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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 19,362 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Milankovitch-Scale Sequence Stratigraphy and Stepped Forced Regressions of the Turonian Ferron Notom Deltaic Complex, South-Central Utah, U.S.A.
Yijie Zhu, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Weiguo Li, Thomas J. Lapen, Brian R. Jicha, Brad S. Singer
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...: American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v. 78, p. 544–568. Stoll, H.M., and Schrag, D.P., 2000, High-resolution stable isotope records...
Cenomanian–Turonian Coastal Record in SW Utah, U.S.A.: Orbital-Scale Transgressive–Regressive Events During Oceanic Anoxic Event II
Jiri Laurin, Bradley B. Sageman
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., p. 941–952. Stoll, H.M., and Schrag, D.P., 2000, High-resolution stable isotope record from the Upper Cretaceous rocks of Italy and Spain: Glacial...
Geothermal Resources Along the Southern Rocky Mountains and the Rio Grande Rift
Paul Morgan, James C. Witcher
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...). Average producing depth is ~1,500 meters (m) at temperatures of 260–300 degrees Celsius (°C). These waters are enriched in the isotope oxygen-18 (18O...
J. Hoeve and T.I.I. Sibbald
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... of late-Hudsonian, Beaverlodge-type pitchblende veins within the mobile zone (Lewry and Sibbald, this volume). The stratigraphy of the Aphebian...
Haruka Katada, Hidekazu Yoshida, Tatsuo Oji, Yoshihiro Asahara, Masayo Minami, Yui Kouketsu
... FIG. 2.—Outcrop photograph of fossil-bearing sections of the Yamami Formation and stratigraphy of the outcrop modified from the Excavation team...
Diagenesis of Volcanic Sandstones
Ronald C. Surdam, James R. Boles
Special Publications of SEPM
... observed in volcanogenic sediments are carbonates and clays Anderson and others 1976 using isotope data from calcite and clays have shown...
Petroleum Systems Analysis of The Tungkal PSC Area, South Sumatra - A Means of Adding New Life to A Mature Area
Andy Livsey
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... that formed between the stable Sundaland micro-continent and the subduction zone between the northward moving Indian Plate and the stable Asian Plate. Two...
Fine-Grained Terrigenous Sediment Supply and Dispersal in the Gulf of California During the Last Century: Chapter 28: Part V. Physical Oceanography, Primary Productivity, Sedimetology
Jumpei Baba, Curt D. Peterson, Hans J. Schrader
AAPG Special Volumes
... isotope composition of diatom silica and silicoflagellate assemblage changes in the Gulf of California: a 700-year upwelling record, in J. Thiede and E...
Overview of Porosity Evolution in Carbonate Reservoirs, by S. J. Mazzullo, #40134 (2004).
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Theory of Paleozoic Oil and Gas Accumulation in Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
D. S. Stone
AAPG Bulletin
... accumulation has been developed to account for the relations among stratigraphy, structure, and fluid distribution in the oil fields that produce from...
A New Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the North West Shelf, Australia
N. G. Marshall, S. C. Lang
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... for the North West Shelf, Australia N.G. Marshall1 & S.C. Lang1, 2 Keywords: sequence stratigraphy, North West Shelf Abstract The Mesozoic and Cenozoic...
Illitization of Diagenetic Kaolinite-to-dickite Conversion Series: Late-stage Diagenesis of the Lower Permian Rotliegend Sandstone Reservoir, Offshore of the Netherlands
Bruno Lanson , Daniel Beaufort , Gilles Berger , Julien Baradat , Jean-Claude Lacharpagne
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., AND JEANS, C.V., 1982, Clay mineral stratigraphy in the Permo-Triassic red bed sequences of BNOC 72/10-1A. Western Approaches, and the south Devon coast...
New evidence on the role of siliceous sponges in ecology and sedimentary facies development in eastern Panthalassa following the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction
Kathleen A. Ritterbush, David J. Bottjer, Frank A. Corsetti, and Silvia Rosas
..., Lausanne, v. 27, p. 1–131. ´ ´ GUEX, J., BARTOLINI, A., ATUDOREI, V., AND TAYLOR, D., 2004, High-resolution ammonite and carbon isotope stratigraphy across...
