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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Oil Dumpers Tracked
PESA Staff
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... oils appear very similar from their biomarkers, another fingerprint method can be used - the isotopic signature. Carbon exists as two stable isotopes...
Occurrence of Alkali Metals in Some Gulf of Mexico Sediments: Amended Rubidium Values And K/rb Ratios: NOTES
S. R. Taylor
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... elements: Science, v. 125, p. 498. SMALES, A. A. AND WEBSTER, R. K., 1958, The determination of rubidium by the method of stable isotope dilution: Anal. Chim...
ABSTRACT Chemical Variations of CO2 in the Rankin Trend Natural Gases, Carnarvon Basin, Australia: An Example of Mineral Sequestration?, #90103 (2010)
Eric Tenthorey, Allison Hortle, Chris Boreham, James Underschultz
Search and Discovery.com
... the two alternative processes just described. Currently, carbon isotope data on carbonate cements and more gas analyses with noble gas isotopic...
ABSTRACT: Distinction between Lacustrine and Marine Thermogenic Gases Based on Hydrogen and Carbon Isotopic Compositions; #90134 (2011)
Jose Roberto Cerqueira and Eugenio Vaz dos Santos Neto
Search and Discovery.com
... specific isotope analysis of stable carbon for the C1-C4 range has been used to determine the origin of biogenic and thermogenic natural gases...
ABSTRACT: Methanogenesis: A Part of the Carbon Cycle with Implication for Unconventional Biogenic Gas Resources; #90134 (2011)
Frank Haeseler and Françoise Behar
Search and Discovery.com
.... Depending on the origin of the carbon source and the methanogenic process involved in the methanogenesis (autotrophic or heterotrophic) the stable isotope...
Driving Parameters for Process-Like Modeling of Replacement Dolomite Related to Fractures (Calcari Grigi, Trento Platform, Northern Italy); #50552 (2012)
Caroline Planteblat, Annie Arnaud-Vanneau, Thierry Adatte, Bruno Caline, Anne-Marie Boullier, Karl Föllmi, and Gérard Massonnat
Search and Discovery.com
... such as whole-rock, stable isotopic geochemistry and cathodoluminescence have been performed to improve the understanding of dolomite development. Isotope...
The Dual Role of Heavy Compounds in Conventional and Unconventional Petroleum Systems; #80394 (2014)
Ahmed Chaouche
Search and Discovery.com
...–Late Cretaceous climate of the southern high latitudes: Stable isotopic evidence for minimal equator-to-pole thermal gradients: GSA Bulletin, v...
Models of Natural Gas Origin - A Short History, #42454 (2019).
Bernie B. Bernard,
Search and Discovery.com
... increasingly important cause isotope ratios of methane to increase and gases to become wetter. Finally, with extreme maturity an overcooked stage...
Provenance Determinations and Recycling of Sediments
Harvey Blatt
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... crystals of quartz in sandstones and shales if only a polarizing microscope is used in the analysis of these rocks. Stable isotope studies of detrital...
Depositional Sequences and Stratigraphic Gaps on Submerged United States Atlantic Margin
C. Wylie Poag, John S. Schlee
AAPG Special Volumes
... Investigations of biostratigraphic changes, changes in stable isotope ratios, and depositional patterns in the deep sea bring to light a record of major changes...
Origin of Barite and Sulfur Deposits in the Delaware Basin: Reply
J. Richard Kyle
West Texas Geological Society
... share many geological and geochemical features that result from a common geologic terrane. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope data for Delaware Basin...
Biogeochemistry as an Indicator of Organic Matter Sources, Paleolimnological and Paleoenvironmental Changes in Lacustrine Sediments—A Study of Two Himalayan Lakes
Brijraj K. Das
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
...., and Kaplan, I. R. (1978). Correlation of carbon nitrogen stable isotope ratios in sedimentary organic matter. Limnol Oceans Org, 23, 598–604...
Lithified Carbonates from the Deep-Sea of the Equatorial Atlantic
Geoffrey Thompson, V. T. Bowen, W. G. Melson, Richard Cifelli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 1964, Carbon isotope ratios in dolostones; some implications concerning "secondary" and "primary" dolostones: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 28, p...
