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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,331 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Outcrop-based characterization of the Leonardian carbonate platform in west Texas: Implications for sequence-stratigraphic styles in the Lower Permian
Stephen C. Ruppel, W. Bruce Ward
AAPG Bulletin
..., E. E., 1998, High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of the Leonardian lower Clear Fork Group in the Permian Basin, west Texas: Master's thesis...
... located in the TAZ and the lower flank facing a less aggressive sediment zone. The stable exposure of shells in the taphonomic active zone and slow...
Revealing the genesis of limestone-marl alternations: a taphonomic approach
Theresa Nohl, Emilia Jarochowska, Axel Munnecke
... of a global stable carbon isotope excursion: Facies, v. 60, p. 347–369, doi: 10.1007/s10347-013-0370-4. JENKYNS, H.C., 1974, Origin of red nodular...
Siderite Concretions In The Copan Crinoid Lagerstätte (Upper Pennsylvanian, Oklahoma): Implications For Interpreting Taphonomic And Depositional Processes In Mudstone Succession
James R. Thomka, Ronald D. Lewis
..., geomicrobiologists, and low-temperature geochemists, generally via detailed analysis of stable isotope, trace element, petrographic, and/or microfabric data obtained...
The type section of the Canol Formation (Devonian black shale) at Powell Creek: Critical assessment and correlation in the northern Cordillera, NWT, Canada
P. B. Kabanov, S. A. Gouwy
CSPG Bulletin
...-Quaternary geological record. Thorium and uranium both decay through two different series of a dozen or more intermediate isotopes to a stable isotope of lead...
A Summary of Paleozoic Reef Building Within the Boundaries of the Former Soviet Union and Adjacent Regions
V. G. Kuznetsov
Special Publications of SEPM
... include microcontinents and individual stable blocks, and elements located adjacent to subduction zones and zones of volcanic activity. During periods...
Climatic and Tectonic Controls on Pedogenesis and Landscape Evolution in a Quaternary Intramontane Basin (Val d’Agri Basin, Southern Apennines, Italy)
Irene Zembo, Luca Trombino, Riccardo Bersezio, Fabrizio Felletti, Monica Dapiaggi
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., R.B., 1978, Quaternary Soil Stratigraphy—Concepts, Methods and Problems, in Mahaney, W.C., ed., Quaternary Soils: Norwich, Geoabstracts, p. 77–108...
Closure of the Bangong–Nujiang Tethyan Ocean in the central Tibet: Results from the provenance of the Duoni Formation
Zhicai Zhu, Qingguo Zhai, Peiyuan Hu, Sunlin Chung, Yue Tang, Haitao Wang, Hao Wu, Wei Wang, Zhiqiang Huang, Haoyang Lee
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, v. 123, p. 7338– 7342. Currie, B.S., 1997, Sequence stratigraphy of nonmarine Jurassic–Cretaceous rocks, central Cordilleran...
Marsupials and the New Paleogeography
Richard H. Tedford
Special Publications of SEPM
... In CAMP Ed Stratigraphy and Paleontology Essays in honor of Dorothy Hill P 174210 Pis 11 13 Aust Natl Univ Press Canberra DEVEREUX 1 1965 Oxygen isotope...
Preservation and distribution of detrital clay coats in a modern estuarine heterolithic point bar in the Gironde estuary (Bordeaux, France)
Maxime Virolle, Benjamin Brigaud, Hugues Féniès, Raphaël Bourillot, Eric Portier, Patricia Patrier, Hervé Derriennic, Daniel Beaufort
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 1993, Sequence stratigraphy and facies model of an incised valley fill: the Gironde estuary, France: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 63, doi...
Diagenesis of the Lower Permian Krider Member, Southwest Kansas, U.S.A.: Fluid-Inclusion, U-Pb, and Fission-Track Evidence for Reflux Dolomitization During Latest Permian Time
John A. Luczaj , Robert H. Goldstein
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of the section with two subsequent "leaching" events and compaction. On the basis of 13C stable-isotope data, they concluded that most of the carbonate cements...
Feldspar dissolution, authigenic clays, and quartz cements in open and closed sandstone geochemical systems during diagenesis: Typical examples from two sags in Bohai Bay Basin, East China
Guanghui Yuan, Yingchang Cao, Jon Gluyas, Xiaoyan Li, Kelai Xi, Yanzhong Wang, Zhenzhen Jia, Peipei Sun, and Norman H. Oxtoby
AAPG Bulletin
...’Neil, and T. K. Mayeda, 1972, Oxygen isotope exchange between quartz and water: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 77, no. 17, p. 3057–3067, doi...
