AAPG Special Volumes
... report: Economic Geology, v. 56, no. 7, p. 1179-1210. Ludwig, K. R., K. R. Simmons, and J. D. Webster, 1984, U-Pb isotope systematics and apparent...
Appendix II. Interpretation of Dolomites by Comparison to Marine Carbonates
J. K. Allan, W. D. Wiggins
AAPG Special Volumes
... different approaches for obtaining original marine isotope values. COMPARISON TO MARINE INVERTEBRATES By only sampling the shells and skeletons...