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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Relative Changes in Sea Level and its Effect Upon Carbonate Deposition
Christopher G. St. C. Kendall, Wolfgang Schlager
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... St. C., 1980, Cretaceous sea levels and stratigraphy, eastern Arabian peninsula: Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull. (abstr.), v. 64, p. 719. Harris...
Contribution of Geochemistry to the Exploration in the Bintuni Basin, Irian Jaya
B. Chevallier, M. L. Bordenave
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Basin, Irian Jaya", Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke XIV, I.A.G.I. SOFER, Z., 1984, "Stable Carbon Isotope Compositions of Crude Oils: Application to Source...
Java Volcanic Arc: What Lies Beneath?
E. Septama, C. Prasetyadi, A. Abdurrokhim, T. Setiawan, P. D. Wardaya
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... REGIONAL STRATIGRAPHY The oldest rocks found in some clustered area such as Bayat, Karang Sambung, Bayah, and Ciletuh are designated as a Mesozoic...
Not All Shales Play the Same Game: Comparative Analysis of US Shale Oil Formations by Reverse Engineering and Petroleum Systems
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Palash Panja
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., and Halley, R.B., 1986, Fluid inclusion, stable isotope, and vitrinite reflectance evidence for the thermal history of the Bone Spring Limestone, southern...
Geomechanical Modeling of Stimulation-Induced Stress Change for Casing Deformation Analysis
Roberto Wagner Alvarado, Scott Wilkins, Stephanie Cook, Robert Holman, Robin Pearson, Abbey Hale, Grant Loxton, Jonathan Woolley, Jennifer Roberts, Wei Zheng, Vincenzo De Gennaro, Doug Jordan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... mechanical stratigraphy that controls the distribution of stress and strain in these rocks. A vertical well log and associated stress profile derived...
Albian Pelagic Rhythms (Piobbico Core)
Alfred G. Fischer , Timothy D. Herbert , Giovanni Napoleone , Isabella Premoli Silva , Maurizio Ripepe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... used Berger's astronomically calculate precession index to drive 1) carbonate flux and 2) depth of bioturbation. This achieved a stratigraphy remarkably...
2008 CSPG/CSEG/CWLS GeoConvention 2008, May 12-15, 2008, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Abstracts, #90170 (2013).
Search and Discovery.com
Oil Types of the Alaskan North Slope - A Progress Report, #30401 (2015).
P.G. Lillis, K.E. Peters, L.B. Magoon
Search and Discovery.com
..., sulfur content, column chromatography, stable carbon isotopes, gas chromatography (GC)-flame ionization detector, GC-mass spectrometry (MS), and GC...
Codell Sandstone, A Review of the Northern DJ Basin Oil Resource Play, Laramie County, Wyoming, and Weld County, Colorado, #10754 (2015/2016).
Robert H. Sterling, Richard J. Bottjer, Kevin H. Smith
Search and Discovery.com
... sources based on ~etJc-specific biomarkers and stable carbon isotope compositions using multivariate statistics (for melhodol9!JY see Zumberge et aI...
The Effects of Structural Lineament Reactivation on Antrim Shale Natural Gas Development; #51201 (2015)
Cameron J. Manche, William B. Harrison III
Search and Discovery.com
... Development Structure Stratigraphy Conclusions Future Work Brine Analysis & Stable Isotopes of Gas Regional Mapping of Fracture...
Petroleum in the Zagros Basin: A Late Tertiary Foreland Basin Overprinted onto the Outer Edge of a Vast Hydrocarbon-Rich Paleozoic-Mesozoic Passive-Margin Shelf: Chapter 11
Z. R. Beydoun, M. W. Hughes Clarke, R. Stoneley
AAPG Special Volumes
... in main producing areas, Saudi Arabia: discussion: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, p. 108-109. Bellen, R. C. van, 1956, The stratigraphy of the "Main Limestone...