Facies Model of a Semiarid Freshwater Wetland, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
Cynthia M. Liutkus, Gail M. Ashley
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Sedimentology, Stratigraphy and Stable isotopes of the Lowermost Bed End_Page 704------------------------ II Freshwater Wetlands, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania...
Chapter 1
Mark W. Longman
AAPG Special Volumes
... dolomitization are only beginnning to be accepted and used by those in industry. Still other ideas such as using pendant cements or stable isotope data to detect...
Regional Stratigraphy of the Edwards Group and Associated Formations of Texas (Lower Cretaceous, Comanchean): In Defense of the Classic View
Peter R. Rose
GCAGS Journal
... Phelps, R. M., 2011, Middle-Hauterivian to Lower Campanian sequence stratigraphy and stable isotope geochemistry of the Comanche Platform, South Texas...
Ordovician Tectonics of Western Wyoming and Vicinity
Lehi F. Hintze
Wyoming Geological Association
...., 1904, "Comparison of the Stratigraphy of the Black Hills, Bighorn Mountains, and Rocky Mountain Front Range," Bull. Geol. Soc. America, Vol. 15, pp...
Organic Geochemistry and Oil-Source Correlations, Paleozoic of Ohio
Gary A. Cole , Richard J. Drozd , Robert A. Sedivy , Henry I. Halpern
AAPG Bulletin
..., Preparation of carbon dioxide for stable carbon isotope analysis of petroleum fractions: Analytical Chemistry, v. 52, p. 1389-1391. Sofer, Z., 1984, Stable...
Carbonate cementation patterns, potential mass transfer, and implications for reservoir heterogeneity in Eocene tight-oil sandstones, Dongying depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China: Evidence from petrology, geochemistry, and numerical modeling
Benben Ma, Yingchang Cao, Kenneth A. Eriksson, and Yanzhong Wang
AAPG Bulletin
..., and J. R. Boles, 2001, In situ stable isotopic evidence for protracted and complex carbonate cementation in a petroleum reservoir, North Coles Levee...
Petroleum systems of the Simeulue fore-arc basin, offshore Sumatra, Indonesia
Rudiger Lutz, Christoph Gaedicke, Kai Berglar, Stefan Schloemer, Dieter Franke, Yusuf S. Djajadihardja
AAPG Bulletin
...) Memoir 31, p. 234259.Beaudry, D., and G. F. Moore, 1985, Seismic stratigraphy and Cenozoic evolution of west Sumatra forearc basin: AAPG Bulletin, v...
Integrated Reservoir Characterization aids target selection, production fluid prediction and completions optimization in the Southern Delaware Basin Resource Plays
Troy Tittlemier, John Speight, Charles Hager, Barzin Chiniwala, Alberto Martocchia, Isaac Easow
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... measurement. Fig. 3. Real-time stable carbon isotope logging at well site provides interpretation related to the origin, migration, fluid associations...
Replacement of Aragonite by Quasi-Rhombohedral Dolomite in a Late Pleistocene Tufa Mound, Great Salt Lake, Utah, U.S.A.
Vicki A. Pedone , J.A.D. Dickson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., p. 1-17. MCKENZIE, J.A., AND EBERLI, G.P., 1987, Indications for abrupt Holocene climatic change: late Holocene oxygen isotope stratigraphy...
Degassing Water Around Air Bubbles Entrapped in the Vadose Zone as a Mechanism of Carbonate Precipitation--A Hypothesis
Michael Zilberbrand
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... years' environmental tritium profiles in the unsaturated and saturated zones, Gronhoj, Denmark, in Faure, G., ed., Isotope Techniques in Groundwater...
... and such approaches as X-rays, SEM, GC-MS, C14 dating, total organic carbon (TOC) content, and d18O and d13C stable isotope variations, in order...
The Sunrise-Troubadour Gas-Condensate Fields, Timor Sea, Australasia
R. J. Seggie, R. B. Ainsworth, D. A. Johnson, J. P. M. Koninx, N. Marshall, A. Murray, S. E. Phillips, B. Spaargaren, P. M. Stephenson
AAPG Special Volumes
... setting has resulted in lateral reservoir continuity and broad sheetlike stratigraphy. Lithologically, the reservoir comprises very fine- to coarse...