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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Origin, source, mixing, and thermal maturity of natural gases in the Panyu lower uplift and the Baiyun depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea
Hongwei Ping, Honghan Chen, Junzhang Zhu, Simon C. George, Lijun Mi, Xiong Pang, and Puqiang Zhai
AAPG Bulletin
.... Chung, H. M., and W. M. Sackett, 1979, Use of stable carbon isotope compositions of pyrolytically derived methane as maturity indices...
The Hayfield Sandstone Play: The Characterisation of a Mesoproterozoic Sourced, Proterozoic Sandstone Reservoired, Tight Oil and Gas Play in the Beetaloo Sub-Basin
Carl Altmann, Brenton Richards, Alexander Coté, Cassandra Bein, Elizabeth Baruch-Jurado, Les Jenkinson
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... rip currents that introduce changes of salinity into the environment. 244 The APPEA Journal C. Altmann et al. Fig. 2. Generalised stratigraphy...
Characteristics and origin of the ultradeep Ordovician fault-karst reservoirs: An example from the Shunbei-Yuejin area, Tarim Basin
Jian Wang, Xintong Wang, Yingchang Cao, Fang Hao, Yuhan Pang, Lu Yun, Haijun Yang, and Mingfeng Xie
AAPG Bulletin
... due to the rapid extension and rifting around the Tarim plate (Figure 2A). Subsequently, regional subsidence occurred due to stable tectonics and weak...
18O Variations in the Halimeda of Virgin Islands Sands: Evidence of Cool Water in the Northeast Caribbean, Late Holocene
Charles W. Holmes
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Bahamas: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 350, 138 p. CRAIG, H., 1965, The measurement of oxygen isotope paleotemperatures, in Stable Isotopes...
ABU Shaar Complex (Miocene) Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Deposition and Diagenesis in an Active Rift Setting
Mario Coniglio, Noel P. James, Djafar M. Aïssaoui
Special Publications of SEPM
... stable isotope compositions. Results are reported in parts per mil (%.,) versus the PDB-1 standard. Untreated samples were prepared by reaction in 100...
Biomarkers in Sediments, Sedimentary Rocks and Petroleums: Biological Origins, Geological Fate and Applications
Simon C. Brassell
Special Publications of SEPM
... into more thermally stable geological counterparts or form equilibrium mixtures of stereoisomers. Thus, the stereochemical changes in biomarkers follow...
Late Jurassic Tectonic Setting and Paleogeography of Western Interior, North America
Robert L. Brenner
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
...–28. Francis, D. R., 1956, Jurassic Stratigraphy of the Williston Basin Area, Retp. #18, Dept. Min. Res. Petrol. & Nat’l. Gas Branch, Prov...
Framework Geology, Petroleum Systems, and Play Concepts of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska
Kenneth J. Bird
Special Publications of SEPM
... the INTRODUCTION framework geology of the NPRA, including its regional tectonic setting and stratigraphy, its petroleum systems, and to discuss hydrocarbon play...
Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Jurassic Rocks, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, with Emphasis on the South and West Sides
Steven M. Condon, A. Curtis Huffman
Four Corners Geological Society
...Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of Jurassic Rocks, San Juan Basin, New Mexico, with Emphasis on the South and West Sides Steven M. Condon...
Holocene Marine Coastal Evolution of the United States
Rhodes W. Fairbridge
Special Publications of SEPM
... of southern Alaska and on the taphrogenic stable platforms are found only in northwest Alaska and Florida Present coasts are widely affected by the post...
Hydrocarbon breaching of a regional aquitard: The Devonian Ireton Formation, Bashaw area, Alberta, Canada
Mark R. Hearn, Hans G. Machel, Benjamin J. Rostron
AAPG Bulletin
... probably occurred syndepositionally to early diagenetically via reflux of mesohaline brines based on petrographic and stable isotope data (Al-Bastaki et...
The Vicksburg Formation of Texas: Depositional Systems Distribution, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology
Janet M. Combes
AAPG Bulletin
...The Vicksburg Formation of Texas: Depositional Systems Distribution, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Geology Janet M. Combes 1993 1942 1970 77...