Chapter 5: Depositional Cyclicity Within the Mayes Group (Meramecian–Chesterian) Along the Western Edge of the Mississippian Outcrop Belt in Northeastern Oklahoma
Cory J. Godwin, James O. Puckette
AAPG Special Volumes
.... L., G. C. Clark, and E. A. Trager, 1921, Notes on the sub-surface pre-Pennsylvanian stratigraphy of the northern Mid Continent oil fields: AAPG...
Organic geochemical characteristics, mineralogy, petrophysical properties, and shale gas prospects of the Wufeng–Longmaxi shales in Sanquan Town of the Nanchuan District, Chongqing
Yijun Zheng, Yuhong Liao, Yunpeng Wang, Yongqiang Xiong, and Ping’an Peng
AAPG Bulletin
.... Carden, L. Hints, D. Kaljo, J. Marshall, T. Martma, T. Meidla, and J. Nõlvak, 2003, High-resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician...
Environmental Synthesis of the East Texas Lower Cretaceous
Dewey J. Bushaw
GCAGS Transactions
... Cretaceous Trinity Stage, Gulf Coast area; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., V. 47, no. 1, pp. 69-103. Nichols, J. L., 1958, Sligo stratigraphy...
The northern Gulf of Mexico offshore super basin: Reservoirs, source rocks, seals, traps, and successes
John W. Snedden, Robert C. Cunningham, and Jon W. Virdell
AAPG Bulletin
..., and E. Erba, et al., 2004a, Carbon-isotope stratigraphy recorded by the Cenomanian–Turonian oceanic anoxic event: Correlation and implications based...
Upper Mississippian Bryozoan/Microbial Bioherms, Western Newfoundland
George R. Dix, Noel P. James
CSPG Special Publications
... strata of St. George’s Bay area, Newfoundland. Geological Survey Canada, Bulletin 10. Belt, E.S. 1968. Newfoundland Carboniferous stratigraphy...
Petrography and Origin of Bedded Barite and Phosphate in the Devonian Slaven Chert of Central Nevada
Karen K. Graber , Henry S. Chafetz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., AND POOLE, F. G., 1978, Stable isotope studies of bedded barite at East Northumberland Canyon in Toquima Range, central Nevada: Jour. Research U.S....
Development of a Comprehensive Oxygen-Deficient Marine Biofacies Model: Evidence from Santa Monica, San Pedro, and Santa Barbara Basins, California Continental Borderland
Charles E. Savrda, David J. Bottjer, Donn S. Gorsline
AAPG Bulletin
... stable isotope ratios, in G. Einsele and A. Seilacher, eds., Cyclic and event stratification: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 482-501. Malouta, D. N...
Regional Stratigraphy of the Devonian System in Northeastern Utah, Southeastern Idaho, and Western Wyoming
James E. Brooks, John M. Andrichuk
Utah Geological Association
...Regional Stratigraphy of the Devonian System in Northeastern Utah, Southeastern Idaho, and Western Wyoming James E. Brooks, John M. Andrichuk 1953 28...
Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Reservoirs & Seals - Exploration and Production Applications
Rick Sarg
... - A Review Diagenesis, Climate And Porosity Carbonate Sequences and Systems Tracts Applications of Carbo Seq. Stratigraphy Carbonate Exploration Plays...
Romere Pass Field: Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana
Charles F. Lustick
New Orleans Geological Society
... Sands downthrown to F-2 in the graben block segment. Stratigraphy The stratigraphy of the producing section is Upper Miocene to Pliocene in age...
Laboratory experiments on the depositional styles of deep-water, low-gradient distributary turbidity systems
Juan J. Fedele, Nathan Lentsch, Casey Meirovitz
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... stratigraphy, overlooked in current depositional models. The initial low gradient, relatively large flows, and relatively finer (cohesionless) but mixed...
1997 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, June 4-6, 1997, San Angelo, Texas, - Abstracts, #90947 (1997).
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