Covenant Oil Field, Central Utah Thrust Belt: Possible Harbinger of Future Discoveries, by Thomas C. Chidsey, Michael D. Laine, John P. Vrona, and Douglas K. Strickland, #10130 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
Identifying Human Impact on Global Climate from Geologic Data, by Lee C. Gerhard, #70083 (2010).
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition; - Abstracts, #9010 (2017).
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, June 15-18, 1986.; Abstracts #91043 (2011).
Search and Discovery.com
Provenance of Triassic-Cretaceous Sandstones in the Antarctic Peninsula: Implications for Terrane Models During Gondwana Breakup
Robert C.R. Willan
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... for the correct paleoclimatic interpretation of biotas and stable-isotope data. In southern Gondwana, they are also critical to understanding continental...
Cathodoluminescent Textures and the Origin of Quarts Silt in Oligocene Mudrocks, South Texas
Kitty L. Milliken
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... controversy. Evidence based on grain shape, crystal size distributions in igneous and metamorphic rocks, and stable-isotope data has led many workers...
Biogeochemical Characterization of Core, Fluids, and Gas at MSEEL Site
Shikha Sharma, Timothy R. Carr, Paula J. Mouser, Kelly Wrighton, David Cole, Michael Wilkins, Thomas Darrah, Alexandra Hakala
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... every six weeks. The collected fluids are currently being processed for biomass, reactive chemistry, organic acids, and noble gas and stable isotope...
Comparison of Upper Cretaceous and Paleogene Depositional Sequences in the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain
Ernest A. Mancini , Berry H. Tew ,, T. Markham Puckett
GCAGS Transactions
... was characterized by warm climates, relatively high sea levels, and stable depositional conditions. Conversely, Paleogene sequences represent shorter...
Geochemical Expressions of Cyclicity in Cretaceous Pelagic Limestone Sequences: Niobrara Formation, Western Interior Seaway
Walter E. Dean, Michael A. Arthur
Special Publications of SEPM
... CO2/g OC). Stable-carbon isotope ratios were determined using standard techniques (Pratt and Threlkeld, 1984; Dean et al., 1986). Powdered samples...
Accretionary Mechanisms and Temporal Sequence of Formation of the Boda Limestone Mud-Mounds (Upper Ordovician), Siljan District, Sweden
Björn Kröger, Jan Ove R. Ebbestad, Oliver Lehnert
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to the mud-mounds. Ainsaar, L., Kaljo, D., Martma, T., Meidla, T., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J., and Tinn, O., 2010, Middle and Upper Ordovician carbon isotope...
Dolomitization of Mississippian Carbonates in the Shell Waterton Gas Field, Southwestern Alberta: Insights from Paleomagnetism, Petrology and Geochemistry
Michael T. Lewchuk,, Ihsan S. Al-Aasm,, David T.A. Symons, Kevin P. Gillen
CSPG Bulletin
.... 22. Al-Aasm, I.S., Taylor, B.E. and South, B. 1990. Stable Isotope analysis of multiple carbonate samples using selective acid extraction. Chemical...
The World's Most Spectacular Carbonate Mud Mounds (Middle Devonian, Algerian Sahara)
Jobst Wendt, Zdzislaw Belka, Bernd Kaufmann, Renate Kostrewa, Jorg Hayer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: a polygenetic spectrum of fine-grained carbonate buildups: Facies, v. 32, p. 1-70. FRIEDMAN, I., AND O'NEIL, J.R., 1977, Compilation of stable isotope...
Origin of Massive Dolostone: The Upper Knox Model
David N. Lumsden, G. Clifford Caudle
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND O'NEIL, J.R., 1977, Compilation of stable isotope fractionation factors of geochemical interest: U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 440-KK...
Late Permian paleoenvironmental changes in the Xingcheng area, Liaoning Province, China: sedimentary succession and root systems
Xiaobo Li, Wanxuan Zhong, Yini Wang, Robert R. Reisz
..., AMIOT, R., GOEDERT, J., LECUYER, C., SEALY, J., AND RUBIDGE, B.S., 2018, Stable isotope record implicates aridification without warming during...