Hydrocarbon migration in the multiple-sourced petroleum system in the northwestern Junggar Basin (northwestern China): Constraint from geochemical and phase fractionation analysis
Aiguo Wang, Zhenliang Wang, Long Li, Changyu Fan, Kuaile Zhang, Baoli Xiang, Ni Zhou, and Yi Wang
AAPG Bulletin
..., and R. F. Sachsenhofer, 2013, Influence of migration distance, maturity and facies on the stable isotopic composition of alkanes and on carbazole...
Modern environments of the Canterbury Plains and adjacent offshore areas, New Zealand - an analog for ancient conglomeratic depositional systems in nonmarine and coastal zone settings
Dale A. Leckie
CSPG Bulletin
... incision. The modern coastline is highly variable, being, at different places, progradational, retrogradational, and stable. The southern coast...
Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of A Late Cretaceous, Muddy, River-Dominated Polar Deltaic System: Schrader Bluff–Prince Creek Formation Transition, Shivugak Bluffs, North Slope of Alaska, U.S.A.
Dolores A. Van Der Kolk, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...); and (3) stable oxygen isotope analysis of dinosaur tooth enamel phosphate from early Maastrichtian Prince Creek Formation strata used as a proxy...
Topographic and Vegetative Controls on Calcrete Formation, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies
Victor Rossinsky Jr., Harold R. Wanless
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and vegetation and the stable carbon isotope chemistry of soils in the eastern Mojave Desert, Nevada: Quaternary Research, v. 29, 245-254. ARAKEL, A.V., 1982...
Roy L. Naumann
Lafayette Geological Society
... in dry holes. During this two year interim the discovery well continued to produce as a stable low-ratio oil well, indicating it was associated...
C. G. Carlson
North Dakota Geological Society
..., Queensland: Geological Society of Australia Journal, v. 17, p. 21-30. Moore, W.L., 1976, The stratigraphy and environments...
Abstract: Dynamics of Cretaceous Epicontinental Seas
Erle G. Kauffman
Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)
... of these eustatic fluctuations and determination of rates of sea level change are possible through a new technique of high-resolution event stratigraphy, integrated...
Abstract: Clastic Shelf Margin Types within Gulf of Mexico Basin: Implications for Deep-Water Sedimentation
Charles D. Winker
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of margins can be recognized, each with distinctive styles of slope stratigraphy. Stable progradational margins are characterized by oblique or sigmoid...
Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Group, Central Texas
Kenneth O. Seewald
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Austin Group, Central Texas Kenneth O. Seewald 1967 Vol. 17 (1967), The Austin Group in central Texas...
Abstract: Petrographic Composition of Las Conchas Mire in Relation to Palaeoclimate Proxies
Angeles G. Borrego, José E. Ortiz, Yolanda Sánchez-Palencia, José L. R. Gallego, Trinidad Torres
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono (INCAR-CSIC), Oviedo, Spain; (2) Biomolecular Stratigraphy Laboratory, ETSIME, UPM, Madrid, Spain; (3) INDUROT...
Abstract: The Tectonic Evolution of Peninsular Malaysia Based on a Five-Fold Stratigraphic and Tectonic Subdivision
S. Mustaffa Kamal, Abdul Hadi A. R.
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Stratigraphy & Tectonics of Peninsular Malaysia Seminar. The identified unconformities are the Middle-Upper Devonian Unconformity, the Variscan (Upper Permian...
Salt Tectonics and Structural Styles in the Deep-Water Province of the Cabo Frio Region, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
W.U. Mohriak, J.M. Macedo, R.T. Castellani, H.D. Rangel, A.Z.N. Barros, M.A.L. Latge, A.M.P. Mizusaki, P. Szatmari, L.S. Demercian, J.G. Rizzo, and J.R. Aires
AAPG Special Volumes
..., and borehole data. The Cabo Frio frontier region is characterized by marked changes in stratigraphy and structural style and is unique among the Brazilian...
Abstract: The Occurrence, Genesis and Characteristics of Primary Kaolinitic Clay Occurrence at Km 12-13, Bukit Lampas, Spg. Pulaipos Slim, Ipoh
Kamar Shah Ariffin, Haryati Abdul Rahman, Hashim Husin, Kahirul Anwar Abdul Hadi
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... 12-13 JUNE 2006, ARMADA HOTEL, PETALING JAVA Technical Session n - Sedimentology, Stratigraphy & Paleontology THE OCCURRENCE, GENESIS...