Stratigraphic Organization of Late Pleistocene Deposits of the Western Part of the Golfe du Lion Shelf (Languedoc Shelf), Western Mediterranean Sea, Using High-Resolution Seismic and Core Data1
Michel Tesson, Henry W. Posamentier, and Bernard Gensous
AAPG Bulletin
... of the western Mediterranean Sea is characterized by a complex stratigraphy comprising both the regressive and transgressive parts of late Pleistocene depositional...
Transactions: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies; Frontmatter
Mike Ledet, James J. Willis, Jill C. Willis, Kristen M. Willis, Jesse J. R. Cantin
GCAGS Transactions
... for the Cretaceous Tepee Buttes (Colorado), the evolution of mounds and mound porosity, and carbonate diagenesis using stable isotope geochemistry...
Ion Microprobe Investigation of Diagenetic Carbonates and Sulfides in the Devonian Nisku Formation, Alberta, Canada
Hans G. Machel, Lee Riciputi, Dave R. Cole
Special Publications of SEPM
... sulfides display large sulfur isotope variations 831S of up to o about 60 CDT on a scale of 100 m These variations cannot be resolved using conventional...
Plio-Pleistocene Sequence Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Gibralter Arc
Joan F. Flinch, Peter R. Vail
Special Publications of SEPM
...., 1973, Oxigen isotope and paleomagnetic stratigraphy of equatorial Pacific core V28-238: oxygen-isotope temperatures and ice volumes on a 10T year and 10...
The Salinas Basin Oil Province
Edward A. Gribi Jr.
Pacific Section of AAPG
... of some 150 square miles in the sand “fairway” area along the east side of the Salinas Basin. Considering the complexities and vagaries of stratigraphy...
Rate of Reflux Dolomitization Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Glen Rose Dolostone, Austin, Texas
Shawn M. Fullmer, F. Jerry Lucia
GCAGS Transactions
... of Reflux Dolomitization Based on Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Glen Rose Dolostone, Austin, Texas Figure 3. Stable isotope values of limestone (calcite...
General Geology, San Onofre Area
J. L. McNey
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Site Stratigraphy Exposed within the immediate boundaries of the plant site are (from oldest to youngest) (1) San Mateo Formation of Late Miocene...
Stratigraphy and Paleobiology of the Lincoln Limestone Member, Greenhorn Limestone, Rock Canyon Anticline, Colorado
B.B. Sageman, C.C. Johnson
Special Publications of SEPM
... foraminiferal Stable isotope and carbon analyses are the most powerful tools for these interpretations. O18 andC13 data for the Lincoln Limestone Member...
Stratigraphic Significance of 13C/12C Ratios in Mid-Cretaceous Rocks of the Western Interior, U.S.A.
L. M. Pratt, C. N. Threlkeld
CSPG Special Publications
... chronostratigraphic boundaries that cross the boundaries of lithofacies and depositional environments. Cobban, W.A. and Scott, G.R., 1972. Stratigraphy...
Late-glacial Coleoptera and the paleoclimate at Hirtles, Nova Scotia
Randall F. Miller
Atlantic Geology
... Press, Washington, 284 p. F ritz, P., M organ, A.V., E icher, U., and M cAndrews, J.H. 1987. Stable isotope, fossil Coleoptera and pollen stratigraphy...
Deep-Water Evaporite Mineral Formation in Lakes of Western Canada
William M. Last
Special Publications of SEPM
... over a Freefight basins METHODS on of the stable geochemistry in Freefight Lake and isotope stratigraphy of the endogenic carbonates in moose...
Scientific and Industrial Implications of Continued Study and Revision of Petroleum System Models in the Williston Basin
Kirk Osadetz, Mark Obermajer, Maowen Li, and Chunqing Jiang
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... families and potential source rock extracts defined by Williams (1974), based largely on stable isotopic and gasoline range hydrocarbon (GRHC...
Oil Source Beds and Oil Prospect Definition in the Upper Tertiary of the Gulf Coast
Wallace G. Dow
GCAGS Transactions
... Bulletin, v. 50, p. 439-478. Northam, M.A., et al, 1981, Stable carbon isotope ratio variations of organic matter in Orca Basin sediments: Geochim. et...